Brittien entinen puolustusministeri, Toryjen Ben Wallace sanoittaa melko hyvin sen mitä minäkin ajattelen tällä hetkellä. Huolimatta siitä, että Israelilla on oikeus hävittää Hamas, se on myös pelaamassa itsestään roistovaltiota samalla.
“But I also believe strongly in our obligations under the Geneva Conventions and expect all signatories to uphold them. Going after Hamas is legitimate; obliterating vast swathes of Gaza is not. Using proportionate force is legal, but collective punishment and forced movement of civilians is not.
We are entering a dangerous period now where Israel’s original legal authority of self-defence is being undermined by its own actions. It is making the mistake of losing its moral authority alongside its legal one.
I am sure that the shame Benjamin Netanyahu feels for not foreseeing the October 7 attacks is deep, especially for someone who presented himself as a security hawk and tough guy. But perhaps that shame is driving him to lose sight of the long term.
Netanyahu’s mistake was to miss the attack in the first place. But if he thinks a killing rage will rectify matters, then he is very wrong. His methods will not solve this problem. In fact, I believe his tactics will fuel the conflict for another 50 years. His actions are radicalising Muslim youth across the globe.
When all this is over, and the IDF withdraws from what is left of Gaza, there will still be Hamas. All the action will have achieved is the extinction, not of the extremists, but the voice of the moderate Palestinians who do want a two-state solution.
International sympathy will have expired and Israel will be forced to exist in an even greater state of siege.”
Netanyahu’s tactics are weakening Israel
Hamas’s jihadist ideology must be defeated – but Israel’s methods will only boost that hate-filled
Kyllä on sotateollisuuskin romahtanut. Toisessa maailmansodassa "collective punishment" metodeilla saatiin 50 000 - 100 000 uhrilukuja aiheutettua päivässä vihollismaan siviileille. Nyt on vastassa maailman yksi tiheimmin asutuista alueista, ja ei päästä kuin johonkin sadan paikkeille, vaikka ilmeisesti nyt Israel kuitenkin tekee kaikkensa tuhotakseen mahdollisimman paljon Gazan siviilejä.