On kyllä kamalaa aina kun korkea poliisiviranomainen puhuu paskaa. Nyt poliisiylijohtaja Kolehmainen väittää
Iltalehden haastattelussa että "Ei tarvitse mennä kuin naapurimaahan Ruotsiin, niin siellä on tietojeni mukaan 23 no go -areaa. Viranomaiset eivät voi mennä jonnekin alueelle"
Nopealla googlauksella löytyi kuitenkin vaikka The Local SE:n juttu, jossa todetaan:
Are they no-go zones?
Well, not really. This term caught on in international media after it was used by a columnist to label these areas, but police and emergency services have themselves repeatedly rejected it, arguing that these are areas with a higher police presence, if anything. That said, emergency services do often adapt their behaviour, for example by making sure that there is proper back-up, by entering the areas via alternative routes, or by reversing their vehicles into the areas in order to make sure they are able to leave quickly if needed."