- Suosikkijoukkue
- Ässät, Jokerit, Man C, Real Zaragoza
Kai se vapaana ja hengissä on. Joensuussa?
Silloin, kun Teemu sai puoleksi vuodeksi monoa Lapin yliopistosta, niin olin Rovaniemellä ja Lapin yliopistolla varsin usein, lähes joka arkipäivä. Tuli sitten sen episodin jälkeen hänen Youtubetilinsä stalkattua. Haulla löytyy se Youtube-tili vieläkin.
Kiitos tästä, olihan siellä uudempiakin postauksia joukossa. Tajunnan virta jatkuu vahvana, paperille virtaa enemmän tavaraa kuin Anders Behring Breivikiltä konsanaan.
Varsinki Star Trek osio osui silmään. Sekä Teemua että Deanna Troita olisi auttanut foliohatun käyttö, kuten alla olevasta Teemun tekstisä huomataan.
"Star Trek - The Next Generation "The Price": When Devenoni Ral grabs Counceller Troi by the hair, the anti-terrorist right-wing doctrice would label this sexually charged action as sexual harassment. Star Trek saw this as sexual self-realization in a galactic sense, caused by one person with the consent of another. This false interpretation in the contemporary society results from the presumption that the people can only mean harm. Then they just add an example of that, based on the presumption of maliciousness, and in result create a logical fallacy that seems punisheable by law in the West. It is claimed that the terrorists mean harm when they kill masses of civilians. So anyone who disconforms in the society, must mean harm and should be capable of committing a crime against another person and the law. They think that since there are such horrors as terrorism, impossible is good intentions, to be empathetic, to be in socially created mutual interaction, to have good reasons against the state, to be in a legal opposition to any of the prevailing norms. So functions the Finnish law, at least the police and the prosecution. No proof or defence could discredit this belief in that the terrorists mean harm. That's what all defendants are facing, and not what they are literally charged with. Even if all charges were definitely proven incorrect, the prosecution will be allowed to invent another example, that is based on the presumption of maliciousness, and as there allegedly cannot be good proof against endless theories, the judge will, rather sooner than later, degree that the alleged malicious motives prove true the allegations. Nobody under the anti-terrorist regime believes in the benevolence of dissidents. All proof will be devalued by the court in the name of anti-terrorism, and the court functions only as to deem criminal all actions, as they are interpreted only in the malicious context of terrorism. In reality, terrorists do have good reasons against the state, even though their methods are unethical, and anti-terrorism is designed basically just to silence all critics, with or without acts of crime."