Tosiaan mitään tuomioita ei ole jaeltu vielä, mutta laitetaan nyt tuosta alkuperäisestä jutusta googlen englanniksi kääntämänä muutama lainaus isältä tähän:
"We agreed to look after my grandson, I went for him," says Bartošák's dad. "Before I went there, his wife's father called me to say that Patrik was probably flying again that they were scared."
"I tried to talk him out of it, and it turned out that he grabbed me by the throat, dragged me down the hall, and slammed me against my neighbor's door opposite."
"I warned him that he was responsible for his two children and for his wife, who is after a recent caesarean section, and that he should act accordingly. Do not behave like a cad and walk every day under the influence of addictive substances. I deliberately don't say alcohol. "
"I wouldn't deal with it like this, a parent will do a lot for his children, but ... If I covered for him, tried to cover it up or downplay it, I would be responsible for something worse happening to someone in the future. I don't want that anymore. I don't get it wrong, but it doesn't work out. "
According to Dad, Patrik Bartošák has several physical attacks and escapes. "When he returned from America after attacking his then-girlfriend, he slammed the door at home with me in January 2016," he says. "He also held me by the throat. He attacked my brother, at a family poker pub. To my older brother, and to my younger brother - even at their own wedding, last year. He also had a conflict with his former brother-in-law Radek (Bonk), three or four years ago. It really doesn't go on like this. "
Voihan se totuus olla mitä tahansa, mutta kyllähän tässä nyt maalaillaan aika rankkaa kuvaa toistuvasta väkivaltaisuudesta sukulaisia kohtaan. Ja se, että isä sanoo nykyisen vaimon vanhempien ollen peloissaan, kertoo jotain. Jos isä puhuisi ihan paskaa, olisi erikoista vetää poikansa nykyiset appivanhemmat mukaan tarinaan.