Onnistuu eikä tarvitse olla kummoinenkaan pilotti. PPL, ymmärrys ison matkustajakoneen perustoiminnoista sekä harjoittelua perussimulla. Toki muutama tunti oikeassa simulaattorissa parantaa mahdollisuuksia huomattavasti.
Ehka meilla suomessa ollaan sitten huikean onnellisessa asemassa lentajien ammattitaidon suhteen, koska mita olen lukenut ammattilentajien mielipiteita muualta maailmalta, pitavat tuota aivan helvetin vaikeana manooverina. Ja taalla taas foorumin ainoa lentaja pitaa hommaa lastenleikkina, ja yhden kirjoittajan serkkukin tekisi saman unissaan.
Loysin nyt tuollaisen sivun jossa on koostettu Hanjourin lentotaitoja ja ammattilaisten kommentteja tuosta manooverista.
Loose Change Website - Version 2.0
On lottovoitto syntya suomeen, meidan lentajat vie muita kuin litran mittaa.
"Aviation sources said the plane was flown with extraordinary skill, making it highly likely that a trained pilot was at the helm, possibly one of the hijackers." Washington Post (9/12/01)
"Q: How could terrorists fly these? Were they trained?
A: Whoever flew at least three of the death planes seemed very skilled. Investigators are impressed that they were schooled enough to turn off flight transponders -- which provide tower control with flight ID, altitude and location. Investigators are particularly impressed with the pilot who slammed into the Pentagon and, just before impact, performed a tightly banked 270-degree turn at low altitude with almost military precision." Detroit News (9/13/01)
"New radar evidence obtained by CBS News strongly suggests that the hijacked jetliner which crashed into the Pentagon hit its intended target."
"But the jet, flying at more than 400 mph, was too fast and too high when it neared the Pentagon at 9:35. The hijacker-pilots were then forced to execute a difficult high-speed descending turn."
"Radar shows Flight 77 did a downward spiral, turning almost a complete circle and dropping the last 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes."CBS (9/21/01)
"To pull off the coordinated aerial attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on Tuesday, the hijackers must have been extremely knowledgeable and capable aviators, a flight expert said.
By seizing four planes, diverting them from scheduled flight paths and managing to crash two into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and a third into the Pentagon, they must have had plenty of skill and training.
It was not known how the hijackers slipped through airport security checkpoints with their weapons.
There are no indications that any of the airline crews activated a four-digit code alerting ground controllers that a hijacking was in progress." CNN (9/12/01)
"The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane," says O'Brien. "You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe." ABC (10/24/01)
After the attacks, for example, aviation experts concluded that the final maneuvers of American Airlines Flight 77 -- a tight turn followed by a steep, accurate descent into the Pentagon -- was the work of "a great talent . . . virtually a textbook turn and landing," the law enforcement official said. Washington Post, (9/10/2002)
"The Pentagon-Maneuver was one of the most difficult maneuvers you could do with a passengers-jet at all." Markus Kirschneck, from the pilots-association "Cockpit"
“you have to know exactly what the turning radius of a planelike that is, if I am trying to hit the World Trade Center. That means, these had to be fully trained 767 or 757 pilots, because otherwise they would have missed. It certainly could not be the case that some half-trained pilot tries it somehow, because then he will not hit it. That’s not so easy, coming out of a curve….If he’s coming out of a curve, then he has to know precisely the turning radius that derives from the speed of the plane in order to be able to calculate it, so that he will hit right there.” - Niki Lauda
"That means, to fly downwards out of a curve, and still hit the building in its core, I would have to be the best trained of all. I would speculate that a normal airline pilot would have a hard time with that, because you are simply not prepared for things like that. That means, they must have had some super-training to have been able to handle an airliner so precisely.” - Niki Lauda
"In the days after 9/11, a private group of US military and civilian pilots held a seminar to evaluate this crucial feature of the official story – could the hijackers have flown the planes with the requisite accuracy? After 72 hours of deliberation and discussion, they issued a press release summarizing their findings: “The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation carried out against the USA, requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control. It was flawless in timing, in the choice of selected aircraft to be used as guided missiles and in the coordinated delivery of those missiles to their pre-selected targets.”
Olisivat kutsuneet Kiwipilotin niin olisi tullut selvaksi heillekin etta ovat vain ihan vitun amatooreja ja suomalainen vetaa tollaset kiekurat vaikka unissaan.
Pyytaisin huomioimaan tuon boldatun kohdan, siihen haluaisin esim. kiwipilotilta kommenttia. Montako sekuntia sinulta menisi realistisesti tuon koodin laittamiseen (jostain olen lukenut etta se kaannetaan vaan nupista, onko nain?), ja mita mielta olet siita etta yksikaan kaapattujen koneiden piloteista ei sita onnistunut tekemaan? Mika on tuntemasi ohjesaanto tuon suhteen?