Some fear for their career because they don’t believe progressive orthodoxies.
Mikäli pitää laajemmin paikkansa niin onhan tuo melko huolestuttavaa. Yli puolet työpaikkatutkimukseen osallistuneista akateemikoista pelkää uransa puolesta jos he sanovat jotain kontroversaalia.
"A white professor read a passage from an interview with a well-known Black public intellectual who mentions the rap group NWA, and because few of the students knew of the group’s work at this late date, the professor parenthetically noted what the initials stand for. None of the Black students batted an eye, according to my correspondent, but a few white students demanded a humiliating public apology."
"One professor committed the sin of “privileging the white male perspective” in giving a lecture on the philosophy of one of the Founding Fathers, even though Frederick Douglass sang that Founder’s praises. The administration tried to make him sit in a “listening circle,” in which his job was to stay silent while students explained how he had hurt them—in other words, a 21st-century-American version of a struggle session straight out of the Cultural Revolution."
Noh eiköhän joku tule kohta kertomaan meille kuinka näitä ei oikeasti tapahdu.