Jääkiekko in English

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HAAC started its Liig season good against Sininen. Our coach Andy Little Collision was happy. Only bad thing was our über strenght and HAAC did not make paint on über strenght and we have to improve that. We have some new players like Jonas Little Lake and Tommy Baby Tree. They are really good ice dick players. We also have one human dick in our team, Pepsi-Max Riverstone.

Today we have play against Raumam Lock. They have some good players like Janne Necklace or Willie Waxbay.


Jukurit, sympatiaa muuhun Savoon ja Kaakonkulmalle
Why is there no mention of is new team in lüg next year? To all you outland friends and fuckers know that Mikweather Stubborns was saunaed to lüg and we is the champions and spelling bee at market square next monday. There is Christa Voittopaisto and some rapper and fanboy so please come all. Also maybe is there Michael Alleysheads brother who was there celebrate many days when Stubborns won the Champtis last spring. He was is fan of Urheil and had a Urheil-huppar, but was because Michael Alleyshead was in Stubborns last year and maybe did like Brother-Matthew Calywoman in when playd koohooäl in some shithole in siberia and payed some mans to be friend there.


Red Wings, TPS
Today starts TBC's season too. In HS-Areena (Helsinki Salesmen) TBC will play against Hame's Castle's Ball Club. TBC is again buyed very many good players in the summer. Biggest thing is that two players from old TBC champions teams comed back to Turku. Tomi Rock and Henrik Barn's Der. TBC's bonfire's fuck today will be:

Stufy - Rapidsbeach - Rock
Tiny - Fieldla - Littlehouse
Packla - Perrin (all you foreigner fucks may know him, he winned Stanley Cup!) - Spinach
Backwood - Little Power - Hairy

Barn's Der - Hellozis
Currentrapids - Moor
Vapaamies - Little Woodpecker

Paint guard will be Teemu Trashdriver and Putin's Henchman will open the gate.

There is only one. Our TBC.
Jääkiekko in English is Ice Hockey.

Rookie mistake. Everyone old enough knows that jääkiekko in English is ice disc. Are you native english speaking human? If you are then I can feel your trouble. Because we Finns are much better in English grammar, vocubaluory (meaning words if you don't happen to know) and many other things than natives. This also why only purest form of England language is posted here. Every sentence is double checked in case of the error. This all put together provides the best reading experience a man can qet from ice disc world and liig.


Україна, Lostedt, Ben-Amor
Helsinki Jokers has have had a good start for the ice disc season in KHL. Now we lead series, better than SKA or CSKA. You know Kovalchuk or Radulov? They play there and they get pay much money. This KHL is good league, so kontinental that we must use English language all the time. In mainostising, slogans and all. Bad is that we have to hear the Russian national music so many times and we don't understand words. Can someone turn the words into Finland language maybe?

Soon NHL start and I'm happy. We can see maybe ilmaveiving goal from Granlund. He maybe make hat trick some game with his ilmaveiving goals. And Mike Birch is good, he is the lion captain and our führer now that his brother went pension.
4.11., 7.4. ja pyhä henki
Believings you it?! Sailand's Ball is in Liiga's wire, because they victory against Peter "I give up" Matthewla's KKK. But SaiBa doesn't yet game against Bay's Gametoelccis. Gametoelccis' couch Peter Little Monday-Tuesday Maybe was in SaiBa, but he was too in HAAC eating poop and giving players chainsaw. His arbeitfried is Solitaire minus Ancci Little Grass. Maybe he is relative of Maybe Goldwrist, I think no, because Maybe comes maybe from Turcu, and he is not the Maybe who got kicks from TBC, it was Little Blowjob.

TBC is very much funny. They viewed to public the Mentor's sons' bank numbers and person accounts, because they don't now how to business.

Is much difficult writing England grammar right, because in school is teaching totally wrongly.


HIFK, Crusaders, Lechia
Is much difficult writing England grammar right, because in school is teaching totally wrongly.

No tell school is wrong. I not know England country language if not for that old women. I was in class three and she know how language speak. Not remember the name but she was old. Maybe dead but very much remember. Have said that I think was Ulla.
4.11., 7.4. ja pyhä henki
No tell school is wrong. I not know England country language if not for that old women. I was in class three and she know how language speak. Not remember the name but she was old. Maybe dead but very much remember. Have said that I think was Ulla.

You is borrowing my relay wrongly. Maybe modictators able to repair it.


@sekolust here is englished words of KHL-startingmusic of Russia:

Oh great and great union of committee
Yours born by huge Russia's land
Yours created is people's common willingness
Your mighty is contains behind times

Oh vast and free birthingland
Your honor loudspeakers
Peoples' friendship unbreakadable.
Your ticket is followed
Steps W to W

Russiasong is very fatherlandic and Russia-persons sing voicefull style. They think their Russiacounrty is proudable vaic thei took away Ukraina's land. Batman's enemies has revengeded by kyykytting all Russia-teams. They loosed only to white Russia-team (what is in head-thing a same country but not so nolo).


HIFK, Crusaders, Lechia
You is borrowing my relay wrongly. Maybe modictators able to repair it.

Not understand firtsly what wrong relay to have lend. Now know but not allow do about it. Can you maybe used reporters button and fix.

I likes Russia people and russiasong alot. Country is bad and corruptated but humans are good.
4.11., 7.4. ja pyhä henki
I have cum to that result that Pantzze is drunken too much noblewine and ate too many monks, because when HBC win they don't play like Pantzze wants. Maybe Pantzze is mean like Jabbe the Hut and wants HBC losing moneys and players and fanis and icedisc-matches (not firesticks). When HBC play as so Pantzze wants, they look like Bambis dancing Mc Bomfunks on field and Chandler Island rocks the microphone.


Україна, Lostedt, Ben-Amor
Heräävätkö Tapparan tähdet vihdoin? - 29.09.2015 - Tappara - Pelicans - SM-LIIGA - Otteluennakko - Jatkoaika.com - Kaikki jääkiekosta

For those who can't read Finland language that well. Basically stars at Tammerfors Poleaxe are sleeping. For example Brother-Matt Claywoman and Christian Sprucela are sleeping but young Patrick Wave and Arthur Gladhill is doing okay. The reporter Evelyn Wave does not say why Poleaxe stars sleep, but I sometimes sleep when my Nokia is not ring. Also when I have too much Bear beer I sleep sometimes. Maybe Claywoman has broken Nokia or too much bear? Has any patchbrother seen Claywoman having the bears maybe?

Ti 29.9.2015 Blues - JYP | Jatkoajan keskustelupalsta

Also patchbrother @BLEGI had many new good marketing things for his team Bleg. Here are some best ones maybe.

* Welcome centers to upper places. That way they get many new fans if they don't see for example Gotearth's Ball's games. I like the idea. Africa and asia are hockey countries too. Like Semir Ben Amor has Africa roots, Jokers just played near North Korea and China and people from Bay don't like refugees: good rivalry.

* Michael Bay (not related to Bay city I think) Kai Stub duel. Will be good because they don't skate good. Bay plays on his knees on ice more time than the blades of steel on ice.

* If you watch Square you can play bingo! Ozzy Oredanger can like put disc to the audience at 6:66 and then you can shout bingo if you get bingo.

* 50 euro beer (bear maybe?) and sämpyls with a hot sausage. The poor should squat and look like luurangsmän, the rich get fat and happy.
Heräävätkö Tapparan tähdet vihdoin? - 29.09.2015 - Tappara - Pelicans - SM-LIIGA - Otteluennakko - Jatkoaika.com - Kaikki jääkiekosta

For those who can't read Finland language that well. Basically stars at Tammerfors Poleaxe are sleeping. For example Brother-Matt Claywoman and Christian Sprucela are sleeping but young Patrick Wave and Arthur Gladhill is doing okay...

Very good translation job you did. Foreign england reading audience must be happy. Maybe some N.H.L skouts will even read and see name Patrick Wave. Seven teens years old and banging scores like Tiki Woodpecker'ish or Jari Curry.

Kouvola gay-gays are playing like there is no heaven. But did you know Kouvola is the biggest railwaysation in the world? 85 000 people and they all live in railwaystation, you can believe? They even have ice disk hall in that station. Dont know why but four Kana-dian players also live there. Josh Green is black and orange, leader. Frédéric Cloutier sounds like French bastard, but he eats all ice disks and even more. Ryan O'Connor is offensively defensive d-man and Matt Walkins is left-wing minded striker.
4.11., 7.4. ja pyhä henki
Yes, Walkings is very good wing-minded strike lefter. Mine favourite CooCoo discer is Jarck Little Mali which is a soundensively def skill forwarded and sandwhitch on overpower and underpower.


Tasuno Tasalakki
Kaleva's Ball has played quite well last times. Especially paintguard Eero Shield has been great. I also like Michael Grassland our koutsi, Pekka Stream. And I have to tell it: Now in Kuopio, there is third frozen shirt, that's Sam Captain's shirt. THE #24.


It's alway such a pleasure to see Oulu Weasel's defenceman Lasse Little-Cock pounding the opponent in front of the goal. No matter how little or how big, Lasse can take it with a smile on his face. Sometimes in the heat of the game fisting might also occur between players, from time to time even in groups. Referees don't like fisting so they blow it out and start gently putting players in the penalty box, with the respect of players, of course. Hockey is a game of pleasure and dignity for menly men only.


Now the Liig is on earthteampause because of Cattle-la -tournament.
The last game before pause HAAC lost to Pippelicans of Lahest.
We had a tsäänssi to go to sarjakärki but we couldn't make a paint. Gueststs's coach Petri "Chit" Matikainen was HAAC's former coach and it is always annoying to lose to his tiim.


It is time to upgrade my own thinkings about Weasels' beginning of season. It have had been played one third-part of the serie and in last game we won the Battleaxe with shining gaming. Jessie Poljoo Lake banged the first cage of the match and Battleaxe's great promise Patrick Wave marked a passpoint and almost made a goal in that same situation. It didnt winged them to a win because Weasels did couple goals more and the last nail in the chest was Mike Cape's long goal in the empty goal.

It's good to continue from here to the new difficultys after the landteam-break. Little Cock and Bicyclels invited to the team thougth so those are not get the rest that the rest get.

I whish the Lazareth Of The Weasels would became little emptyer, so much good mans in there. For example Pigs Ass, Youso Icone and in overmentioned 'mbere Battleaxe game hurt Atta Bendigenienan. Atta hurt himself defending our team and that does me feel proudiness on him.

You can find a full trust here on Berryhill's team and gamesystem. That team gonna rise from that thirst place to its regular pike place as the season go on.


JYP ja Dallas Stars
The white smoke has came out of pipe. Jabba the hutt will take a step aside after almost 20 years of storming, sitting in sauna and dicktaking finnish hockey. Harry Mooreus will remain Jabba. But dont worry, jabba will still storm, Mooreus is jabba's puppet and now he can lead longer. The flow will remain same, more teams to liig and more unnecessary games.


Hello you foreigners! Hey, you 17-year olds, get out from our country, fucking escapers! And take Semir Ben-Amor with you! Go, you god damn rappists and terrorists!

Now that all those Syrianish and Iragian terrorists are gone, lets talk about Finnish ice disc Liig. Most talkaded thing right now is the Espoo's Siniset, which is making gongurss and all players are being thrown up from team to other teams. There once was this maggara-miljardör called Jussi Salosditch, you know, he who drives overspeed and spends his miljards to saccos and to buy Jan Caloun and Dale McTavish and houses for Kimi Little Räikkö and all kinds of needless things. When he was giving free money for Siniset, everything was OK. Siniset played in their pretty new ice hall, and all three Siniset fans were watching the team, expect when there was mathematics test next morning in school, then ice hall was completely empty. No matter if Siniset wonned or losted or played like crazy or flegued, or if Siniset advertised games or not, nobody expect those three 14-year old school boys came to watch team anyway, but it was OK becos Jussi was giving money.

Now there is no Jussi, so Siniset have noticed that oops, we have no money, we can not pay players, we must make concurss. Get out you fucking Malmdanger, and you too Candola, and hey, Wet-Simo, get the hell out. But still there is no money, so now they also sayed to team gaptain, Kim Hirstchowitchszx, that you also must get the Espoo out before its too late! Kim Hirtsczhgfwowfvitghjkljhjh then stopped making TV commercials saying "Save Siniset, together we can do it, lets do it please, I will stay here forever" and instead moved to Oulu to get money and mesdaruus. All three Siniset fans sayed "Thank you Kim for leaving the sinking ship like truu gaptains do" and gongurss making can now continue in peace.

So now Oulu Flys have the bestest team in the wordl, and Boy has already been faxed to Oulu. HAAC and Battle Axe still try to play like they have change to win mesdaruus, also Lock and TBC are not yet realized that the season is already over, but other teams have already gived up. Saimaas Ball, the most famulous and bestest team in the wordl, will not win mesdaruus this year, even it is Pexxxxi Little Tirkko's last year and there is Petteri World Champion and Sam Mät-Tahn and Jussi Little Mark and very many good players. Maybe next year Saimaas Ball will again win everything, when the new head coach, Laplandish blue hair singer girl called Sanni will coach team. They have already new slogan, "Our's boys" will change to "We are not we anymore" next year. And if next year is not winning year, then at least in 2080-luwul SaiBa will win.

Thats it, now get out, and if you see those god damnd terrorist landmovers outside the door, throw bacon at them!


Thats it, now get out, and if you see those god damnd terrorist landmovers outside the door, throw bacon at them!

@Bacon what do you think the next happen now?

Good thinkings from FASkid, but I would also add to the Siniset's list one player. He's nevöhöd but no matter, I will pull it out still: Andy Swamppaddle. 18 games, 0+6 his points, and there you see I pulled the paddle out. Let's not also forged Mike Flouwer and Hero Scalewoman. Flouwer once was a good defensive player, don't know how good he's nowadays, but Scalewoman is a promising player from what I've heart. Herd. Heared. Heard.

Interesting to see what will next happen now for them. Concurs smells like teen spirit from Espoo. Well actually I'm currently right here at Helsinki's Raisio, but no matter that too. Think is the most importantest. Remember that when you cry your poor kristmäs presents.


HIFK, Crusaders, Lechia
Thanks you for the insight of the leaging. I used come from Espoo but no live there nowmore. However very interesting to hear what happening on my very love hometown. No thinking that is good what happens in team but very nice see you use letters like å and ö and ä.

Still reading papersnews from home and they just writing article in that those letters hardest for understanding for those not from Finland lanuage. League will not be good if new people in country not able reading hard letters.


KooKoo & Philadelphia Flyers
I hope we all root for our U20-team. I think Sale said it best in the opening ceremony, quoting Finnish natiol anthem:

And when Finland plays ice hockey
It hits every man
Beer to the machine and to Male capercaillie!

There weren't many dry eyes, believe me. You're a gooseface or a Canadian if that doesn't move you at all. CAMABOOM Little Lions!


  • Sale_opening_U20.jpg
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Jukurit, sympatiaa muuhun Savoon ja Kaakonkulmalle
I love how is the everyman hit and shows best in back where is fast our game superspecialist Anthony "Pendo" Littlepenny very much hit and moved to tear.

Go U20 Finland team young lions! Let's just hope that they get back to ice for every discus drop and not be blocked by Maybe Littlelandelevation.
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