Näköjän taas yksi juna meni nurin.
Tietyllä tapaa tässä on ensimmäinen vaihe jo saavutettu, kun ei mahdollisuutta aluevaltauksiin enää ole. Tästä jo edellisillä sivuilla olikin juttua. Ennen vastahyökkäyksen painopisteen todellista paljastumista on vaikea ennakoida mihin se kohdistuu, mutta kohtaan kaksi riippuen olen alkanut miettiä, missä tilanteessa olisi mahdollista, että Venäjä joutuisi vetääntymään laajemmin, jopa ilman isompia taisteluja.2. Venäjä lyödään sotilaallisesti niin pahasti, että sillä ei ole enää kykyä jatkaa operaatiotaan. Tappioiden pitää olla niin tuntuvat, että sisäpoliittinen kuohunta pakottaa Putinin troikan luopumaan suunnitelmistaan.
I am a Crimean
On this day (May 18) at 4 in the morning 79 years ago, the mass deportation of my people began.
In our family, only my grandfather and I were born in Crimea. I am from 1998. And he1940, but it is not accurate, because most of the documents were destroyed or lost
Grandfather did not even know the exact date of his birth. His older sisters and brothers said that he was born when the snows started to melt.
That's how they recorded it - on March 1, 1940.
Every year the family welcomed him, and every year he joked about it. An incredible person. Was
My ancestors are wealthy people. They owned large estates in the foothills of the Crimea (Sudak and Stariy Krym). They "transported" this experience and knowledge with them to Central Asia.
Imagine people whose meaning in life was farming and their native land. People from whom absolutely everything was taken away.
No money, no house, no documents, no food, no water, no future because of the stigma of traitors. Only silent prayers in freight cars, in which everyone was driven under the muzzles of machine guns.
And hope to return, not even to them, but to their children or grandchildren.
Yes, with hard work, they were able to make a living where they were not happy. They were able to do more, better, more powerfully.
The great-grandmother talked about how Tajiks and Uzbeks were afraid of the Crimeans, looked askance at them, because the "Soviet apparatus" described them as murderers and marauders with demonic horns
80-90s. The first news about the possibility of returning HOME is beginning to appear. Grandfather went first to "reconnaissance."
At that time, a civil war began in the city where my family lived. A mother with a one-month-old baby (my brother) runs to the plane under fire.
They are selling their estates in Central Asia as soon as possible.
Moving to Crimea. Inflation.
With the money for which they sold their entire farm, upon arriving in Crimea, they were able to buy a pack of butter.
This is the course: life for a pack of butter.
And all over again.
People who look askance at you and consider you traitors, no money, no house, no food, only prayers and a great hope that everything will be fine. Not even with them, but with their children and grandchildren.
There are not a few or dozens of such stories, there are hundreds of thousands of them. It affected EVERY family of the Crimea.
It is important to talk about it. This is important to remember. This is GENOCIDE of my people.
People died in freight cars. It was impossible to bury the bodies. How many? It is unknown.
Interestingly, in the city where I lived, the descendants of those "Soviet law enforcement officers" still live in old and already dilapidated Crimean Tatar houses.
While the Crimeans, who returned only in the 90s, built new ones. Better, more beautiful, more.
I remember how in my childhood, when I was first told about this tragedy, I sometimes imagined at night how strangers with weapons would break into my house, threaten and tell me to gather only documents and things for the first time.
And I, a small child, sobbed with fear imagining it.
Kinshalin suunnittelijat on ilmeisesti laitettu maanpetoksesta kiven sisään, koska suunnittelemansa suristin ei surissut.
Alkuperäinen lähde toki Bild. Eli tieto voi olla paskaa tai olla olemattans.
Juu tuosta on maininta jo tiistailta tässä ketjussa. Siellä lähteenä Moscow Times.
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3 Russian Hypersonic Missile Scientists Jailed for Treason, Colleagues Say - The Moscow Times
Updated to add the Kremlin's reaction.www.themoscowtimes.com
A distress signal by the missile cruiser "Moskva" of the Russian Navy before it became a part of the Marine Ecosystems.
Lidvikoitu = tapettu. Sanassa ei ole mitään epäselvää.1) Ukraina ilmoittaa örkkien tappiot muodossa "likvidoituja", miten se määritellään? En millään usko, että venäläisiä kuolee yli 500 henkilöä per päivä
Rybyjä menee siis ilmoitusten mukaan tasaisesti reilut 500 ukkoa joka päivä. Tuohan on aivan kammottava lukema, mikä tietysti herättää kysymyksiä:
1) Ukraina ilmoittaa örkkien tappiot muodossa "likvidoituja", miten se määritellään? En millään usko, että venäläisiä kuolee yli 500 henkilöä per päivä
Hyvää pohdintaa, tunkiolandian ohjuskampanja on todennäköisesti kusessa:
Residents claimed the death toll in the city was 100,000-120,000 – a figure significantly higher than the official toll of 21,000 given by Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s government. One person said 25% to 30% of their friends and acquaintances had perished.
About 120,000 of Mariupol’s original inhabitants survived and still live in the city. Of those, about 20% supported Ukraine’s armed forces and were waiting for liberation, a resident said. “I think it’s necessary to hang on,” the person explained. The other 80% were divided equally between people who were indifferent to politics, and those who supported Russia and the city’s new administration.
Suomen pääministeri Kaja Kallas ja kaikkea muuta paskaa. Hyvin on perusasiatkin hallussa. Ei noita kenenkään tarvitse edes sanoa tyhmiksi ja idiooteiksi, koska he tekevät sen ihan itse.
Yhdysvaltain puolustusministeriö on arvioinut yläkanttiin Ukrainalle toimitettujen aseiden arvon, uutistoimisto Reuters kertoo lähteisiinsä vedoten.
Reutersille asiasta kertovat yhdysvaltalaiset puolustusviranomaiset ja senaattorin avustaja. Molemmat puhuvat asiasta nimettömästi. Pentagon on yliarvioinut Ukrainalle toimitetun sota-avun arvon noin kolmella miljardilla dollarilla, eli noin 2,9 miljardilla eurolla.
– Havaitsimme epäjohdonmukaisuuksia siinä, kuinka olimme määrittäneet antamamme kaluston arvon, yksi puolustusviranomaisista sanoo.
Kongressi on saamassa tai saanut virhearvioinnista tai laskuvirheestä tiedonannon.
Reutersin lähteiden mukaan tämä avaa mahdollisuuten, että Yhdysvallat voisi toimittaa kongressin jo myöntämillä varoilla kolmen miljardin dollarin edestä lisää aseistusta Ukrainan käyttöön.