Kyllä Ardennien offensiivissa Tigerit ja Königsit olivat isossa osassa.
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Ja Panther ei ollut "hyvä" se oli vain monimutkaisempi T-34:n kopio. Juuri monimutkaisuus teki siitä Sotkaa heikomman.
Tiger oli itsessään yksi maailman parhaista vaunuista ja Königs Tiger selkeä ykkönen.
Tässä jotain pientä(ensimmäisen haun ensimmäinen sivusto)
"It was in Normandy that the Tiger became famous after the action of the single Tiger commanded by Michael Wittman at Villers-Bocage, when after destroying an entire column of 50 tanks, carriers & half tracks hammered home the awesome power the Tiger bestowed. It became a standard statement by British Tank crews that "if you see a Tiger send five Shermans (M-4's) to meet it and expect to lose four!" So terrified of the Panzer VI that it's effect was nicknamed "Tiger-phobia" & due to this General Montgomery banned all reports on actions that showed it's prowess deeming them "prejudice to morale" This was shown when a Brish soldier remarked that he had seen a Tiger fire for a whole hour unharmed as no British tank was prepared to engage it. Never in tank history has a vehicle held such a psychological advantage over its enemy.
The Tiger crews enjoyed great success in Normandy & France as a static defensive vehicle, a role it was forced to perform due to Allied air superiority. It makes you wonder on the outcome of the landings had the Allied aircraft not had such freedom & the Tigers were given the ability to hunt in packs for which they were designed. The static defense also took away mechanical unreliability from the tanks & conserving valuable fuel without taking away the advantage in firepower"