Hello hello, I don't knowed why I say hello, I say hello!
Soon is starting new season in Finnish ice disc Liig, like you everybodies must know alredy. But didn't you knowed, that now is Continue-Time also starting write news's in Englands tongue? It is truth, there is one question asking and answering artiggel where somebody asks questions and some Tursk-country paint keeper from HAAC's zunior team answers. And is all in England tongue. Three time hurraa shouts for some reason! Hurraa! Hurraa!
..oh, one more time, Hurraa!
Oops, one Hurraa was too many. Well, anyways, like also is said here, also one former ice disc player, nowadays fitness-hall steroid eater who wants to be like famous Finlandish retard Härcä Mentula, Hannes Gooding, is writing plog in England toung. Hannes is very fluent England speaker, and gives intredasting storyes, like "I want to tell you what really happen 2011 in HIFK (Finland) because there is some crazy stories that i have fight with my team mates, coaches and that i have been acting stupid so team had to fire me." I don't' not want to sboiler, but I do anyway, what hapned was Hannes splitted from hims wife, and that is reason why he goed home from HAAC and let team win whole shit. Very interedasting storyes, go read them you foreign pascapääs!
Also one other intredasting thing is that Jarkko Diamond writted a book, called God Acting. It is becos Jarkko was very good of acting like he losted hes hiding glass or kyykied in front Melart, and becos Jarkko is God. In book, Jarkko exampleyes explains that when HAAC wonned mesdaruus some thousand years ago, the boy was brokened becos Frank the Dinosaur cummed in sauna, looked that Boy was bottom of pool, and sayed "This not good". Then worlds baddest paint keeper Sakke "Uniikki's father" Lindström taked Boy from pool, but dropped it to saunas caacels, and then Jere "Druglord" Karabay throwed Boys pieces in giuas. After that, perhaps Olli "Pumpkinhead" Little River made some sausages with Boy on top giuas, maibe not, Jarkko didn't not tell. No information was given who was Suzki, and who nussied her.
But that is enogh of shitty stories, now to this years' ice disc Liig. There is new team in Liig, famous racist movement KKK has own team now. Most Nostradamus's say KKK will be bottom of Liig, even badder than other Mestis group Vaasa's's Urheil. Also Pori's S-letters are said to be shitty, Vaasa people want to think them shittyer than themselves. All other people agree that both Vaasa and Pori are shit, no matter what is badder than other, they are shit anyway. Maybe also is KKK.
Oulus Stoats will again win everything, but for second place is mysteer. Strange is, that Nostradamuses say Saimaas Ball is secondest or thirdest bestest team in Liig. This has never happened befoor. Saimaas Ball winned almost all practice games, and things look good with team. Normally it means everything will go to shit, so maybe Saimaas Ball will be in bottom with Urheil and S-letters, or maybe they go to final to get silver. Other good teams according Nostras are HAAC, Lock, TBC and Grainville Tractors and Axe. Rest teams are something between good and shit.
Thats it! So looks life in ice disc Liig before start of season! Stay turned! And go read plok of Hannes!