Minä en kansallisia standardeja tunne, mutta voitko yksilöitä, että mitä lakia rikottiin jos laiton puhdistus tapahtui? Mikä olisi ollut standardien mukaan hyväksyttävä ajankohta raivauksen aloittamiseen?
Lyhyt ja yksiselitteinen vastaus lähteineen riittää hyvin, mielellään ei linkkiä mihinkään asiantuntijalausunta-videoon, jossa joku vain kertoo näkemyksensä.
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth NFPA Contradictions
Tuolla on seka youtube linkkeja etta suoraa tekstia ja lainauksia ohjesaannosta.
Tassa nyt jotain, kun sinua kuitenkin laiskottaa ja pelkaat "horholinkkeja" (ja muistan hyvin kun tamakin asia on kasitelty kattavasti viime vuonna). Niille jotka eivat pelkaa 7 minuutin youtube videoita, tassa on palomies
Erik Lawyerin haastattelu jossa han summaa lyhyesti mita tehtiin vaarin.
Ja tuosta todisteiden tuhoamisesta...pitaako minun ihan oikeasti etsia sinulle laki joka sen kieltaa vai sovitaanko niin etta tama on ihan yleistietoa aikuisten maailmassa? Ei silla ettenko voisi hakea, mutta mielestani on syyta odottaa edes jonkinlaista yleistiedon tasoa tassakin ketjussa ettei ihan joka asiasta tarvitse esseeta kirjoittaa. Tuo on minun nakokulmastani sellainen kysymys etta "voisitko nayttaa lain jossa kielletaan toisen ihmisen murhaaminen" tai "voisitko nayttaa lain joka kieltaa toisen ihmisen omaisuuden varastamisen". Pitaako jokainen itsestaanselvyys ja yleisessa tiedossa oleva asia todistaa uudelleen taman tapauksen kasittelyssa?
N.F.P.A. 921 – Extremism” addresses terrorism specifically. It reads:
Extremism-motivated firesetting is committed to further a social, political, or religious cause. Fires have been used as a weapon of social protest since revolutions first began. Extremist firesetters may work in groups or as individuals. Also, due to planning aspects and the selection of their targets, extremist firesetters generally have a great degree of organization, as reflected in their use of more elaborate ignition or incendiary devices. Subcategories of extremist firesetting are identified as follows.
(a) Terrorism. The targets set by terrorists may appear to be at random; however, target locations are generally selected with some degree of political or economic significance. Political targets generally include government offices, newspapers, universities, political party headquarters, and military or law enforcement installations. Political terrorists may also target diverse properties such as animal research facilities or abortion clinics. Economic targets may include business offices, distribution facilities of utility providers, banks, or companies thought to have an adverse impact on the environments. Fires or explosions become a means of creation confusion fear, or anarchy. THE TERRORIST MAY INCLUDE FIRE AS BUT ONE OF A VARITETY OF WEAPONS, ALONG WITH EXPLOSIVES, USED IN FURTHERING HIS OR HER GOAL…
NFPA 921 “18.12.2 High Exlosives…The effects produced by diffuse phase (i.e., fuel-air) explosions and solid explosives are very different. In a diffuse phase explosion (usually deflagration), structural damage will tend to be uniform and omnidirectional, and there will be relatively widespread evidence of burning, scorching, and blistering. In contrast, the rate of combustion of a solid explosive is extremely fast in comparison to the speed of sound. Therefore, pressure does not equalize through the explosion volume and extremely high pressures are generated near the explosion. At the location of the explosion, there should be evidence of crushing, splintering, and shattering effects produced by the higher pressures. Away from the source of the explosion, there is usually very little evidence of intense burning or scorching, except where hot shrapnel or firebrands have landed on combustible materials.”
NFPA 921
18.3.2 - “High-Order Damage. High-order damage is characterized by shattering of the structure, producing small, pulverized debris. Walls, roofs, and structural members are splintered or shattered, with the building completely demolished. Debris is thrown great distances, possibly hundreds of feet. High-order damage is the result of rapid rates of pressure rise.”
NFPA 9.3.6 covers Spoliation of Evidence. Specifically, reads as follows: “Once evidence has been removed from the scene, it should be maintained and not be destroyed or altered until others who have a reasonable interest in the matter have been notified. Any destructive testing or destructive examination of the evidence that may be necessary should occur only after all reasonably known parties have been notified in advance and given the opportunity to participate in or observe the testing.”