Onkohan oikea paikka, mutta Ruotsin armeijan komentaja kenraali Byden kävi viime viikolla vierailulla Washingtonissa, tapasi kollegojaan, mm. USAn aselajien komentajan kenraali Milleyn.
Byden pyysi USAta lähettämään lisää joukkoja Eurooppaan jos tilanne Ukrainassa kiristyy:
"If the conflict between Russia and Ukraine deepens, the United States should send more troops to reinforce its military presence in Europe, the head of Sweden’s armed forces says.
Gen. Micael Bydén, the Swedish supreme commander, spoke to POLITICO Thursday amid a visit to Washington where he met with counterparts including Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff."
Byden pyysi USAta lähettämään lisää joukkoja Eurooppaan jos tilanne Ukrainassa kiristyy:
"If the conflict between Russia and Ukraine deepens, the United States should send more troops to reinforce its military presence in Europe, the head of Sweden’s armed forces says.
Gen. Micael Bydén, the Swedish supreme commander, spoke to POLITICO Thursday amid a visit to Washington where he met with counterparts including Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff."

Swedish commander: U.S. should add troops in Europe if Russia-Ukraine crisis deepens
Biden has all but ruled out sending American forces directly to fight.