Syöttöjäkin on ykkös- ja kakkossyöttöjä. Joskus se kakkossyöttökin on tärkeä, mutta esimerkiksi Wheelerin ykkössyöttöjä on vaikea yliarvostaa. Sen verran ne maalintekoa helpottavat. Joskushan oivaltava syöttö on juuri se juttu, joka luo koko paikan. Toki vaatii, että viimeistelijä osaa homman. Siksi ei hirveästi kannattaisi ainakaan vastakkainasettelua alkaa luomaan näiden toimenpiteiden välille.
Lainaan tuota artikkelia taas. Siina on video kaikista Wheelerin 5-4 ylivoiman ykkossyotoista laineelle jota en voi suoraan linkittaa mutta artikkelissa voit sen katsoa.
"Watching that video of seven of the eight assists though…you’ve got an assist where he fell down and swept it into the slot, two more where the pass was deflected, retrieved by Laine and put away and then a fourth where he gets stick checked and the puck rolls to Laine. I couldn’t get video of the eighth assist but looking at it on, Wheeler gets stick checked and the puck goes to Laine, who beats Maxime Lagace with a wrist shot from 57 feet away."
Kylla noissa tilanteissa sen suurimman vaikutuksen tekee laukoja, joka on tehokkaampi kaukaa ja lahelta kuin kukaan muu.
"For a couple of reasons, I think that the three right shots of Scheifele, Byfuglien and Laine are the real drivers of this unit. Wheeler had never had enormous success at 5-on-4 until he was linked up with those three players. Since moving to Winnipeg, he’s scored 4.3, 3.6, 5.0, 3.1, 4.9 and 7.9 points per 60 minutes of 5-on-4 time. One of these things is not like the other.
Perhaps more tellingly, his numbers in the absence of the Scheifele/Laine/Byfuglien group in a 4F1D weren’t that impressive. With them, he was on the ice for 11.9 GF/60. Without those three in a 4F1D, he was on the ice for 7.0 GF/60. It’s unfortunate but the Jets never seemed to get around to trying other players in the Wheeler spot with Byfuglien/Scheifele/Laine in a 4F1D. If they had, they’d have had some other information to go in deciding how much to pay him."