"Russia started the conflict with the following advantages; a complete technical advatage in all types of weapons, the presence of a fleet and missile boatsh, the crest do not have a fleet at all, aviation was 10 times higher than the hohols and the machines were much more modern. There were 5 times more tanks, 5 times more artillery, 20 times more ready-made shells, and hohols do not have factories for the production of all this, but we do. In terms of mobilizaition potential, we have 4 times more of them, at least, we have missiles with ability to hit targets throughout their territory, hohols had couple of burst of thunder with a range of 300km. There are simply incomparabaly more air defense systems quantitatively and qualitatively. For the first 3 months hohols were not given nichrome. Only in June they were given 4 HIMARS. And we managed to get f*cked on the entire northern front!!!!. Yes, hohols are higher race than we are. F*ck, who else could stand against such superioty? And now they have modern techonology, we stupidily have no chance, we have T55 went to the front. We are now dying at the front, and Tajiks are coming to our cities, adn Kadyrov calls on the Russians to multiply, that there was someone to milk for money and subsidies. What the hell is this? Yes, let the hohols capture us, they are at least visually similar to us, they are superior race in relation to us, since after the collapse of the USSR, without them, we have come to the point that we are controlled by a Tuvan (Shoigu), and a mountain sheep-fuck makes everyone apologize on video. Its a crash, hohols, we are to wear bloomers, tom kae Ukrainian the state language, i have already oreder an embroiderer shirt on AliExpess. Forgive us, we regognize your superioty, we do not want to be slaves of Chechens and Tuvan, protect us!!!"