"Paul Weston wrote on your blog that Europe will face a civil war by the year 2025,” he said, “but I think he underestimates how soon it will be. Within five to ten years at the most Swedish society will collapse. It can’t be avoided; the Swedish welfare state is simply unsustainable."
"So civil war comes first to Britain, and social collapse comes first to Sweden. What’s in store for the rest of Europe?"
"If this party “New Alliance” gets any influence at all, Denmark is one step closer to the inevitable civil war. Which isn’t a bad thing entirely — the sooner, the better."
"And it is important that they do. We are already at the early stages of a tribal/religious civil war in Britain, courtesy of the immigration and appeasement policies of ALL the political traitor class."
"Fjordman once wrote that the European elites have traded international warfare for civil war at home. The European peoples will not subject themselves to socialist Eurabia indefinitely. The people, betrayed by the actions of their own leadership caste..."
“But the civil war won’t start in Sweden. Sweden is too far gone. I think the civil war will appear first in Britain, which has the second-worst conditions. But the British still have a spirit of resistance.”
"The thought that occurred to me on reading this was, has Paul Weston considered writing on not if Civil War in Europe is inevitable, but if it might be desirable? Mr Weston writes of a possibly inevitable bloodbath on the soil of Europe which, in his words, would make WW2 ‘look like a bun fight’. But, looking at the situation, I begin to wonder if a European civil war would be that bloody, or if having a European civil war would really be so bad."
"Under such circumstances, I begin to think that civil war in Europe and the UK is something to hope for, rather than fear."
"Fjordman and Gaia both felt that Britain will eventually come through the bloody conflict, and finally give up its self-destructive policies, after paying a huge price."
"El Inglés has written about the near inevitability of civil war in Europe, with a particular focus on Denmark. Recent events suggest that the prodromal stage of the coming conflict is already in progress."
"Britain’s security services will not be able to hold back Islamic terrorist attacks forever, and when the next one gets through I fully expect to see indigenous British hotheads take revenge by murdering a Muslim somewhere in Britain or by torching a Mosque. And so will start the long slide into civil war..."
"Malmö in South Sweden will be the first major European city with Muslim majority. A civil war-like situation is developing very fast."
"That doesn’t even apply to the struggle of governments against global Islamic terror, and it sure as hell doesn’t describe what will become reality in a few years: civil war (mainly civilians + avant gardists versus the State, the police-force and the multicultists’ main clients, i.e. Muslims)"
"But the current trend, especially with the looming collapse of the welfare state, is towards some kind of eventual civil war, beginning with minor skirmishes, riots, gang wars, etc., and escalating towards something much nastier if the authorities are unable to contain the violence."
"When such tribal conflict breaks out in Britain (and it certainly cannot be avoided without radical changes to immigration and other policies)..."mi
"Gates of Vienna has raised concerns about internal violence — civil war, leading to genocide — as a possible outcome if Europe’s political leaders do not deal with Islamization through political means."
"Europeans are so oppressed by their elites on the Muslim issue, it is only to be expected that their sentiments in this matter will erupt in unexpected ways. All this makes a European civil war and an anti-foreigners/Muslims eruption a possibility, and the discussion at GoV a necessity."
"Of course, Muslims being Muslims, there will be the usual maniacs who think they can beat the whole of Britain in a civil war and somehow benefit from it. But in reality, the increasingly precarious status of Muslims in Europe, already clearly visible at a psychological level, will only increase massively when real conflict breaks out."
"It is likely that we will get civil wars in several Western countries because of the ongoing mass immigration. This will finally demonstrate how serious the situation is and force other Western nations to act."
"Of course this all presupposes that Western civilization sits still for all this. Already, there is an awful lot of anger out there. I know, I’m one of them. When civil strife bursts out into outright civil war, just how forgiving are those forces of reaction going to be to the architects of this disaster? Not very much, I think; not if they’re smart, anyway —someone who has betrayed you so thoroughly should get no second chances."
"He admits that the demographic collapse of the native white population coupled with mass immigration of uneducated and inassimilable immigrants will lead to civil war."
"Labour politicians responsible for the mass immigration into the UK are Level 3 traitors. It is true that they have not initiated genocide, but the long-term effect of uncontrolled mass immigration from a hostile culture will be the same."
These politicians have put their own people in a terrible situation which may only be “solved” by extreme upheavals and civil war over many years. Their actions would have been less severe had they decided to bring in people from a compatible culture. Instead they elected to import from the most hostile and dangerous culture on the planet: Islam."
"I expect this might be the trigger incident for a civil war or the beginning of serious ethnic cleansing. It might very well lead to a massive uprising, not from Muslims, but from the Dutch."
"So, as I see it, the future for Britain is either Islamic rule or civil war, with the latter more likely."
"I would rank Britain as the Western European country most likely to first get a civil war caused by mass immigration and Multiculturalism. Denmark follows as number two and possibly Holland as number three. Both Belgium and Sweden are pretty bad, but too repressive to be first in line. Germany is too weighed down by her history to be first. This leaves France as a potential dark horse."
"These days the most dystopian reports come from the UK. Britain has recently moved to the head of the queue of nations most likely to descend into anarchy, revolution, civil war, or some combination of all three."
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