Chip Whitley kirjoitti: ainakin kertoo että Luongon palkkakattoon laskettava palkka ensi kaudella olisi tasan 6mil, kun taas jostain muualta olen saanut infoa, että Roberton palkka olisi koko neljän kauden ajan 6.75mil.
Kiitokset jo etukäteen!
En tiedä mitä TSN sekoilee mutta kyllä se nimenomaan lasketaan sopimuksen koko arvosta keskiarvo per vuosi ja tuo summa on sitten se joka lasketaan kattoon joka vuosi eli, 6.75 tässä tapauksessa.
"(i)"Averaged Amount." For any multi-year SPC, for purposesof
calculating the Club's Averaged Club Salaryin any League Year,
the Averaged Amount of such SPC shall be used. That is, the
Player Salary and Bonuses for all League Years shall be
"averaged" over the length of the entire term of the SPC, using the
stated amount, by dividing the aggregate stated amount of all
Player Salary and Bonuses to be paid during the term of the SPC
by the number of League Years in the SPC (see Illustrations #1 and
#2 below)."
"Illustration #1: A Club signs a Player to a three-year SPC
providing for $500,000 in Player Salary and Bonuses in Year 1,
$600,000 in Year 2, and $700,000 in Year 3. The charge to the
Club's Averaged Club Salary in all three years of the SPC is
Illustration #2: A Club signs a Player to a three-year SPC
providing for $800,000 in Player Salary and Bonuses in Year 1,
$500,000 in Year 2, and $500,000 in Year 3. The charge to the
Club's Averaged Club Salary in all three years of the SPC is