Bernie-faneille lukemisen arvoista juttua Economistilta: Bernie Sanders, nominee
Ping @V-G-
Sitkeässä on myytti jostain Suomen kaltaista hyvinvointivaltiota kannattavasta pohjoismaisen järjen äänestä.
Saattaa olla maksumuurin takana eikä taida Helsingin kirjastokaan enää tarjota kyseistä aviisia luettavaksi, joten lainaan tärkeimmät alle.
Eikä tässä vielä edes mainittu sosialistidiktaattorien symppaamisia yms.
Ping @V-G-
Sitkeässä on myytti jostain Suomen kaltaista hyvinvointivaltiota kannattavasta pohjoismaisen järjen äänestä.
Saattaa olla maksumuurin takana eikä taida Helsingin kirjastokaan enää tarjota kyseistä aviisia luettavaksi, joten lainaan tärkeimmät alle.
Economist kirjoitti:It will surprise nobody that we disagree with a self-described democratic socialist over economics, but that is just the start. Because Mr Sanders is so convinced that he is morally right, he has a dangerous tendency to put ends before means. And, in a country where Mr Trump has whipped up politics into a frenzy of loathing, Mr Sanders’s election would feed the hatred.
On economics Mr Sanders is misunderstood. He is not a cuddly Scandinavian social democrat who would let companies do their thing and then tax them to build a better world. Instead, he believes American capitalism is rapacious and needs to be radically weakened. He puts Jeremy Corbyn to shame, proposing to take 20% of the equity of companies and hand it over to workers, to introduce a federal jobs-guarantee and to require companies to qualify for a federal charter obliging them to act for all stakeholders in ways that he could define. On trade, Mr Sanders is at least as hostile to open markets as Mr Trump is. He seeks to double government spending, without being able to show how he would pay for it. When unemployment is at a record low and nominal wages in the bottom quarter of the jobs market are growing by 4.6%, his call for a revolution in the economy is an epically poor prescription for what ails America.
Sometimes even the ends are sacrificed to Mr Sanders’s need to be righteous. Making university cost-free for students is a self-defeating way to alleviate poverty, because most of the subsidy would go to people who are, or will be, relatively wealthy. Decriminalising border-crossing and breaking up Immigration and Customs Enforcement would abdicate one of the state’s first duties. Banning nuclear energy would stand in the way of his goal to create a zero-carbon economy.
When faced with someone who disagrees with him, his instinct is to spot an establishment conspiracy, or to declare that his opponent is confused and will be put straight by one of his political sermons. When asked how he would persuade Congress to eliminate private health insurance (something which 60% of Americans oppose), Mr Sanders replies that he would hold rallies in the states of recalcitrant senators until they relented.
If Mr Sanders becomes the Democratic nominee, America will have to choose in November between a corrupt, divisive, right-wing populist, who scorns the rule of law and the constitution, and a sanctimonious, divisive, left-wing populist, who blames a cabal of billionaires and businesses for everything that is wrong with the world. All this when the country is as peaceful and prosperous as at any time in its history. It is hard to think of a worse choice. Wake up, America! ■
Eikä tässä vielä edes mainittu sosialistidiktaattorien symppaamisia yms.