Entäpä, jos Iranilla jo onkin tarvittavat (ydin)aseet? USA:n tiedustelun tiedot eivät ole ennenkään olleet ajan tasalla, ei siis välttämättä nytkään. Mullahit luottavat tiedustelutietojen epävarmuuteen tuossa seuraavassa kommentissa. Tai sitten he puhuvat totta.
(http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-iran19.html)''We can say we have developed a might that no country can attack us because they do not have accurate information about our military capabilities,'' said Shamkhani, whose comments were released Tuesday.
(http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/1285.html)Bush said that he has given “a loud and clear” message to China, that they will not tolerate proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. He was talking about economic sanctions that US has imposed on eight Chinese companies for aiding Iran to possess nuclear weapons.