En tiedä voiko mitenkään liittyä asiaan, mutta Donald Rumsfeldhän ilmoitti päivää ennen iskuja, että ovat Pentagonissa kadottaneet 2,3 miljardia dollaria, oliko peräti vielä niin, että yhden vuoden aikana. Pahat kielethän kielivät, että nämä tiedot, muiden ohella tuhoutuivat iskussa. Toisaalta onhan siitäkin esimerkkejä, että joskus todellisuus on tarinaa ihmeellisempi.
"We must develop and build weapons to deter those new threats. We must rebuild our infrastructure, which is in a very serious state of disrepair. And we must assure that the noble cause of military service remains the high calling that will attract the very best.
All this costs money. It costs more than we have. It demands agility -- more than today's bureaucracy allows. And that means we must recognize another transformation: the revolution in management, technology and business practices. Successful modern businesses are leaner and less hierarchical than ever before. They reward innovation and they share information. They have to be nimble in the face of rapid change or they die. Business enterprises die if they fail to adapt, and the fact that they can fail and die is what provides the incentive to survive. But governments can't die, so we need to find other incentives for bureaucracy to adapt and improve.
The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible. "
- ote Donald Rumsfeldin puheesta
Ei puhuta mistään vuodesta, tai saatika, että konkreettisesti tuollaista rahamäärää olisi kadotettu. Ei vaan yksinkertaisesti pystytä seuraamaan helposti esim niinkin tärkeätä asiaa kuin rahaliikennettä.