Kivujärvi, joka on yksi afrikan suurista järvistä, on potentiaalinen suurkatastrofin aiheuttaja. Järven pohjasta purkautuva metaani ja muut kaasut ovat aiheuttaneet noin tuhannen vuoden välein joukkokuolemia järven ranta-alueilla. Tulevaisuudessa Kivujärven metaanivaroja aiotaan kuitenkin valjastaa hyötykäyttöön.
Train equipment maker CRRC Corp is introducing a fast-charge trolley bus system that trades traditional overhead cables for an energy model that can fully charge a trolley in 30 seconds while passengers are getting on and off.
The company claims that the flash charge supercapacitor is the only one in the world that allows a trolley bus to run for 8 kilometers with 10 seconds of charging.
New trolleys can fully recharge in 30 seconds
Seiväs rakennettiin lopulta karsittuun mäntyyn, johon porattiin tappeja kuten tavalliseenkin heinäseipääseen. Mänty on vielä juurineen maassa. Sunnuntaina rakennettuun, yli 15-metriseen ennätysseipääseen nostettiin kahdeksan pyöröpaalin edestä heinää.
Kylähullun ideasta syntyi maailman korkein heinäseiväs
Most surprisingly, Reich said, the genomes indicate that Denisovans interbred with yet another extinct population of archaic humans that lived in Asia more than 30,000 years ago — one that is neither human nor Neanderthal.
Mystery humans spiced up ancients’ sex lives : Nature News & Comment
Fragments of early human skull and rib were found in Pleistocene era layers in Strashnaya Cave, it was announced today by Professor Andrey Krivoshapkin, head of Archeology and Ethnography at Novosibirsk State University. These are expected to be 'no younger than 50,000 years' old, he said. Another find, dating to at least 35,000 years ago, was a tiny fragment of finger bone - a nail phalange.
Fresh discoveries of ancient man's bone in Altai Mountains cave
As already announced, the Bird’s Nest stadium will be full for all the evening sessions across the nine days, with an audience of 50,000 spectators.
Beijing 2015 one week to go |
Jääkarhut ovat mustia, eikä valkoisia. Kyllä, luit oikein. Jos et usko, niin ota selvää!
No eihän. Jää tuomiopäivä tulematta, jos Pertin nimipäivä poistetaan.Nimipäivää juhlistetaan maailmassa ainoastaan Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. Ei ainoastaan turha tieto vaan myös turha juhla, kun tarkemmin ajattelee.
Ainakin Unkarissa juhlitaan nimipäiviä - jopa synttäreitä enemmän (eihän kukaan tiedä esim. työkavereiden syntymäpäiviä, mutta nimipäivät ovat julkista tietoa.)Nimipäivää juhlistetaan maailmassa ainoastaan Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. Ei ainoastaan turha tieto vaan myös turha juhla, kun tarkemmin ajattelee.
Ok. Mun lähde kertoi muuta Vain kahdessa maassa vietetään nimipäiviä – arvaatko missä? | Yle Uutiset | yle.fiAinakin Unkarissa juhlitaan nimipäiviä - jopa synttäreitä enemmän (eihän kukaan tiedä esim. työkavereiden syntymäpäiviä, mutta nimipäivät ovat julkista tietoa.)
A 180-meter-high and 300-meter-long dangling bridge made of glass opens to tourists at a national-level geological park in Pingjiang county, Central China's Hunan province, on Sept 24, 2015. It is reportedly the first upper-high glass-made dangling bridge in service so far in China.
Most terrifying glass bridge starts swaying for tourists
Ohessa lisää tuoretta juttua aiheesta. Linkki sisältää myös useita kuvia.
Is this the world's oldest secret code?
The disclosure this week on the precise fixing of age of the ancient wooden carved statue known as the Shigir Idol is seen as groundbreaking to our understanding of the pre-historic world.
As first revealed by The Siberian Times, the haunting monument is 11,000 years old, according to leading German scientists. As such, it is more than twice as the age of the Pyramids of Egypt and the Stonehenge monument in the United Kingdom.
Revelations on Shigir Idol 'change our understanding of ancient civilisations'
Mielenkiintoinen paikka, joka kelpaa oikein hyvin turhaksi tiedoksi. Linkissä myös kuvia ja lisää löytyy alta.
Jaw-dropping pictures of Siberian ruins as new royal theory may explain this remote 7th century summer schloss.
FOCUS ON TUVA 3: Was this 1,300-year-old mountain palace built for a tragic Chinese princess?
Mainitaan tähän liittyen turhana tietona, että keskellä Siperiaa sijaitseva vastaava torni, Zotino Tall Tower Observation Facility, on 302 metriä korkea.
It might seem like something from a futuristic sci-fi movie - but an “airphibious” car with vertical lift-off capabilities could be used for military patrols in China.
The new flying car dubbed the “Sai Ling” - Chinese for “swift gazelle” - was created by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) and was displayed earlier this week at the Third China Helicopter Exposition in northern China’s municipality of Tianjin.
Watch: Chinese Military To Patrol In Flying Car - Yahoo News UK
Discovery of blood in creature frozen for 43,000 years is seen as major breakthrough by international team.
EXCLUSIVE: Siberian scientists announce they now have a 'high chance' to clone the woolly mammoth
The dramatic find was made this summer on the remote Lyakhovsky Islands off the northern coastline of the Siberian land mass. The scientists located the remains of six woolly mammoths and well preserved skin at least 10,000 years old - as well as an unexpected discovery of the tusk of a 'pygmy mammoth'.
Currently the skin is being examined at a special laboratory in Yakutsk, capital of Siberia's Sakha Republic, also known as Yakutia, and the discovery is seen as highly significant by Russian and South Korean experts working to bring the hairy creature back to life through cloning.
Head of the expedition Semyon Grigoryev said: 'The skin is especially interesting for the 'Revival of the Mammoth' project. Our Korean colleagues believe that skin is the best material for cloning attempts through finding viable cells. Now we are studying the skin in our new laboratory.'
Woolly mammoth skin found 'well preserved in permafrost' gives new hope for cloning
New analysis of data suggests Earth is actually an early bloomer, and 92 percent of the habitable planets that will ever exist are yet to be born. According to a new theoretical study published on Tuesday in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, only 8 percent of the potentially habitable planets that will ever form in the universe existed when our Solar System was born 4.6 billion years ago.
Scientists believe that there should be currently about 1 billion Earth-sized worlds in the Milky Way, and a good portion of them are likely rocky. That estimate skyrockets when including the other 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Most Earth-like worlds have yet to be born: study
E2015 on ollut suuri vuosi Kiinan ydinvoimalle, mutta ensi vuodesta taitaa tulla vielä suurempi.
Tänä vuonna valmistuneita ydinvoimaloita.
Fangjiashan-2: Commercial Operation Date 12 Feb, 2015.
Yangjiang-2: Commercial Operation Date 05 Jun, 2015.
Ningde-3: Commercial Operation Date 10 Jun, 2015.
Hongyanhe-3: Commercial Operation Date 16 Aug, 2015.
Fuqing-2: Commercial Operation Date 16 Oct, 2015.
Valmistunevat vielä tämän vuoden puolella.
Yangjiang-3: First Grid Connection 18 Oct, 2015.
Changjiang-1: First Criticality Date 12 Oct, 2015.
Fangchenggang-1: First Criticality Date 13 Oct, 2015.
Eli tänä vuonna saattaa hyvinkin valmistua 8 ydinvoimalaa, mutta ensi vuonna saattaa hyvinkin valmistua vielä enemmän voimaloita.
Ensi vuonna todennäköisesti valmistuvat ydinvoimalat.