USA:n kauppakamarin toimitusjohtaja Tom Donohue lyttäsi Trumpin aika huolella tämänpäiväisessä pressissään.
"Donald Trump has undermined our domestic institutions and our ideals. It is for the Vice President, the Cabinet and the Congress to decide whether or not to invoke the 25th Amendment or pursue impeachment or other measures, and we entrust them to use these tools judiciously, if needed, to ensure our nation’s well-being and security."
Varapuheenjohtaja Neil Bradley sanoi, että jotkut lainsäätäjät tulevat menettämään taloudellisen tukensa vaalien jälkeisten tapahtumien vuoksi.
"We will take into account the totality of what candidates and elected officials do, including the actions of last week, and importantly, the actions in the days ahead in determining whether or not we support them. I actually want to be very clear: There are some members, who by their actions, will have forfeited the support of the US Chamber of Commerce. Period. Full Stop."
"Donald Trump has undermined our domestic institutions and our ideals. It is for the Vice President, the Cabinet and the Congress to decide whether or not to invoke the 25th Amendment or pursue impeachment or other measures, and we entrust them to use these tools judiciously, if needed, to ensure our nation’s well-being and security."
Varapuheenjohtaja Neil Bradley sanoi, että jotkut lainsäätäjät tulevat menettämään taloudellisen tukensa vaalien jälkeisten tapahtumien vuoksi.
"We will take into account the totality of what candidates and elected officials do, including the actions of last week, and importantly, the actions in the days ahead in determining whether or not we support them. I actually want to be very clear: There are some members, who by their actions, will have forfeited the support of the US Chamber of Commerce. Period. Full Stop."