Olet kertonut aikaisemmin että palot eivät olisi voineet kestää sataa päivää ja saada happea. Jos tämä todiste jostain niin kerro ihmeessä mistä ja mistä se happi sitten tuli.
Kyse ei ollut pelkastaan hapen lahteesta, vaan myos siita etta torneissa ollut polttoaine ei olisi riittanyt millaan palamaan niin kauaa, ja ilman polttoainetta tulipalot sammuvat.
"The sustained high temperatures of the rubble pile proved to be more problematic. The NIST Report indicates that about 100 tonnes of burning material and smoldering “embers”, at 500 - 700° C, fell into the rubble pile when the Twin Towers collapsed. Propagation of smoldering combustion within the rubble pile was sustained by the indigenous supply of live load “fuel”- consisting of office furniture, paper, textiles and plastic materials - and oxygen. Setting aside the issue of oxygen availability, let us consider how long the available fuel could last.
The heat flux of a smoldering fire is typically ~ 8 kW/m2 from which we may calculate the average fuel consumption rate within the rubble pile. NIST estimate that there was initially about 50,000 kg of combustible material on each floor of WTC 1 & 2. If we assume that material from about 5 floors was consumed before the Towers collapsed,
about 5,250,000 kg of “fuel” was initially available within the rubble from each Tower. It is a simple matter to show that this fuel would be able to sustain the rubble pile fires for no more than about 30 days. However, it was not until December 19th 2001, or 1
00 days after 9/11, that the Governor of New York, George Pataki, officially declared the WTC fires to be totally extinguished. We are left wondering what “stoked” the rubble pile fires beyond the expected 30 days." (Nakkarille tiedoksi etta - Frank Greening, koska nakojaan kaikki monta kertaa lainatut ja mainitut pitaa edelleen lahteistaa)
Mista se happi sitten tuli? Termiittia voi poltella vaikka veden alla koska silla on oma lahde hapelle, se toimisi siis myos maan alla hapettomissa tai vahahappisessa tilassa, siina missa normaali tulipalo tukahtuu. Ei nyt akkiseltaan tule muuta mieleen muita vaihtoehtoja mutta jos jollain on ehdotuksia niin ehdottakaa.