Venäjä hyökkää Ukrainaan

  • 11 753 971
  • 68 122


Ilmeisesti anojen hakkeroinnit Venäjä on pystynyt torjumaan, kun uutisia murroista ei isommin ole tullut, erittäin tärkeä olisi saada tietoa venäläisille.

Samoin erittäin tärkeää olisi, että länsi yhtenäisenä ilmoittaisi, että Putinin, Putinin hallinto ja armeija tullaan sotarikoksista tuomitsemaan, mielellään kuolemantuomio, jos se mahdollista on tai minimi elinkautinen ja edelleen vallanvaihto on ainut keino pakotteiden poistamiseen ja suhteiden normalisoimiseen.

Pakkohan tuolla on olla myös täyspäistä sakkia, jotka eivät näe Putinin toimissa mitään järkeä tai tulevaisuutta.


SaiPa, SJS
Näin se on. Yhdysvaltain ESTA-hakemuksessa piti muistaakseni joskus vastata kysymykseen: "Minulla on yhteyksiä natsi-vainoihin: kyllä / ei". Jos vastaa "kyllä", ei ESTA-hakemus mene läpi, ja homma jatkuu käsittääkseni viisumianomuksella, jos vielä haluaa matkustaa Yhdysvaltoihin. Ja kysymys koskee siis sitä, onko itse ollut natsina vainoamassa natsien uhreja, eikä sitä, että onko itse vainonnut natseja - kuten joku saattaisi asian tulkita.

Joku samanlainen Ukrainan hyökkäykseen liittyvä kysymys viisumianomukseen voisi tietty olla hyvä kannanotto.

"Minulla on yhteyksiä Venäjän väkivaltaiseen hyökkäykseen Ukrainaan"

"Kuulun organisaatioon, joka tukee Venäjän oikeutuksetonta hyökkäystä Ukrainaan"

Tai jotain.

Edit: Ainakaan enää ei tuollaista natsi-vaino -kysymystä ole. Joskus olen johonkin tuollaiseen vastannut, mutta mikähän maa sitten olikaan kyseessä...

Rajalla vaan loppu kouraan:
A) Venäjä hyökkäsi Ukrainaan ja teki sotarikoksia. Putin on sotarikollinen.

B) Venäjä on turvaamassa rauhaa ja tuhoamassa natseja. Putin on johtajani."

A-luokan kansalaisia voidaan harkita rajan ylitykseen. B-luokan tulijoille ei pääsyä.


Kiekko-Espoo, Україна
Ilmeisesti anojen hakkeroinnit Venäjä on pystynyt torjumaan, kun uutisia murroista ei isommin ole tullut, erittäin tärkeä olisi saada tietoa venäläisille.
Käy kyllä torjujat vähiin, kun jo 70000 it-ammattilaista on poistunut maasta.

El Gordo

Järjellä ajateltuna näin, mutta mistä lähtien siellä on järki ollut mukana?

Kaikki lienee mahdollista, kun Putin siellä hourailee johtamassa kansaa. Kai sitä vähän voi toivoa, että tekisi jotain näinkin typerää.
Kyllähän Putinilla tietty (kieroutunut ja ilkeä) järki tekemisessään Ukrainaan hyökkäyksessäkin oli. Maan nopea valtaus, nukkehallituksen pystyttäminen ja vastaanhangoittelijoiden likvidointi. Sen jälkeen Ukraina on ikuisesti sun, ja lännen pakotteet kyllä kestetään, kerta ne ei voi kuitenkaan sitä kaasun ostamista lopettaa.

Tilanteen arviointi ja toteutus petti pahasti, mutta jääkylmä logiikka sinänsä kaiken natsihöpötyksen takana.


Kärpät, olosuhdesyistä HIFK
Kyllähän Putinilla tietty (kieroutunut ja ilkeä) järki tekemisessään Ukrainaan hyökkäyksessäkin oli. Maan nopea valtaus, nukkehallituksen pystyttäminen ja vastaanhangoittelijoiden likvidointi. Sen jälkeen Ukraina on ikuisesti sun, ja lännen pakotteet kyllä kestetään, kerta ne ei voi kuitenkaan sitä kaasun ostamista lopettaa.

Tilanteen arviointi ja toteutus petti pahasti, mutta jääkylmä logiikka sinänsä kaiken natsihöpötyksen takana.
Boldaus oma: Niin, kyllä Putin varmaan luotti siihen, että sota on ohi ennen kuin EU on ehtinyt edes sopia päivämäärää alustavalle kokoukselle pakotteiden asettamisesta. Eikä hän siinä suoranaisesti väärässä ollut, itsekin ajattelin, että EU:lta menee luokkaa puoli vuotta päästä sopimukseen minkäänlaisista pakotteista. No, olimme molemmat väärässä, minä ja Putin.



Tuon kommentteihin päivystävä trolli oli löytänyt nopeasti. Huomionarvoista että englanninkieliseen twiittiin vastataan venäjäksi, kohdeyleisö vaikuttaa olevan kotimaassa eikä koko maailma. Automaattikäännös "And what about the Russians? This was done by Azov (Ukrainians)." ilman mitään tukea väitteelle.

Jostain syystä kiinnosti mistä väite voisi olla peräisin että pistin kuvahakuun ja tuoreiden lisäksi samat kuvat tosiaan löytyi viime viikon maanantailta, väitetysti Donetskin joukot olisi löytäneet Azovin jäljiltä. Historian perusteella tarkoittanee "löytäneet" mutta ei kuitenkaan tuore tapaus.

Ajattelin etten anna enempää huomiota natiivitasoista englantia kirjoittavalle tunnukselle joka twiitannut kuvat viikko sitten mutta huomasin tämän kuvan. Kyseinen twiittaja tunnistanut kuvasta muutaman vihreän laatikon jotka ilmeisesti venäläisiä armeijan ruokapaketteja. Tämä jotenkin todistaisi että uhrit ukrainalaisten sabotööreinä tappamia. Tähän sopisi jokin rofl-hymiö.
Viimeksi muokattu:


Leijonat & Haminan Palloilijat
Putinin propagandakoneisto RIA Novosti oli nyt siis sitä mieltä, että käytännössä koko Ukrainan väestöön pitäisi kohdistaa samat toimenpiteet, mitä tuolla Butsan kylässä on tehty. Se oli siis avoin vetoomus jättimäisen kansanmurhan suorittamiseksi ja Ukrainan valtion hävittämiseksi.

Pahus vieköön, että en nyt löytänyt sitä juttua enää uudestaan. Sen oli joku kääntänyt kokonaan englanniksi.

Pelikirja muistuttaa erittäin paljon jo 30-luvun Saksaa. Siis ihan oikeasti. Ei tarvitse nyt liioitella ollenkaan. Samanlaista kansakuntiin kohdistuvaa höyryämistä sieltä Mein Kampfin sivuiltakin löytää.


Suomalaiset NHL:ssä ja Liiga
Putinin propagandakoneisto RIA Novosti oli nyt siis sitä mieltä, että käytännössä koko Ukrainan väestöön pitäisi kohdistaa samat toimenpiteet, mitä tuolla Butsan kylässä on tehty. Se oli siis avoin vetoomus jättimäisen kansanmurhan suorittamiseksi.

Pahus vieköön, että en nyt löytänyt sitä juttua enää uudestaan. Sen oli joku kääntänyt kokonaan englanniksi.

Pelikirja muistuttaa erittäin paljon jo 30-luvun Saksaa. Siis ihan oikeasti. Ei tarvitse nyt liioitella ollenkaan. Samanlaista kansakuntiin kohdistuvaa höyryämistä sieltä Mein Kampfin sivuiltakin löytää.
Tässä. Ja täysin samaa mieltä.



SaiPa, Ketterä
Vieläkö venäläisille myönnetään turistiviisumeja? Vaikka junayhteys on jäissä ja lentäen taitaa päästä lähinnä jostain Intian kautta kiertäen, näen aika inhottavana jos "putinmielisetkin" venäläiset pääsevät nauttimaan Suomen palveluista, palaten illaksi kotiin.

Luonnollisesti turismin hiipuminen itärajan takaa on taloudellinen isku (olkonkin, että tähän on pandemian kestäessä jo sopeuduttu), mutta periaatteessa voisi saada jonkun Pietarin seudulla asuvan putinistin pohtimaan valtiojohtonsa kykyä luotsata maataan 2020-luvun haasteissa, kun ei Suomeenkaan enää pääse.

Vähissä on nyt olleet pitkäkilpiset kylällä, mutta ihmeellisesti niitä on edelleen näkynyt. Käsityksen mukaan nyt koronan aikaan raja on ollu muilta kuin kaksoiskansalaisilta / perhesyistä (puoliso?) / täällä asunnon omistavilta. Tämä voi olla kyllä myös harhakuvitelma, mutta hiljaista on aikaisempaan nähden ollut.

Itärajalla on turismi alkanut hiipumaan hulluista vuosista ensimmäisten talouspakotteiden ja ruplan romahtamisen jälkeen jos 2010-luvun puolivälistä. Tiukka on paikka varmaan monella, mutta esim ns näyttävintä muotia myyneet kaatui jo tuon edellisen romahduksen jälkeen jos olivat kaatuakseen.


SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille
Siinä Ria Novostin manifestissa mikä viimeksi on tuossa @chauron in viestissä oli tällänenkin kohta:

Ollaan siis kaikki natseja, toki oli tämä tiedossa aiemminkin.
What should Russia do with Ukraine?

Timofey Sergeytsev

Back in April last year, we wrote about the inevitability of the denazification of Ukraine. Nazi, Bandera Ukraine, the enemy of Russia and the West's tool for the destruction of Russia, we do not need. Today, the issue of denazification has moved into a practical plane.
Denazification is necessary when a significant part of the people - most likely the majority - has been mastered and drawn into the Nazi regime in its politics. That is, when the hypothesis "the people are good - the government is bad" does not work. Recognition of this fact is the basis of the policy of denazification, of all its measures, and the fact itself is its subject matter.

Ukraine is in just such a situation. The fact that the Ukrainian voter voted for the "peace of Poroshenko" and "peace of Zelensky" should not be misleading - the Ukrainians were quite satisfied with the shortest path to peace through the blitzkrieg, which the last two Ukrainian presidents transparently hinted at when they were elected. It was this method of "appeasement" of internal anti-fascists - through total terror - that was used in Odessa , Kharkov , Dnepropetrovsk , Mariupol, other Russian cities. And this quite suited the Ukrainian man in the street. Denazification is a set of measures in relation to the nazified mass of the population, which technically cannot be subjected to direct punishment as war criminals.

The Nazis who took up arms should be destroyed to the maximum on the battlefield. No significant distinction should be made between APUand the so-called national battalions, as well as the territorial defense that joined these two types of military formations. All of them are equally involved in extreme cruelty against the civilian population, equally guilty of the genocide of the Russian people, do not comply with the laws and customs of war. War criminals and active Nazis should be exemplarily and exponentially punished. There must be a total lustration. Any organizations that have associated themselves with the practice of Nazism have been liquidated and banned. However, in addition to the top, a significant part of the masses, which are passive Nazis, accomplices of Nazism, are also guilty. They supported and indulged Nazi power. The just punishment of this part of the population is possible only as bearing the inevitable hardships of a just war against the Nazi system, carried out with the utmost care and discretion in relation to civilians. Further denazification of this mass of the population consists in re-education, which is achieved by ideological repression (suppression) of Nazi attitudes and strict censorship: not only in the political sphere, but also necessarily in the sphere of culture and education. It was through culture and education that a deep mass nazification of the population was prepared and carried out, secured by the promise of dividends from the victory of the Nazi regime over Russia , Nazi propaganda, internal violence and terror, as well as an eight-year war with the people of Donbass who rebelled against Ukrainian Nazism .

Denazification can only be carried out by the winner, which implies (1) his absolute control over the denazification process and (2) the power to ensure such control. In this respect, a denazified country cannot be sovereign. The denazifying state - Russia - cannot proceed from a liberal approach with regard to denazification. The ideology of the denazifier cannot be disputed by the guilty party subjected to denazification. Russia's recognition of the need to denazify Ukraine means the recognition of the impossibility of the Crimean scenario for Ukraine as a whole. However, this scenario was impossible in 2014 and in the rebellious Donbass. Only eight years of resistance to Nazi violence and terror led to internal cohesion and a conscious unambiguous mass refusal to maintain any unity and connection with Ukraine,
The terms of denazification can in no way be less than one generation, which must be born, grow up and reach maturity under the conditions of denazification. The nazification of Ukraine continued for more than 30 years, beginning at least in 1989, when Ukrainian nationalism received legal and legitimate forms of political expression and led the movement for "independence" towards Nazism.

The peculiarity of modern nazified Ukraine is in amorphousness and ambivalence, which allow Nazism to be disguised as a desire for "independence" and a "European" (Western, pro-American) path of "development" (in reality - to degradation), to assert that in Ukraine "there is no Nazism , only private individual excesses". After all, there is no main Nazi party, no Fuhrer, no full-fledged racial laws (only their truncated version in the form of repressions against the Russian language). As a result, there is no opposition and resistance to the regime.
However, all of the above does not make Ukrainian Nazism a "light version" of German Nazism during the first half of the 20th century. On the contrary, since Ukrainian Nazism is free from such "genre" (essentially political technology) frameworks and restrictions, it freely unfolds as the fundamental basis of any Nazism - as European and, in its most developed form, American racism. Therefore, denazification cannot be carried out in a compromise, on the basis of a formula like " NATO- no, the EU - yes. "The collective West is itself the designer, source and sponsor of Ukrainian Nazism, while the Western Bandera cadres and their "historical memory" are just one of the tools for the Nazisification of Ukraine. Ukronazism carries not less, but a greater threat the world and Russia than the German Nazism of the Hitlerite version.

The name "Ukraine" apparently cannot be retained as the title of any fully denazified state entity in a territory liberated from the Nazi regime. The people's republics newly created in the space free from Nazism should and will grow from the practice of economic self-government and social security, restoration and modernization of the life support systems of the population.
In fact, their political aspirations cannot be neutral - expiation of guilt before Russia for treating it as an enemy can be realized only by relying on Russia in the processes of restoration, revival and development. No "Marshall Plans" should be allowed for these territories. There can be no "neutrality" in the ideological and practical sense, compatible with denazification. The cadres and organizations that are the instrument of denazification in the newly denazified republics cannot but rely on Russia's direct military and organizational support.
Denazification will inevitably also be a de-Ukrainization - a rejection of the large-scale artificial inflation of the ethnic component of self-identification of the population of the territories of historical Little Russia and New Russia, begun by the Soviet authorities. Being an instrument of the communist superpower, after its fall, artificial ethnocentrism did not remain ownerless. In this official capacity, he passed under the authority of another superpower (the power standing over the states) — the superpower of the West. It must be returned to its natural boundaries and deprived of political functionality.

Unlike, say, Georgia and the Baltic countries , Ukraine, as history has shown, is impossible as a nation state, and attempts to "build" one naturally lead to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construction that does not have its own civilizational content, a subordinate element of an alien and alien civilization. Debanderization by itself will not be enough for denazification - the Bandera element is only a performer and a screen, a disguise for the European project of Nazi Ukraine, therefore the denazification of Ukraine is also its inevitable de-Europeanization.
The Bandera elite must be eliminated, its re-education is impossible. The social "bog", which actively and passively supported it by action and inaction, must survive the hardships of the war and assimilate the experience as a historical lesson and atonement for its guilt. Those who did not support the Nazi regime, suffered from it and the war unleashed by him in the Donbass, must be consolidated and organized, must become the pillar of the new government, its vertical and horizontal. Historical experience shows that the tragedies and dramas of wartime benefit peoples who have been tempted and carried away by the role of an enemy of Russia.
Denazification as the goal of a special military operation within the framework of this operation itself is understood as a military victory over the Kiev regime, the liberation of territories from armed supporters of the Nazis, the elimination of implacable Nazis, the capture of war criminals, and the creation of systemic conditions for the subsequent denazification in peacetime.

The latter, in turn, should begin with the organization of local self-government, police and defense bodies, cleansed of Nazi elements, launching on their basis the founding processes of founding a new republican statehood, integrating this statehood into close cooperation with the Russian department for the denazification of Ukraine (newly created or converted, say, from Rossotrudnichestvo), with the adoption under Russian control of the republican regulatory framework (legislation) on denazification, the definition of the boundaries and framework for the direct application of Russian law and Russian jurisdiction in the liberated territory in the field of denazification, the creation of a tribunal for crimes against humanity in the former Ukraine. In this regard, Russia should act as the guardian of the Nuremberg Trials.

All of the above means that in order to achieve the goals of denazification, the support of the population is necessary, its transition to the side of Russia after liberation from terror, violence and ideological pressure of the Kiev regime, after the withdrawal from informational isolation. Of course, it will take some time for people to recover from the shock of hostilities, to be convinced of Russia's long-term intentions - that "they will not be abandoned." It is impossible to foresee in advance exactly in which territories such a mass of the population will constitute a critically needed majority. The "Catholic province" (Western Ukraine as part of five regions) is unlikely to become part of the pro-Russian territories. The line of alienation, however, will be found empirically. Behind it will remain hostile to Russia, but forcibly neutral and demilitarized Ukraine with formally banned Nazism. The haters of Russia will go there. The guarantee of the preservation of this residual Ukraine in a neutral state should be the threat of an immediate continuation of the military operation in case of non-compliance with the listed requirements. Perhaps this will require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border there will be a territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, which is anti-fascist in its internal nature. this would require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border there will be a territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, which is anti-fascist in its internal nature. this would require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border there will be a territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, which is anti-fascist in its internal nature.

The operation to denazify Ukraine, which began with a military phase, will follow the same logic of stages in peacetime as a military operation. At each of them, it will be necessary to achieve irreversible changes, which will become the results of the corresponding stage. In this case, the necessary initial steps of denazification can be defined as follows:
—liquidation of armed Nazi formations (which means any armed formations of Ukraine, including the Armed Forces of Ukraine), as well as the military, informational, educational infrastructure that ensures their activity;
—the formation of public self-government bodies and militia (defense and law enforcement) of the liberated territories, protecting the population from the terror of underground Nazi groups;
—installation of the Russian information space;
—the withdrawal of educational materials and the prohibition of educational programs at all levels containing Nazi ideological guidelines;
—mass investigative actions to establish personal responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity, the spread of Nazi ideology and support for the Nazi regime;
—lustration, publication of the names of accomplices of the Nazi regime, involving them in forced labor to restore the destroyed infrastructure as punishment for Nazi activities (from among those who will not be subject to the death penalty or imprisonment);
—the adoption at the local level, under the supervision of Russia, of primary normative acts of denazification "from below", a ban on all types and forms of the revival of Nazi ideology;
—the establishment of memorials, commemorative signs, monuments to the victims of Ukrainian Nazism, perpetuating the memory of the heroes of the struggle against it;
—the inclusion of a complex of anti-fascist and denazification norms in the constitutions of the new people's republics;
—creation of permanent denazification bodies for a period of 25 years.
Russia will have no allies in the denazification of Ukraine. Since this is a purely Russian business. And also because not just the Bandera version of Nazi Ukraine will be eradicated, but also, and above all, Western totalitarianism, the imposed programs of civilizational degradation and disintegration, the mechanisms of subjugation to the superpower of the West and the United States .

In order to put the plan of denazification of Ukraine into practice, Russia itself will have to finally part with pro-European and pro-Western illusions, realize itself as the last instance of protecting and preserving those values of historical Europe (the Old World) that deserve it and which the West ultimately abandoned, losing the fight for himself.
This struggle continued throughout the 20th century and was expressed in the world war and the Russian revolution, inextricably linked with each other.

Russia did everything possible to save the West in the 20th century. She implemented the main Western project, an alternative to capitalism, which won the nation-states - a socialist, red project. It crushed German Nazism, the monstrous offspring of the crisis of Western civilization. The last act of Russian altruism was the outstretched hand of friendship from Russia, for which Russia received a monstrous blow in the 1990s.

Everything that Russia has done for the West, it has done at its own expense, by making the greatest sacrifices. The West ultimately rejected all these sacrifices, devalued Russia's contribution to resolving the Western crisis, and decided to take revenge on Russia for the help that it selflessly provided. Further, Russia will go its own way, not worrying about the fate of the West, relying on another part of its heritage - leadership in the global process of decolonization.

As part of this process, Russia has a high potential for partnerships and allies with countries that the West has oppressed for centuries and which are not going to put on its yoke again. Without Russian sacrifice and struggle, these countries would not have been liberated. The denazification of Ukraine is at the same time its decolonization, which the people of Ukraine will have to understand as they begin to free themselves from the intoxication, temptation and dependence of the so-called European choice.
* An extremist organization banned in Russia.
Sakeeta tekstiä kyl...

Yks rasisti venäläinen joka karkas Dubaihin, oksettavaa tektsiä päästää tuokin suustaan:

Osuva meemi:

Ukrainalaisten versio Njet Molotoffista:

Twitterissä myös poltetuista ruumista kuva. Ja 3- vuotiaankin ruumiissa merkkejä raiskauksesta, hyi h****

Borodyanka kuulemma pahempi kuin Bucha

Viimeksi muokattu:


Jukurit, Tappara
Näin se on. Yhdysvaltain ESTA-hakemuksessa piti muistaakseni joskus vastata kysymykseen: "Minulla on yhteyksiä natsi-vainoihin: kyllä / ei". Jos vastaa "kyllä", ei ESTA-hakemus mene läpi, ja homma jatkuu käsittääkseni viisumianomuksella, jos vielä haluaa matkustaa Yhdysvaltoihin. Ja kysymys koskee siis sitä, onko itse ollut natsina vainoamassa natsien uhreja, eikä sitä, että onko itse vainonnut natseja - kuten joku saattaisi asian tulkita.

Joku samanlainen Ukrainan hyökkäykseen liittyvä kysymys viisumianomukseen voisi tietty olla hyvä kannanotto.

"Minulla on yhteyksiä Venäjän väkivaltaiseen hyökkäykseen Ukrainaan"

"Kuulun organisaatioon, joka tukee Venäjän oikeutuksetonta hyökkäystä Ukrainaan"

Tai jotain.

Edit: Ainakaan enää ei tuollaista natsi-vaino -kysymystä ole. Joskus olen johonkin tuollaiseen vastannut, mutta mikähän maa sitten olikaan kyseessä...
Jenkkeihin töihin mennessä joskus tosiaan tuollainen kysymys oli siinä patteristossa mihin vastailtiin. Ei se ainut ”erikoinen” ollut mutta parhaiten jäi kyllä mieleen.


Suomalaiset NHL:ssä ja Liiga
Siinä Ria Novostin manifestissa mikä viimeksi on tuossa @chauron in viestissä oli tällänenkin kohta:

Ollaan siis kaikki natseja, toki oli tämä tiedossa aiemminkin.
What should Russia do with Ukraine?

Timofey Sergeytsev

Back in April last year, we wrote about the inevitability of the denazification of Ukraine. Nazi, Bandera Ukraine, the enemy of Russia and the West's tool for the destruction of Russia, we do not need. Today, the issue of denazification has moved into a practical plane.
Denazification is necessary when a significant part of the people - most likely the majority - has been mastered and drawn into the Nazi regime in its politics. That is, when the hypothesis "the people are good - the government is bad" does not work. Recognition of this fact is the basis of the policy of denazification, of all its measures, and the fact itself is its subject matter.

Ukraine is in just such a situation. The fact that the Ukrainian voter voted for the "peace of Poroshenko" and "peace of Zelensky" should not be misleading - the Ukrainians were quite satisfied with the shortest path to peace through the blitzkrieg, which the last two Ukrainian presidents transparently hinted at when they were elected. It was this method of "appeasement" of internal anti-fascists - through total terror - that was used in Odessa , Kharkov , Dnepropetrovsk , Mariupol, other Russian cities. And this quite suited the Ukrainian man in the street. Denazification is a set of measures in relation to the nazified mass of the population, which technically cannot be subjected to direct punishment as war criminals.

The Nazis who took up arms should be destroyed to the maximum on the battlefield. No significant distinction should be made between APUand the so-called national battalions, as well as the territorial defense that joined these two types of military formations. All of them are equally involved in extreme cruelty against the civilian population, equally guilty of the genocide of the Russian people, do not comply with the laws and customs of war. War criminals and active Nazis should be exemplarily and exponentially punished. There must be a total lustration. Any organizations that have associated themselves with the practice of Nazism have been liquidated and banned. However, in addition to the top, a significant part of the masses, which are passive Nazis, accomplices of Nazism, are also guilty. They supported and indulged Nazi power. The just punishment of this part of the population is possible only as bearing the inevitable hardships of a just war against the Nazi system, carried out with the utmost care and discretion in relation to civilians. Further denazification of this mass of the population consists in re-education, which is achieved by ideological repression (suppression) of Nazi attitudes and strict censorship: not only in the political sphere, but also necessarily in the sphere of culture and education. It was through culture and education that a deep mass nazification of the population was prepared and carried out, secured by the promise of dividends from the victory of the Nazi regime over Russia , Nazi propaganda, internal violence and terror, as well as an eight-year war with the people of Donbass who rebelled against Ukrainian Nazism .

Denazification can only be carried out by the winner, which implies (1) his absolute control over the denazification process and (2) the power to ensure such control. In this respect, a denazified country cannot be sovereign. The denazifying state - Russia - cannot proceed from a liberal approach with regard to denazification. The ideology of the denazifier cannot be disputed by the guilty party subjected to denazification. Russia's recognition of the need to denazify Ukraine means the recognition of the impossibility of the Crimean scenario for Ukraine as a whole. However, this scenario was impossible in 2014 and in the rebellious Donbass. Only eight years of resistance to Nazi violence and terror led to internal cohesion and a conscious unambiguous mass refusal to maintain any unity and connection with Ukraine,
The terms of denazification can in no way be less than one generation, which must be born, grow up and reach maturity under the conditions of denazification. The nazification of Ukraine continued for more than 30 years, beginning at least in 1989, when Ukrainian nationalism received legal and legitimate forms of political expression and led the movement for "independence" towards Nazism.

The peculiarity of modern nazified Ukraine is in amorphousness and ambivalence, which allow Nazism to be disguised as a desire for "independence" and a "European" (Western, pro-American) path of "development" (in reality - to degradation), to assert that in Ukraine "there is no Nazism , only private individual excesses". After all, there is no main Nazi party, no Fuhrer, no full-fledged racial laws (only their truncated version in the form of repressions against the Russian language). As a result, there is no opposition and resistance to the regime.
However, all of the above does not make Ukrainian Nazism a "light version" of German Nazism during the first half of the 20th century. On the contrary, since Ukrainian Nazism is free from such "genre" (essentially political technology) frameworks and restrictions, it freely unfolds as the fundamental basis of any Nazism - as European and, in its most developed form, American racism. Therefore, denazification cannot be carried out in a compromise, on the basis of a formula like " NATO- no, the EU - yes. "The collective West is itself the designer, source and sponsor of Ukrainian Nazism, while the Western Bandera cadres and their "historical memory" are just one of the tools for the Nazisification of Ukraine. Ukronazism carries not less, but a greater threat the world and Russia than the German Nazism of the Hitlerite version.

The name "Ukraine" apparently cannot be retained as the title of any fully denazified state entity in a territory liberated from the Nazi regime. The people's republics newly created in the space free from Nazism should and will grow from the practice of economic self-government and social security, restoration and modernization of the life support systems of the population.
In fact, their political aspirations cannot be neutral - expiation of guilt before Russia for treating it as an enemy can be realized only by relying on Russia in the processes of restoration, revival and development. No "Marshall Plans" should be allowed for these territories. There can be no "neutrality" in the ideological and practical sense, compatible with denazification. The cadres and organizations that are the instrument of denazification in the newly denazified republics cannot but rely on Russia's direct military and organizational support.
Denazification will inevitably also be a de-Ukrainization - a rejection of the large-scale artificial inflation of the ethnic component of self-identification of the population of the territories of historical Little Russia and New Russia, begun by the Soviet authorities. Being an instrument of the communist superpower, after its fall, artificial ethnocentrism did not remain ownerless. In this official capacity, he passed under the authority of another superpower (the power standing over the states) — the superpower of the West. It must be returned to its natural boundaries and deprived of political functionality.

Unlike, say, Georgia and the Baltic countries , Ukraine, as history has shown, is impossible as a nation state, and attempts to "build" one naturally lead to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construction that does not have its own civilizational content, a subordinate element of an alien and alien civilization. Debanderization by itself will not be enough for denazification - the Bandera element is only a performer and a screen, a disguise for the European project of Nazi Ukraine, therefore the denazification of Ukraine is also its inevitable de-Europeanization.
The Bandera elite must be eliminated, its re-education is impossible. The social "bog", which actively and passively supported it by action and inaction, must survive the hardships of the war and assimilate the experience as a historical lesson and atonement for its guilt. Those who did not support the Nazi regime, suffered from it and the war unleashed by him in the Donbass, must be consolidated and organized, must become the pillar of the new government, its vertical and horizontal. Historical experience shows that the tragedies and dramas of wartime benefit peoples who have been tempted and carried away by the role of an enemy of Russia.
Denazification as the goal of a special military operation within the framework of this operation itself is understood as a military victory over the Kiev regime, the liberation of territories from armed supporters of the Nazis, the elimination of implacable Nazis, the capture of war criminals, and the creation of systemic conditions for the subsequent denazification in peacetime.

The latter, in turn, should begin with the organization of local self-government, police and defense bodies, cleansed of Nazi elements, launching on their basis the founding processes of founding a new republican statehood, integrating this statehood into close cooperation with the Russian department for the denazification of Ukraine (newly created or converted, say, from Rossotrudnichestvo), with the adoption under Russian control of the republican regulatory framework (legislation) on denazification, the definition of the boundaries and framework for the direct application of Russian law and Russian jurisdiction in the liberated territory in the field of denazification, the creation of a tribunal for crimes against humanity in the former Ukraine. In this regard, Russia should act as the guardian of the Nuremberg Trials.

All of the above means that in order to achieve the goals of denazification, the support of the population is necessary, its transition to the side of Russia after liberation from terror, violence and ideological pressure of the Kiev regime, after the withdrawal from informational isolation. Of course, it will take some time for people to recover from the shock of hostilities, to be convinced of Russia's long-term intentions - that "they will not be abandoned." It is impossible to foresee in advance exactly in which territories such a mass of the population will constitute a critically needed majority. The "Catholic province" (Western Ukraine as part of five regions) is unlikely to become part of the pro-Russian territories. The line of alienation, however, will be found empirically. Behind it will remain hostile to Russia, but forcibly neutral and demilitarized Ukraine with formally banned Nazism. The haters of Russia will go there. The guarantee of the preservation of this residual Ukraine in a neutral state should be the threat of an immediate continuation of the military operation in case of non-compliance with the listed requirements. Perhaps this will require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border there will be a territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, which is anti-fascist in its internal nature. this would require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border there will be a territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, which is anti-fascist in its internal nature. this would require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border there will be a territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, which is anti-fascist in its internal nature.

The operation to denazify Ukraine, which began with a military phase, will follow the same logic of stages in peacetime as a military operation. At each of them, it will be necessary to achieve irreversible changes, which will become the results of the corresponding stage. In this case, the necessary initial steps of denazification can be defined as follows:
—liquidation of armed Nazi formations (which means any armed formations of Ukraine, including the Armed Forces of Ukraine), as well as the military, informational, educational infrastructure that ensures their activity;
—the formation of public self-government bodies and militia (defense and law enforcement) of the liberated territories, protecting the population from the terror of underground Nazi groups;
—installation of the Russian information space;
—the withdrawal of educational materials and the prohibition of educational programs at all levels containing Nazi ideological guidelines;
—mass investigative actions to establish personal responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity, the spread of Nazi ideology and support for the Nazi regime;
—lustration, publication of the names of accomplices of the Nazi regime, involving them in forced labor to restore the destroyed infrastructure as punishment for Nazi activities (from among those who will not be subject to the death penalty or imprisonment);
—the adoption at the local level, under the supervision of Russia, of primary normative acts of denazification "from below", a ban on all types and forms of the revival of Nazi ideology;
—the establishment of memorials, commemorative signs, monuments to the victims of Ukrainian Nazism, perpetuating the memory of the heroes of the struggle against it;
—the inclusion of a complex of anti-fascist and denazification norms in the constitutions of the new people's republics;
—creation of permanent denazification bodies for a period of 25 years.
Russia will have no allies in the denazification of Ukraine. Since this is a purely Russian business. And also because not just the Bandera version of Nazi Ukraine will be eradicated, but also, and above all, Western totalitarianism, the imposed programs of civilizational degradation and disintegration, the mechanisms of subjugation to the superpower of the West and the United States .

In order to put the plan of denazification of Ukraine into practice, Russia itself will have to finally part with pro-European and pro-Western illusions, realize itself as the last instance of protecting and preserving those values of historical Europe (the Old World) that deserve it and which the West ultimately abandoned, losing the fight for himself.
This struggle continued throughout the 20th century and was expressed in the world war and the Russian revolution, inextricably linked with each other.

Russia did everything possible to save the West in the 20th century. She implemented the main Western project, an alternative to capitalism, which won the nation-states - a socialist, red project. It crushed German Nazism, the monstrous offspring of the crisis of Western civilization. The last act of Russian altruism was the outstretched hand of friendship from Russia, for which Russia received a monstrous blow in the 1990s.

Everything that Russia has done for the West, it has done at its own expense, by making the greatest sacrifices. The West ultimately rejected all these sacrifices, devalued Russia's contribution to resolving the Western crisis, and decided to take revenge on Russia for the help that it selflessly provided. Further, Russia will go its own way, not worrying about the fate of the West, relying on another part of its heritage - leadership in the global process of decolonization.

As part of this process, Russia has a high potential for partnerships and allies with countries that the West has oppressed for centuries and which are not going to put on its yoke again. Without Russian sacrifice and struggle, these countries would not have been liberated. The denazification of Ukraine is at the same time its decolonization, which the people of Ukraine will have to understand as they begin to free themselves from the intoxication, temptation and dependence of the so-called European choice.
* An extremist organization banned in Russia.
Sakeeta tekstiä kyl...

Yks rasisti venäläinen joka karkas Dubaihin, oksettavaa tektsiä päästää tuokin suustaan:

Osuva meemi:

Ukrainalaisten versio Njet Molotoffista:

Twitterissä myös poltetuista ruumiista kuvia.

Borodyanka kuulemma pahempi kuin Bucha

Hans, bring the flammenwerfer


Suomen maajoukkueet
Saksa on paska maa.
Siellä kuitenkin on edes jotain tapahtumassa. Ei tietenkään kannata pidättää hengitystä, mutta jospa nyt heräisivät. Olisi niin olennaista että Saksa ryhdistäytyisi kaikista menneisyyden haamuista huolimatta, kun USA ei enää ole täysin luotettava. Saksan teollisuusmahti täysillä tukemassa Euroopan puolustusta olisi vaan niin loistava asia.



Taisi eilen olla kansainvälisen oikeuden emeritusprofessori Martti Koskenniemen kommentit HS.ssa nyt YLE.llä.

Venäjän hyökkäys Ukrainaan tehnyt kaikesta kommentoinnista suora sanaisempaa. Aika kovasti tylytetään Venäjää Koskenniemen toimesta. Mikä tietysti täysin ansaittua.

Sellainen kutina että joskus aiemmin oltaisi asioita pyritty ilmaisemaan pehmeämmin ja jätetty selvä sanaisesti tuomitsematta. Alettu puhumaan jotain "selvitetään nyt ensin" tyyppistä.


Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel
Siinä Ria Novostin manifestissa mikä viimeksi on tuossa @chauron in viestissä oli tällänenkin kohta:

Ollaan siis kaikki natseja, toki oli tämä tiedossa aiemminkin.
What should Russia do with Ukraine?

Timofey Sergeytsev

Back in April last year, we wrote about the inevitability of the denazification of Ukraine. Nazi, Bandera Ukraine, the enemy of Russia and the West's tool for the destruction of Russia, we do not need. Today, the issue of denazification has moved into a practical plane.
Denazification is necessary when a significant part of the people - most likely the majority - has been mastered and drawn into the Nazi regime in its politics. That is, when the hypothesis "the people are good - the government is bad" does not work. Recognition of this fact is the basis of the policy of denazification, of all its measures, and the fact itself is its subject matter.

Ukraine is in just such a situation. The fact that the Ukrainian voter voted for the "peace of Poroshenko" and "peace of Zelensky" should not be misleading - the Ukrainians were quite satisfied with the shortest path to peace through the blitzkrieg, which the last two Ukrainian presidents transparently hinted at when they were elected. It was this method of "appeasement" of internal anti-fascists - through total terror - that was used in Odessa , Kharkov , Dnepropetrovsk , Mariupol, other Russian cities. And this quite suited the Ukrainian man in the street. Denazification is a set of measures in relation to the nazified mass of the population, which technically cannot be subjected to direct punishment as war criminals.

The Nazis who took up arms should be destroyed to the maximum on the battlefield. No significant distinction should be made between APUand the so-called national battalions, as well as the territorial defense that joined these two types of military formations. All of them are equally involved in extreme cruelty against the civilian population, equally guilty of the genocide of the Russian people, do not comply with the laws and customs of war. War criminals and active Nazis should be exemplarily and exponentially punished. There must be a total lustration. Any organizations that have associated themselves with the practice of Nazism have been liquidated and banned. However, in addition to the top, a significant part of the masses, which are passive Nazis, accomplices of Nazism, are also guilty. They supported and indulged Nazi power. The just punishment of this part of the population is possible only as bearing the inevitable hardships of a just war against the Nazi system, carried out with the utmost care and discretion in relation to civilians. Further denazification of this mass of the population consists in re-education, which is achieved by ideological repression (suppression) of Nazi attitudes and strict censorship: not only in the political sphere, but also necessarily in the sphere of culture and education. It was through culture and education that a deep mass nazification of the population was prepared and carried out, secured by the promise of dividends from the victory of the Nazi regime over Russia , Nazi propaganda, internal violence and terror, as well as an eight-year war with the people of Donbass who rebelled against Ukrainian Nazism .

Denazification can only be carried out by the winner, which implies (1) his absolute control over the denazification process and (2) the power to ensure such control. In this respect, a denazified country cannot be sovereign. The denazifying state - Russia - cannot proceed from a liberal approach with regard to denazification. The ideology of the denazifier cannot be disputed by the guilty party subjected to denazification. Russia's recognition of the need to denazify Ukraine means the recognition of the impossibility of the Crimean scenario for Ukraine as a whole. However, this scenario was impossible in 2014 and in the rebellious Donbass. Only eight years of resistance to Nazi violence and terror led to internal cohesion and a conscious unambiguous mass refusal to maintain any unity and connection with Ukraine,
The terms of denazification can in no way be less than one generation, which must be born, grow up and reach maturity under the conditions of denazification. The nazification of Ukraine continued for more than 30 years, beginning at least in 1989, when Ukrainian nationalism received legal and legitimate forms of political expression and led the movement for "independence" towards Nazism.

The peculiarity of modern nazified Ukraine is in amorphousness and ambivalence, which allow Nazism to be disguised as a desire for "independence" and a "European" (Western, pro-American) path of "development" (in reality - to degradation), to assert that in Ukraine "there is no Nazism , only private individual excesses". After all, there is no main Nazi party, no Fuhrer, no full-fledged racial laws (only their truncated version in the form of repressions against the Russian language). As a result, there is no opposition and resistance to the regime.
However, all of the above does not make Ukrainian Nazism a "light version" of German Nazism during the first half of the 20th century. On the contrary, since Ukrainian Nazism is free from such "genre" (essentially political technology) frameworks and restrictions, it freely unfolds as the fundamental basis of any Nazism - as European and, in its most developed form, American racism. Therefore, denazification cannot be carried out in a compromise, on the basis of a formula like " NATO- no, the EU - yes. "The collective West is itself the designer, source and sponsor of Ukrainian Nazism, while the Western Bandera cadres and their "historical memory" are just one of the tools for the Nazisification of Ukraine. Ukronazism carries not less, but a greater threat the world and Russia than the German Nazism of the Hitlerite version.

The name "Ukraine" apparently cannot be retained as the title of any fully denazified state entity in a territory liberated from the Nazi regime. The people's republics newly created in the space free from Nazism should and will grow from the practice of economic self-government and social security, restoration and modernization of the life support systems of the population.
In fact, their political aspirations cannot be neutral - expiation of guilt before Russia for treating it as an enemy can be realized only by relying on Russia in the processes of restoration, revival and development. No "Marshall Plans" should be allowed for these territories. There can be no "neutrality" in the ideological and practical sense, compatible with denazification. The cadres and organizations that are the instrument of denazification in the newly denazified republics cannot but rely on Russia's direct military and organizational support.
Denazification will inevitably also be a de-Ukrainization - a rejection of the large-scale artificial inflation of the ethnic component of self-identification of the population of the territories of historical Little Russia and New Russia, begun by the Soviet authorities. Being an instrument of the communist superpower, after its fall, artificial ethnocentrism did not remain ownerless. In this official capacity, he passed under the authority of another superpower (the power standing over the states) — the superpower of the West. It must be returned to its natural boundaries and deprived of political functionality.

Unlike, say, Georgia and the Baltic countries , Ukraine, as history has shown, is impossible as a nation state, and attempts to "build" one naturally lead to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construction that does not have its own civilizational content, a subordinate element of an alien and alien civilization. Debanderization by itself will not be enough for denazification - the Bandera element is only a performer and a screen, a disguise for the European project of Nazi Ukraine, therefore the denazification of Ukraine is also its inevitable de-Europeanization.
The Bandera elite must be eliminated, its re-education is impossible. The social "bog", which actively and passively supported it by action and inaction, must survive the hardships of the war and assimilate the experience as a historical lesson and atonement for its guilt. Those who did not support the Nazi regime, suffered from it and the war unleashed by him in the Donbass, must be consolidated and organized, must become the pillar of the new government, its vertical and horizontal. Historical experience shows that the tragedies and dramas of wartime benefit peoples who have been tempted and carried away by the role of an enemy of Russia.
Denazification as the goal of a special military operation within the framework of this operation itself is understood as a military victory over the Kiev regime, the liberation of territories from armed supporters of the Nazis, the elimination of implacable Nazis, the capture of war criminals, and the creation of systemic conditions for the subsequent denazification in peacetime.

The latter, in turn, should begin with the organization of local self-government, police and defense bodies, cleansed of Nazi elements, launching on their basis the founding processes of founding a new republican statehood, integrating this statehood into close cooperation with the Russian department for the denazification of Ukraine (newly created or converted, say, from Rossotrudnichestvo), with the adoption under Russian control of the republican regulatory framework (legislation) on denazification, the definition of the boundaries and framework for the direct application of Russian law and Russian jurisdiction in the liberated territory in the field of denazification, the creation of a tribunal for crimes against humanity in the former Ukraine. In this regard, Russia should act as the guardian of the Nuremberg Trials.

All of the above means that in order to achieve the goals of denazification, the support of the population is necessary, its transition to the side of Russia after liberation from terror, violence and ideological pressure of the Kiev regime, after the withdrawal from informational isolation. Of course, it will take some time for people to recover from the shock of hostilities, to be convinced of Russia's long-term intentions - that "they will not be abandoned." It is impossible to foresee in advance exactly in which territories such a mass of the population will constitute a critically needed majority. The "Catholic province" (Western Ukraine as part of five regions) is unlikely to become part of the pro-Russian territories. The line of alienation, however, will be found empirically. Behind it will remain hostile to Russia, but forcibly neutral and demilitarized Ukraine with formally banned Nazism. The haters of Russia will go there. The guarantee of the preservation of this residual Ukraine in a neutral state should be the threat of an immediate continuation of the military operation in case of non-compliance with the listed requirements. Perhaps this will require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border there will be a territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, which is anti-fascist in its internal nature. this would require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border there will be a territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, which is anti-fascist in its internal nature. this would require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border there will be a territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, which is anti-fascist in its internal nature.

The operation to denazify Ukraine, which began with a military phase, will follow the same logic of stages in peacetime as a military operation. At each of them, it will be necessary to achieve irreversible changes, which will become the results of the corresponding stage. In this case, the necessary initial steps of denazification can be defined as follows:
—liquidation of armed Nazi formations (which means any armed formations of Ukraine, including the Armed Forces of Ukraine), as well as the military, informational, educational infrastructure that ensures their activity;
—the formation of public self-government bodies and militia (defense and law enforcement) of the liberated territories, protecting the population from the terror of underground Nazi groups;
—installation of the Russian information space;
—the withdrawal of educational materials and the prohibition of educational programs at all levels containing Nazi ideological guidelines;
—mass investigative actions to establish personal responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity, the spread of Nazi ideology and support for the Nazi regime;
—lustration, publication of the names of accomplices of the Nazi regime, involving them in forced labor to restore the destroyed infrastructure as punishment for Nazi activities (from among those who will not be subject to the death penalty or imprisonment);
—the adoption at the local level, under the supervision of Russia, of primary normative acts of denazification "from below", a ban on all types and forms of the revival of Nazi ideology;
—the establishment of memorials, commemorative signs, monuments to the victims of Ukrainian Nazism, perpetuating the memory of the heroes of the struggle against it;
—the inclusion of a complex of anti-fascist and denazification norms in the constitutions of the new people's republics;
—creation of permanent denazification bodies for a period of 25 years.
Russia will have no allies in the denazification of Ukraine. Since this is a purely Russian business. And also because not just the Bandera version of Nazi Ukraine will be eradicated, but also, and above all, Western totalitarianism, the imposed programs of civilizational degradation and disintegration, the mechanisms of subjugation to the superpower of the West and the United States .

In order to put the plan of denazification of Ukraine into practice, Russia itself will have to finally part with pro-European and pro-Western illusions, realize itself as the last instance of protecting and preserving those values of historical Europe (the Old World) that deserve it and which the West ultimately abandoned, losing the fight for himself.
This struggle continued throughout the 20th century and was expressed in the world war and the Russian revolution, inextricably linked with each other.

Russia did everything possible to save the West in the 20th century. She implemented the main Western project, an alternative to capitalism, which won the nation-states - a socialist, red project. It crushed German Nazism, the monstrous offspring of the crisis of Western civilization. The last act of Russian altruism was the outstretched hand of friendship from Russia, for which Russia received a monstrous blow in the 1990s.

Everything that Russia has done for the West, it has done at its own expense, by making the greatest sacrifices. The West ultimately rejected all these sacrifices, devalued Russia's contribution to resolving the Western crisis, and decided to take revenge on Russia for the help that it selflessly provided. Further, Russia will go its own way, not worrying about the fate of the West, relying on another part of its heritage - leadership in the global process of decolonization.

As part of this process, Russia has a high potential for partnerships and allies with countries that the West has oppressed for centuries and which are not going to put on its yoke again. Without Russian sacrifice and struggle, these countries would not have been liberated. The denazification of Ukraine is at the same time its decolonization, which the people of Ukraine will have to understand as they begin to free themselves from the intoxication, temptation and dependence of the so-called European choice.
* An extremist organization banned in Russia.
Sakeeta tekstiä kyl...

Yks rasisti venäläinen joka karkas Dubaihin, oksettavaa tektsiä päästää tuokin suustaan:

Osuva meemi:

Ukrainalaisten versio Njet Molotoffista:

Twitterissä myös poltetuista ruumista kuva. Ja 3- vuotiaankin ruumiissa merkkejä raiskauksesta, hyi h****

Borodyanka kuulemma pahempi kuin Bucha

Oksettavaa. Kertakaikkiaan oksettavaa. Nyt tässä koko palstan edessä tunnustan että mä olen istunut väkivaltarikoksesta vankilassa. Nyt kun katselee noita neukkujen tekemiä asioita, tekisen sen uudestaan. Puolustin silloin heikompaa, ja niin tekisin nytkin. Slava Ukraina.


Menneisyyden kahleista vapaa Jokerit
Mitä tulee Venäjän armeijan siviiliväestön massamurhiin Buchassa ja Borodyankassa niin lopulta Venäjä tulee maksamaan siitä paljon kalliimmin mitä siellä osataan tällä hetkellä edes kuvitella. Kansan yleinen asenne sotaa ja Venäjän armeijan käsittämättömän julmaa toimintaa kohtaan on keskimäärin hyvin myönteistä. Tämä on syytä muistaa vuosikymmentenkin päästä mietittäessä pitäisikö Venäjä pikkuhiljaa vapauttaa häkistään. Venäjä on jo polaroisoinut itsensä koko siitä kansainvälisestä yhteisöstä, jonka kautta sen keskiluokan elämäntapa on rakennettu. Nyt voi vielä kansallishuumassa ilakoida ukrainalaisten naisten ja lasten raiskauksilla, mutta se mikä on varmaa niin Siperia tulee opettamaan.

Voi olla että vielä riittää länsielektroniikkaa, iPadeja, iPhoneja, iWatcheja, taulutelevisioita, Playstationeja ja muuta viihde-elektroniikkaa, vielä saattaa saada länsimaisia elintarvikkeita ja vielä voi olla tuoreessa muistissa Nizzan ja Phuketin reissut. Vielä löytyy vaatekaapista Adidaksen nappiverkkaria ja lenkkaria, kenties lippiskin. Vielä voi käydä sutimassa paikallisen ostarin parkkipaikalla neliveto Audilla. Vielä pystyvät roikkumaan jotenkuten länsimaisessa elämäntyylissä, jolle ovat persoja, mutta Siperian talvi tulee kestämään vuosikymmeniä. Saa nähdä naurattaako ukrainalaisten kärsimys 10 vuoden kuluttua, kun kaupasta saa kaalia ja perunaa, autoa saa jonottaa sen kaksikymmentä vuotta ja ulkomaille matkailusta voi vain haaveilla. 20 vuoden päästä kaikki on rapistunutta, varaosia ei ole, taulutelevisioon on palanut kuva kiinni, Playstationin ohjain ei toimi, Adidaksen nappiverkkareista on irronut viimenenkin nappi ja kolmesta raidasta on jäljellä yksi raita, sekin haalistunut. Puhelimina on jotain ajoittain toimivia, halpoja kiinalaisia kopioita, jotka eivät kiinalaisille kelpaa ja jota myydään ylihintaan venäläisille. Sutturoilla ei ole päällään Vuittonia, Guccia ta Hermestä vaan paikallisen hampputehtaan karheasta kankaasta kudottuja kolttuja.

Silloin on ihan turha yrittää sovitella naamioita uudelleen kasvoilleen ja myöntää, että 20 vuotta sitten tuli vähän mokattua, sori siitä. Silloin on ihan turha kuvitella, että naamion taakse voi piiloutua.

Näiden julmuuksien siviiliväestöä kohtaan tultua ilmi on lännen velvollisuus niihin puuttua. Sotilaallisesti.
Viimeksi muokattu:


Leijonat & Haminan Palloilijat
Mitä tulee Venäjän armeijan siviiliväestön massamurhiin Buchassa ja Borodyankassa niin lopulta Venäjä tulee maksamaan siitä paljon kalliimmin mitä siellä osataan tällä hetkellä edes kuvitella. Kansan yleinen asenne sotaa ja Venäjän armeijan käsittämättömän julmaa toimintaa kohtaan on keskimäärin hyvin myönteistä. Tämä on syytä muistaa vuosikymmentenkin päästä mietittäessä pitäisikö Venäjä pikkuhiljaa vapauttaa häkistään. Venäjä on jo polaroisoinut itsensä koko siitä kansainvälisestä yhteisöstä, jonka kautta sen keskiluokan elämäntapa on rakennettu. Nyt voi vielä kansallishuumassa ilakoida ukrainalaisten naisten ja lasten raiskauksilla, mutta se mikä on varmaa niin Siperia tulee opettamaan.
Joskus 10 vuoden päästä voi olla Venäjällä aika mielenkiintoiset oltavat, jos sinne asti jatketaan nyt valituilla jaoilla. Jos/kun länsimaailma on siihen mennessä täysin irrottautunut sinne kohdistuneesta energiariippuvuudestaan, sekä jatkanut kauppapakotteitaan, niin missähän jamassa mahtaa Venäjän valtio silloin olla?


Menneisyyden kahleista vapaa Jokerit
Joskus 10 vuoden päästä voi olla Venäjällä aika mielenkiintoiset oltavat, jos sinne asti jatketaan nyt valituilla jaoilla. Jos/kun länsimaailma on siihen mennessä täysin irrottautunut sinne kohdistuneesta energiariippuvuudestaan, sekä jatkanut kauppapakotteitaan, niin mikähän mahtaa olla keskivertokansalaisen elintaso?
Kaupungeissa varmaan luokkaa Puola 70-luvulla ja maaseudulla olot kuin Pohjois-Koreassa tänään.


SaiPa, Ketterä
Joskus 10 vuoden päästä voi olla Venäjällä aika mielenkiintoiset oltavat, jos sinne asti jatketaan nyt valituilla jaoilla. Jos/kun länsimaailma on siihen mennessä täysin irrottautunut sinne kohdistuneesta energiariippuvuudestaan, sekä jatkanut kauppapakotteitaan, niin missähän jamassa mahtaa Venäjän valtio silloin olla?

Miten olisi jotain Kuuban ja PKorean välimaastosta? Jenkkiautot on vaan nykyinen autokanta ja talvella on vitun kylmää.


HIFK, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Sunderland
Joskus 10 vuoden päästä voi olla Venäjällä aika mielenkiintoiset oltavat, jos sinne asti jatketaan nyt valituilla jaoilla. Jos/kun länsimaailma on siihen mennessä täysin irrottautunut sinne kohdistuneesta energiariippuvuudestaan, sekä jatkanut kauppapakotteitaan, niin missähän jamassa mahtaa Venäjän valtio silloin olla?
Tähän kun vielä lisätään, että kun Venäjän rapistuessa Kiina napannee jossain sopivassa välissä itselleen Siperian luonnonvarat, Venäjän talous on ihan konkreettisesti luokkaa Pohjois-Korea. Silloin ei enää opeta edes Siperia, saati opettaja, joka on saanut edellisen palkkansa seitsemän vuotta sitten.
Viimeksi muokattu:


Kärpät, olosuhdesyistä HIFK
Tuossa eilettäin ajattelin, että nyt paljastuneet siviileihin kohdistuneet raakuudet eivät varmaan suoranaisesti edistä Ukrainan halua neuvotella rauhasta ja jossain tämän päivän uutisessa todettiin samaa. Tämä Venäjän lähes katastrofaalisella tavalla epäonnistunut Kiovan valtaus taitaa tarkoittaa sitä, että tästä sodasta on tulossa pitkä. Jomman kumman pitää romahtaa ennen kuin rauha on mahdollista.
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