Greta masentui planeettamme tilasta 11-vuotiaana niin vakavasti, että lopetti syömisen, koulussa käymisen sekä puhumisen. Tuolloin hän laihtui kymmenen kiloa ja tämän seurauksena hänen kasvunsa pysähtyi - Greta on siis itseaiheutetusti kitukasvuinen.
Alla lainaus FT:n artikkelista ko. kohdan osalta:
" She says her despair at the state of the planet contributed to the deep depression she experienced when she was 11. “I was so sad because the world was so wrong, everything was so wrong, and then I thought there is no point in living . . . I became depressed, I stopped eating, and I stopped talking, and I stopped going to school.” She lost 10 kilos, and her growth was stunted as a result. Realising that she could do something about climate change was part of what helped her recover, she explains. "
Tässä linkki koko juttuun mikäli se kiinnostaa:
Greta Thunberg: ‘All my life I’ve been the invisible girl’