Monet asiantuntijat ovat sanoneet, että yhdysvaltalaisten äänestäjien enemmistö ei ikinä tule äänestämään Trumpia presidentiksi, vaikka hän republikaanien ehdokas olisikin vaaleissa. Tästä syystä Clintonille olisi lottovoitto, jos Trump voittaisi Rubion. Tosin en minä usko näin käyvän.
Siis kumpaa et usko? Ilmeisesti jälkimmäistä. Niin tuo tässä juuri huvittaakin. "Asiantuntijoiden", jotka ovat olleet totaalipielessä jo viime kesästä lähtien, jatkuva siteeraaminen. No showsta käy, ehdottomasti. Reagan, Reagan, Reagan, Reagan, Reag...
Reagan appeared before a jeering crowd of hecklers in the Bronx; he proclaimed the Vietnam War "a noble cause;" he suggested that both creationism and Darwinism should be taught in schools; he wrongly linked President Carter to the Ku Klux Klan. After Reagan expressed his support for Taiwan, his campaign team sent George Bush to China to reassure Chinese leaders that a Reagan presidency would not bring a wholesale reevaluation of Sino-American relations.
The cumulative effect of these incidents raised questions about Reagan's competency and threatened to derail his strategy of making Carter's record the focus of the campaign. It also played into Carter's strategy of portraying Reagan as an "extremist" who would divide America along racial, religious, and regional lines. But Carter overplayed his hand, denouncing Reagan in such strident terms that even some Democrats were put off by his attack. Meanwhile, the Reagan campaign rebounded.