Venäjä hyökkää Ukrainaan

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Se koko maa on kyl yhtä roskaa, että sinänsä uskon.

Elokuvaklassikko Ponteroosaa luonnehti joku kriitikko näin: "Ponteroosan kutsuminen roskaksi on loukkaus maailman kaikkia roskia kohtaan". Tuota voisi mukailla ja vaihtaa Ponteroosan tilalle Venäjän.


Pool, NHL, MMA, Kärpät
Itse oikeasti pelkään sitä, että tästä tulee jotain suurempaa sotaa.


Pool, NHL, MMA, Kärpät
Tästä turhakespämmistä on muistettu palstalomalla.
Hieno genre ziisus! Jotain kumminkin jumalauta?


Ukrainalaiskenraalin mukaan tilanne Kupianskissa ja Lymanissa on mennyt nopeasti huonompaan suuntaan ja alkaa näyttämään aika huolestuttavalta. Venäläiset ilmeisesti painaneet siellä nyt päälle aika kovaa ja pyrkivät ajamaan ukrainalaiset takaisin Oskil-joelle. Venäläiset väittävät tuhonneensa alueella kaksi ukrainalaiskomppaniaa ilmaiskulla, mutta koska tuota ei ole mikään ihmislähde vahvistanut, niin tuon väitteen todenperäisyys on hyvin kyseenalainen siihen saakka.


SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille
Budanov kuulemma henkilökohtasesti jutteli 19 venäläistä antautumaan

Budanov forced 19 russians to surrender via radio, - Oleksandr “Fierce’’, commander of the MANPADS group of the “Artan” special forces.

“During one of the missions, the enemy assault group tried to simply leave the action area without fire damage, because they realized that they were no longer capable of resisting. Then Kyrylo Oleksiyovych was present with us. Literally in a personal conversation, with just negotiations over a walkie-talkie, he forced 19 russians to simply surrender. This is incredible fortitude. Everyone then felt such a moral uplift when they heard the voice of our boss. After all, most didn’t realize then that the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate was with us in our sector,” — he said.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tänään on tullut kuluneeksi 600 päivää siitä, kun tunkiovaltio aloitti massiivisen tunkeutumisen Ukrainaan pohjoisesta, idästä ja etelästä. 600 v*tun päivää kärsimystä ja tuhoa, joista jokainen päivä on ollut liikaa. Ja loppua ei valitettavasti ole näköpiirissä.
Lähes jokaisena näistä kuudesta sadasta päivästä olen herätessäni ensimmäiseksi aukaissut teksti-tv:n toivoen, että josko tämä painajainen olisi jollain ilveellä ohi ja ryysyläiset olisivat ilmoittaneet vetäytyvänsä Ukrainasta. Toistaiseksi se päivä ei ole koittanut, mutta vielä se päivä koittaa.

Mitä terroristit ovat tuona aikana oppineet? Ei kauheasti, mikäli katsoo noita uusimpia videoita sotilaiden aallosta teurastettavaksi, kun tunkiolaiset yrittivät saada Avdiivkan mottiin mm. hyökkäämällä pohjoispuolella olevaa 'Terrikoniin', joka on kivihiilikaivoksen sivuvirtojen(?) läjitysalue. Perinteinen ryssiminenhän siellä tapahtui (onneksi) ja viime päivinä olemmekin saaneet todistaa hyökkääjän ottavan suurimpia päiväkohtaisia kalusto- ja miehistötappioita koko kuuden sadan päivän aikana.

Tähän loppuun vielä Boomboxin Andriy Khlyvnyukin tulkinta 'Oi u luzi chervona kalyna' -kappaleesta. Tulkinta, joka ei ainakaan minua jätä koskaan kylmäksi, vaan silmäkulma kostuu joka kuuntelukerralla.

Andriy Khlyvnyuk palasi kotimaahansa Boomboxin kiertueelta Jenkeistä ja ilmoittautui palvelukseen suurhyökkäyksen alettua.


Tänään on tullut kuluneeksi 600 päivää siitä, kun tunkiovaltio aloitti massiivisen tunkeutumisen Ukrainaan pohjoisesta, idästä ja etelästä. 600 v*tun päivää kärsimystä ja tuhoa, joista jokainen päivä on ollut liikaa. Ja loppua ei valitettavasti ole näköpiirissä.
Lähes jokaisena näistä kuudesta sadasta päivästä olen herätessäni ensimmäiseksi aukaissut teksti-tv:n toivoen, että josko tämä painajainen olisi jollain ilveellä ohi ja ryysyläiset olisivat ilmoittaneet vetäytyvänsä Ukrainasta. Toistaiseksi se päivä ei ole koittanut, mutta vielä se päivä koittaa.
Aamen. Tuo ryssien touhu on niin vitun turhaa.


SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille

Romanialaisen summausta

Night summary (16.10 at 04.55):

I think it's worth reading and giving a share. To get your week off to a good start:

1. Ukraine. Counter-offensive - Southern Front:

1.1 #Orihiv Axis. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are widening the salient (bag) in this area. They advance towards Novopokrovka (not to be confused with Novopoprikovka), north of Verbove towards Polohy. At the same time in the last few days advances have been observed towards Kopani, west of Robotyne as you see on the map by
Perpetua (find him on Twitter).

Personal Opinion: Even though, as I've said publicly, the counteroffensive has slowed, it has slowed because of the major fortification line (or actually a Complex of fortified defensive lines) the world has seen since WWII against the "second army of the planet".

They not only stopped the Russians, they forced them into trenches and lost (dead, wounded, lost, prisoners, unable to return to the theatre of operations) about 1 million soldiers. I repeat: Ukraine has incapacitated an army of 1 million.

The Ukrainians received less than 4% of NATO's equipment budget in aid, to their value of new equipment. I give you a 2 simple examples of the accounting and catalog difference.

1 x HUMMWV generic, armored, turret with 12.7 mm tactical - M2 0.50 cal (M1113 or M1114 - known as HUMMVEE) has a catalog price of about 265,000 dilars. Its actual price, taking into account book depreciation (from Operation Desert Storm to today) comes to a price about 265,000 times lower. That means it should basically be scrapped.

1 x M113 APC, costs list price about 1 million dollars. Its value today is more museum value, production having ended 16 years ago in 2007.

1 x Ukrainian soldier, well-trained by the desire to defend his family, freedom, country, territories and the right of himself and those around him to choose their own fate is unstable and yet we often forget to give credit to the Ukrainians, who they sacrifice, do not equip and in no way does the budget of NATO or nations suffer.

With all this information at your disposal, can you still say that the Ukrainians have not already achieved wonders? Some can, because they have most likely only seen the war on their phone screen or in movies. So allow me the "arrogance" to tell you the following: A HUMVEE operated by a man who doesn't know what he's doing, doesn't have the will to do what he knows how to do, doesn't have the discipline to do what he needs to do, and doesn't have the morale to propel him internally, has zero impact in the Theater of Operations. But the same HUMVEE operated by someone who has nothing left to lose, with only himself to sacrifice for those around him, transforms a simple 4-wheeled platform with an armed turret into an exceptionally effective machine.

1.2 Bakhmut 2.0:

- AFU continues advances east of Klischiivka. Kholodnyi Yar is there. #Azov 3 is there. They advanced towards Opytne, Ohvriivka and south of the axis into Kurdyumivka.

Personal opinion: the AFU does not want (as a military strategy) to liberate the ruins of Bakhmut. But it wants to keep stationed there, around Soledar-Krasa Hora-Bakhmut about 20-25% of the total Russian military illegally on Ukrainian territory. This tactic is used to thin the lines. The Russians opening a new front in Avdiivka is a mistake I have rarely seen, although I have seen all kinds of nonsense from the Russians in this war.

Already there are enough sources telling us how whole Russian brigades are being moved from the Eastern Front (#Kupyansk-Bakhmut) towards Avdiivka. It is in my opinion a Russian mistake. But let's not interrupt them.

1.3 Avdiivka:

- The Russians have failed to make any further advances in the last 48 hours, with smaller losses though than Wednesday-Thursday, but they are still there and shelling the town. But the tactical objective of encircling #Avdiivka has failed miserably. The losses are huge for the Russians, perhaps the highest so far since 1/3

The fall of 2022 until today.

Personal Opinion: If the Russians continue, this sector will turn into a Russian shredding machine, just like #Bakhmut 1.0 was, where, the Ukrainians even reached a 1:10 casualty ratio (one Ukrainian for every ten Russians), but where over 50,000 Wagner mercenaries fought from prisons. Here, with all the covert mobilization, Putin has NOT managed to strengthen his forces. Most importantly, we have no indicators pointing to a massing of AFU reserves in other sectors of the front, instead the opposite is true of the Russians, which will leave them vulnerable, at least in the Eastern Front.

This attempt at encirclement, looks from the outside more like a political objective. "Let's sell the people on how we're achieving something there in Ukraine, if you're impoverished all the same". Not only does it fail them militarily, but I repeat, the operation, to this point, is devastating for the Russians.

1.4 International Aid:

- I won't go into details, but Ukraine will get at least one more #Patriot system, 2 x #IRIS-T, #NASAM and other air defense for the winter. From spring, many will be used for the counteroffensive campaign where we will have F-16, Ukrainian, Abrams and more home-grown and Western armor.

- #GLSDB or Ground Lauch Small Diameter Bomb. It has been announced that this 150km range capability, which can be launched from HIMARS & family platforms, will be arriving in Ukraine. This means that from a military point of view, the southern communication lines (M-14 Mariupol-Berdiansk-Melitopol-Kherson (when they had it under illegal occupation) is dub artillery interdiction. GLSDB is provided by the US and is a capability in itself, being (unlike Storm Shadow or SCALP EG) to destroy bridges. Including the one you want out of service forever. But that one isn't in range of this capability. YET!
Mariupolissa taas myrkytetty miehittäjiä



SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille

Zelenskin tviitti samasta

I spoke with
and expressed gratitude for Finland's 19th military aid package as well as its active participation in executing the Peace Formula, particularly the "radiation and nuclear safety" item. I informed the President of the continuation of the "Grain From Ukraine" program this year. We also discussed security challenges in the Middle East and frontline developments in Ukraine.
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