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SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille
Viimeksi muokattu:


KooKoo, Ässät, KPL, Kiovan Dynamo
Ei kyl välitä Moskova mitä Belgogrodissa tapahtuu
Eikös ne edelliset 70 kapinallista lahdattu saman tien ja niitten Humveet pantu tuhannen päreiksi... venäläisten twitteröitsijöiden mukaan.

Ja mitä tulee Putinin asemaan ja vointiin, niin oli mielestäni huomion arvoista, että kiinalaiset tapasivat viikko sitten Pekingissä Putinin ensimmäisen sijaisen, Mihail Mišustinin, joka harvoin tekee näin korkean tason vierailuja.
Viimeksi muokattu:


käyttää lehväslukkoa logonaan.

Taas kerran voi haista se kuuluisa kaalisoppa näissä venäläisten väitteissä. Mutta jos edes hiemankin pitää paikkansa, niin asiahan on mitä parhain. Hyökkääjä tappaa omiaan, koska taustalla pyörii kokoajan se venäläisten sisäinen valtataistelu. Siksi asiassa voisikin olla jotain perää.


Tuolla Belgorodissa saattaa nyt olla muhimassa jotain paljon isompaa. Väestön keskuudessa tuntuu olevan suurta järkytystä ja ärtymystä siihen, että heitä pommitetaan mutta suuri ja mahtava armeija ei tee mitään suojellakseen kansalaisia. Kansa tuntee siellä jääneensä ihan oman onnensa nojaan. Moskovassa ja Pietarissa joidenkin rajaseutujen ihmisten kohtalo ei tietenkään isosti kiinnosta kun ihmiset haluavat "pysyä erossa politiikasta", mutta kyllä tuollainen tilanne tulee väistämättä vaikuttamaan johonkin, mikäli nuo ukrainalais-venäläiset joukot pääsevät vielä etenemään ja saavat vallattua jonkun vähän isomman alueen tai merkittävämmän kohteen.

Kuten on moneen kertaan sanottu, niin Venäjän kansa haluaa voimakasta johtajaa joka tarjoaa heille turvallisuutta ja suojaa vihollisilta. Tällä hetkellä Putin ei välttämättä pysty enää esiintymään sellaisena, ja voi olla että tilanne lähtee hyvinkin nopeasti vyörymään Putinille tuhoisaan suuntaan.


SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille
H- hetki lähenee. Ukraina on alkanut raivaamaan hyökkäysreittejä miinoista

Sekä SU24M että SU24MR hävittäjät pystyy kantamaan Storm Shadoweja

Donetskin kansantasavallan asukkaat valittaa Putinille, etteivät saa maksuja

Venäjän puolustusministeri lipsautti raportin mobilisaatiosta julkiseksi

koko tekstin käännös

25 May 2023 06:00

(Section) Significant for Russia

(Heading) Outcomes and tasks

In Moscow, on March 27, 2023, the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate (GOMU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation held a meeting with the leadership of the organizational and mobilization directorates of the headquarters of the military districts, the headquarters of the Northern Fleet and the military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Colonel-General Yevgeny BURDINSKY, Chief of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, addressed the participants of the meeting with an analysis of the results of work in 2022 and the setting of long-term tasks .

Mobilization events of this magnitude hasn't been since WWII

In 2022, the personnel of the military commissariats completed an unprecedented amount of tasks. Despite the fact that some of them were carried out for the first time, the tasks were solved on time and with the highest quality.

One of the most important was the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 21, 2022 No. 647 "On the announcement of partial mobilization in the Russian Federation."

There have been no mobilization events of this magnitude since the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Separate mobilization activities were carried out during the preparation of a limited contingent of Soviet troops for entry into Afghanistan in December 1979. Then more than 55,000 citizens were called up from the reserve, more than 100 military units were completed and formed.

During the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, more than 310,000 people were called up for special training for four and a half years on a rotational basis, 88 military units were formed.

The military commissariats, together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, in the course of carrying out measures of partial mobilization, over 300,000 citizens were delivered to the troops and forces. In total, more than 280 military units and divisions have been formed.

I would point out two issues:

- the unpreparedness of a part of society to perform military duty;
- provision of military equipment and deployment of personnel.

At the same time, many volunteers, without waiting for a call, appeared at the military commissariats. And this happened despite unprecedented information pressure, especially from the online blogging community.

In general, the mobilization of human resources in the military districts was carried out in accordance with the developed plans and on time.

In pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, in order to exercise the rights of citizens who have expressed a desire to voluntarily take part in a special military operation, detachments of the country's combat army reserve - Bars - have been formed and staffed with volunteers.

Taking into account the special status of volunteers who are not military personnel, a separate procedure was developed for providing them with small arms, military equipment, clothing, equipment and other materiel.

Subjects of the Russian Federation are involved in providing tactical equipment, sleeping bags and other necessary property. In the last stages, state corporations and private companies joined the work.

In order to build up and maintain the combat potential of groupings of troops and forces at the required level, the reserve units of the General Staff and the commanders of the military districts have been formed and completed (understaffed) with personnel.

In accordance with the decision of the President of the Russian Federation, work has been organized to attract employees of security companies to participate in a special military operation.

In the course of the partial mobilization by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, together with the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, a service has been implemented on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Gosuslugi) that allows citizens to remotely submit applications to military commissariats for enlistment in volunteers or military service under a contract.

Since the implementation of the service, more than 17 thousand citizens in 2022 have voluntarily expressed a desire to take part in a special military operation. Of these, more than 60 percent exercised their right by submitting an application on the State Services portal.

Pilot project and directions of digitalization
A pilot project was implemented to digitalize the activities of the military commissariat of the Odintsovo city district (city districts of Krasnoznamensk and Vlasikha, Moscow Region), during which a unified information environment was created, and the services provided by the military commissariat to citizens were converted into electronic form.
At the expense of the information resources of the Moscow region, an array of information about citizens subject to initial military registration has been collected. His reconciliation with the information on paper in the military commissariats showed a 100% match of the data.

The formed register of conscripts for the Moscow region contains data on 45929 citizens of this category, including 1937 citizens for the Odintsovo military commissariat.
As part of the implementation of the service for "Comprehensive receipt of certificates", more than 2.5 thousand certificates were issued at the request of citizens, which is about 30 percent of the total.

Based on the applications received, changes were made to the records of more than 950 citizens who are registered with the military.

Workplaces of specialist doctors in the military commissariat have access to EMIAS, thanks to which medical staff receive up-to-date information about the health status of recruits in real time.

More than 1,000 requests received electronically from executive authorities in the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction were processed.

In order to reduce paper workflow, intradepartmental correspondence was organized in electronic form in the electronic document management system, more than 2.2 thousand documents were transmitted and received.

A base has been created for 31.6 million people, including 2.9 million citizens of military age.

As part of the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2022 No. 854, together with federal executive authorities, work is underway to create a state information resource containing information about citizens necessary to update military registration documents.

Currently, information has been updated regarding more than 22.9 million citizens registered with the military, supplemented by up-to-date data on identity documents, SNILS, TIN, places of residence, telephones, email addresses.

Obtaining information from the Unified Population Register will make it possible to identify citizens of military age who are required to be, but are not registered with the military, as well as persons who have taken citizenship of the Russian Federation and have not appeared at the military commissariats.

The availability of up-to-date information on mobile phone numbers and e-mail addresses, as well as sending subpoenas through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services will ensure guaranteed notification of recruits.

Issues of preparing citizens for higher education, issuance of certificates to "Chernobyl victims" and incentives for employees of military registration and enlistment offices
The task of preparing citizens for military service in military registration specialties (VUS) in 2022 was completed in full, more precisely, by 100.2 percent. 23827 specialists have been trained.

During 2022, the Central Commission received 178 applications for issuing certificates to participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Applications are 100% completed.

Based on the results of completing tasks in 2022, 382 employees of military commissariats were presented for awards by the command of the military districts and the Northern Fleet. The award material sent to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was implemented in 2022 in relation to 179 employees who received state and departmental awards.

At the same time, work was carried out on additional material incentives for employees of military commissariats. In the fourth quarter of 2022, at the request of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, 5 billion rubles were allocated from the reserve fund of the Government of the Russian Federation. The funds have been transferred in the prescribed manner.

Work in new subjects Russian Federation

In the period from November 10 to December 2, 2022, the commission of the Russian Ministry of Defense carried out work to include the military commissariats of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

An assessment of the main performance indicators of the military registration and enlistment offices of the people's republics of Donbass indicates their readiness to perform tasks as intended. So, from the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic, 79,800 people were called up for mobilization, about 2,000 vehicles were delivered.

Versatile help sponsored military commissariats
In accordance with the instructions of the Chief of the General Staff, the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide methodological, practical and material assistance to sponsored military commissariats.

This is done most actively by the military commissariats of the city of Moscow, the Moscow and Omsk regions, and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Implementation of an individual approach

Participants of a special military operation who have been declared unfit for military service for health reasons, but are able to perform duties that do not require significant physical exertion, and who have expressed a desire to continue military service, are granted such a right by inclusion in military units and organizing military positions personally for each such serviceman. .

This makes it possible to implement an individual approach to determining the further service assignment of these military personnel and a special procedure for military service, as well as to the provision of social benefits and guarantees.

Tasks for the current year

An analysis of the results of our work showed the need for its further improvement in all areas of activity, taking into account the tasks set by the President and Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation during the expanded meeting of the Collegium of the Russian Ministry of Defense on December 21, 2022.

The main task in 2023 is the fulfillment of the assignment for the selection of citizens for military service under the contract, including in registered units, as well as the fulfillment of the norm for conscripting citizens for military service.

In addition, the following tasks have to be solved.

For organizational building Armed Forces
In order to improve the social status and attract qualified specialists, employees of military commissariats should be transferred to the federal state civil service.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the retention in the military commissariats of employees with many years of conscientious work experience in the system of organizational and mobilization bodies.

In 2023, it is necessary to timely provide organizational and staffing support for the formation of combined arms and air armies, an army corps, the Azov naval region, five divisions and 26 brigades, and the creation of the Moscow and Leningrad military districts.

Large-scale tasks to build up the composition of the Armed Forces, increase their strength in 2023, to carry out organizational measures in a short time oblige us to organize manning, deployment, comprehensive support, synchronization of measures with the deadlines for submitting the main types of weapons, military and special equipment and other material resources.

In the course of the current refinement of mobilization planning, it is necessary to ensure the full and high-quality assignment of mobilization resources to newly formed military units.

Maintain up-to-date databases of citizens registered with the military, complexes of automation equipment in military commissariats (municipalities).

Organize interaction with the heads of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, local authorities and organizations for the search and military registration of citizens who are not registered, but are obliged to be registered with the military, including persons who have taken Russian citizenship.

To improve the preparation of military commissariats for the mobilization of human and transport resources under various conditions of the situation, taking into account the experience of partial mobilization.

For this, the preparation plans provide for 863 events of various levels and scales.

As part of the formation of a mobilization manpower reserve, it is necessary to increase the rate of selection of candidates for the reserve from among the retired servicemen who have completed their military service. Pay special attention to citizens who took part in a special military operation, as well as those who applied to the military commissariats and expressed a desire to take part in it as part of volunteer formations. Contracts with them should be concluded on the ground with subsequent assignment to the military units-shapers.

On the recruitment of the Armed Forces personnel and conscription of citizens for military service

The main task defined by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin as "the most important task of national importance" - to ensure, in cooperation with the heads of regions, the unconditional fulfillment of the assignment for the selection of citizens for military service under the contract. The President of Russia, by order Pr-309 dated February 14, 2023, entrusted the coordination and management of the implementation of this task to the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev.

The main efforts should be focused on recruiting new formations and maintaining the staffing level of 95-97 percent for the group of troops with contract soldiers.

This task must be carried out unconditionally.

It is necessary to organize high-quality planning and conscription of citizens for military service.

It is also necessary to ensure the staffing of the Armed Forces with specialists trained in the educational organizations of the DOSAAF of Russia, taking into account the needs of groupings of troops and forces and the activities provided for by the Action Plan of the Russian Ministry of Defense for 2019-2025.

It is necessary to ensure the full implementation of the plan for the preliminary selection of candidates for completing the first courses of universities of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2023.

It is necessary to ensure the qualitative implementation of measures for the mandatory preparation of citizens for military service, including the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission; organization and holding of the Competition among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the best preparation of citizens for military service, organization and conduct of conscription for military service; autumn call for military service.

On digitalization issues activities of military commissariats
In order to unconditionally implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the creation of a state information resource containing information about citizens necessary for updating military registration documents, it is necessary to ensure quarterly updating of the databases of the automated mobilization deployment management system using information coming from the database of the GOMU of the General Staff.

To improve the quality of this work, all Horizon systems delivered to military commissariats in 2023 must be put into operation no later than November 25 of this year.

It is necessary to ensure the daily processing of citizens' applications received through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.

I want to note that the lives of servicemen and volunteers participating in a special military operation depend on the timely and high-quality fulfillment of tasks by us. Please don't forget about it.

Ilmari Ahde

Haukiputaan huorakuoro
Yllättyneet käsi ylös.
Ohhoh, en olisi ikinä uskonut ettei rybyn sana pidä. Kapallinen mätiä pottuja ja muutamaan kertaan sulatettua pakastekalaa kymmenen kilon paali, johan on Donetskissa juhlamieltä ja ilo ylimmillään, hapertunut länsi on taas kateellinen.


Valittajien luvattu maa
H- hetki lähenee. Ukraina on alkanut raivaamaan hyökkäysreittejä miinoista
Kyllä, seuraavien päivien säätilanne näyttää siellä suunnalla lämpöiseltä ja vähäsateiselta. Rauta liikkuu ketterämmin kuivalla maalla. Pari viime päivää on nostanut venäläisten kokemia kalustotappioita. Tämän päivän 7 kappaleen ilmatorjuntajärjestelmän poisto on korkein näkemäni.

Lähteekö rynnistys ihan vielä liikkeelle - epäilen. Ukraina toimii kuin tikka etsiessään toukkaa lahosta puusta. Kun vähän nakuttaa, lähtee toukka liikkeelle ja onkin helpompi saalis.

Yllättyneet käsi ylös.
Donetskin kansantasavalta noudattaa venäläisen perseensuristimen analogiaa: ei ole tasavaltaa, eikä kohta kansaakaan.


TPS, Wild, Avalanche


Jukurit, sympatiaa muuhun Savoon ja Kaakonkulmalle
Transnistrian palautus Moldovalle olisi kyllä mainio seuraus pikkutsaarin erikoisoperaatiosta. Tuo tunkioimperiumin etäpesäke on kuitenkin ollut todella paskamaisesti blokkaamassa Moldovan siirtymistä läntisen sivistyksen piiriin myös virallisesti, minkä lisäksi on toki myös melkoisen häpeällinen tahra Euroopan kartalla. Voi olla että tuon jäätyneen konfliktin sulatusta seuraa melko välitön Moldovan hyppäys länsiyhteisöjen virallisenkin sateenvarjon alle.


TPS, Wild, Avalanche
Transnistrian palautus Moldovalle olisi kyllä mainio seuraus pikkutsaarin erikoisoperaatiosta. Tuo tunkioimperiumin etäpesäke on kuitenkin ollut todella paskamaisesti blokkaamassa Moldovan siirtymistä läntisen sivistyksen piiriin myös virallisesti, minkä lisäksi on toki myös melkoisen häpeällinen tahra Euroopan kartalla. Voi olla että tuon jäätyneen konfliktin sulatusta seuraa melko välitön Moldovan hyppäys länsiyhteisöjen virallisenkin sateenvarjon alle.
Kaliningradin voisi jakaa samalla uudelleen.


KooKoo, KPU, Eno Jets & Jan Lundell
Kaliningradin voisi jakaa samalla uudelleen.

Puskuri-Preussin paluu!

Toivotaan, että kohta tapahtuisi jo isosti. Pohjatyötä on tehty reilusti - perhana kun ei meinaa malttaa odottaa.
Kirjaudu sisään, jos haluat vastata ketjuun. Jos sinulla ei ole vielä käyttäjätunnusta, rekisteröidy nyt! Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy