Tässä ainakin kokeneet lääkärit sanovat, että tieto taudista on lisääntynyt, eikä rajoitustoimille ole enää perustetta. Alussa oli kun taudista ei tiedetty tarpeeksi.
Muutamia pointteja: Yhdysvalloissa influenssaan kuolee 37 000-60 000 joka vuosi. Se ei edes läpäise uutiskynnystä eikä sulje taloutta. Ruotsin ja Kalifornian kuolinluvut eivät poikkea toisistaan paljoakaan. Ruotsissa on vähemmän asukkaita ja lievemmät rajoittamistoimet. Riski kuolla koronaan Kaliforniassakin on 0.03 prosenttia. Ja kaikesta päätellen työikäisillä vieläkin pienempi.
Youtube oli keskustelukentästä päätellen kertaalleen poistanut videon.
Nyt tämä alkaa mennä jo mauttomaksi. Ymmärrän vielä että Santa Clara -tutkimuksesta ei olla niin valmiita päästämään irti kun se tukee omia ennakkokäsityksiä ja taustalla on Stanfordia ja Ioannidista, mutta tämä... No kaikki tarpeellinen on jo muualla sanottu tuosta "tutkimuksesta". Tutustu esim. näihin.
ACEP-AAEM Joint Statement on Physician Misinformation
The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) jointly and emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are...
"The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) jointly and emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19. As owners of local urgent care clinics, it appears these two individuals are releasing biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public’s health.
COVID-19 misinformation is widespread and dangerous. Members of ACEP and AAEM are first-hand witnesses to the human toll that COVID-19 is taking on our communities. ACEP and AAEM strongly advise against using any statements of Drs. Erickson and Massihi as a basis for policy and decision making."
Two Bakersfield doctors go viral with dubious COVID test conclusions
The duo's interpretation of COVID test results lit up social media — but public health experts assailed them as statistically flawed.
"They dressed in scrubs. They sounded scientific. And last week’s message from two Bakersfield doctors was exactly what many stuck-at-home Americans wanted to hear: COVID-19 is no worse than influenza, its death rates are low and we should all go back to work and school.
Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, who own urgent care centers in the region, had called a press conference to release their conclusions about the results of 5,213 COVID-19 tests they had conducted at their centers and testing site. They claimed the results showed that the virus had spread further in the area, undetected, and thus wasn’t all that dangerous.
But public health experts were quick to debunk the doctors’ findings as misguided and riddled with statistical errors — and an example of the kind of misleading information they are forced to waste precious time disputing.
The doctors should never have assumed that the patients they tested — who came for walk-in COVID-19 tests or who sought urgent care for symptoms they experienced in the middle of a pandemic — are representative of the general population, said Dr. Carl Bergstrom, a University of Washington biologist who specializes in infectious disease modeling. He likened their extrapolations to “estimating the average height of Americans from the players on an NBA court.” And most credible studies of COVID-19 death rates in reality are far higher than the ones the doctors presented.
“They’ve used methods that are ludicrous to get results that are completely implausible,” Bergstrom said.
Jos sinulla @Toxic Enema on yhtään puhtaat jauhot pussissa, älä levitä tuollaista vaarallista huuhaata.