Toinen pykälä aiheeseen liittyen:
(a) All Players age 18 or older are eligible for claim in the Entry Draft, except:
(v) a Player age 22 or older who has not been selected in a previous Entry Draft and shall be eligible to enter the League as an Unrestricted Free Agent pursuant to Article 10.1(d).
Further, any Player eligible for claim in the Entry Draft, but who was unclaimed, shall be an Unrestricted Free Agent subject to the provisions of Section 8.9(b).
8.9 Eligibility for Play in the League. No Player shall be eligible for play in the League unless he:
(b) had been eligible for claim in the last Entry Draft, but was unclaimed, and:
(iii) had played hockey outside of North America in the prior season and was age 22 or older at the time of the last Entry Draft and signed an SPC which was signed and registered with the League between the conclusion of the Entry Draft and the commencement of the next NHL Season.
Eli CBA:ssa on ns. Eurooppa-pykälä 25-28-vuotiaille pelaajille, jonka mukaan heille pitää tehdä 1-vuotinen ELC, mutta koska Mannista ja Lehtosta ei ole varattu, se ei koske heitä. (Jos EliteProspects on väärässä, ja heidät onkin varattu NHL:ään, niin komento kokonaisuudessaan takaisin!) Näin ollen, jos vaikka Lehtonen tekisi nyt sopimuksen NHL-seuran kanssa, se osuisi kaikkiin noihin pykäliin, eli Lehtonen olisi NHL:n näkökulmasta varaamattomana pelaajana UFA.
ping. @gcz_
Mielestäni Lehtos-casen ainoa merkitsevä pykälä on tässä boldattuna:
, a Player who at the time he was drafted was playing for a team outside North America or who meets the qualifications set forth in Article 8.4(a)(v) (a "European Player") who signs his first SPC at ages 25-27 shall be subject to the Entry Level System for one (1) year
Eli varausta ei tarvita. Tuossa boldatussa kohdassa viitattu artikkeli (8.4(a)(v)) toteaa vielä näin:
a Player age 22 or older who has not been selected in a previous Entry
Draft and shall be eligible to enter the League as an Unrestricted Free
Agent pursuant to Article 10.1(d).