Breeze Harbour
- Suosikkijoukkue
- in Sami we trust
En kirjoita yleensä näin raskasmielisiä tai melankolisia runoja ja eilenkin se vaati oikean mielentilan sekä inspiroitumisen musiikista jota kuuntelin päivän mittaan. Tästä tuli sen verran lyyrinen tapaus että kaipa tästä saisi joskus vielä jonkun biisinkin väännettyä jos sellaisen haluaisi kirjoittaa. Milloinkohan olen viimeksi edes jakanut tähän ketjuun jonkun sellaisen tuoreen runon kokonaisena, jota en ole kirjoittanut suoraan jatkikseen... Varmaan useampi kuukausi sitten.
My Sinking Heart
I'm dragged by an anchor
It's pulling my feet down
I begin to lose my breath
And I think I might drown
When you're out of sight
My chest feels out of place
Everything becomes heavy
This apathy I have to face
And when I can't feel you
I struggle to feel at all
Does it ever get easier
To try manage my rainfall
Well if the ocean calls me
Then don't try to catch me
Cos I could be in too deep
For your echo to find me
And if I sink to the floor
I guess I'll just stay there
Being lost is better than
The sinking feeling when
I can't find you anywhere
So please don't mind me
As my mind falls even lower
My heart feels like Titanic
So can you wake me up when
This losing battle is over
My anchors hit the ground
I think I have finally drowned
As I take my one last breath
I stutter "Where are you now?"
My Sinking Heart
I'm dragged by an anchor
It's pulling my feet down
I begin to lose my breath
And I think I might drown
When you're out of sight
My chest feels out of place
Everything becomes heavy
This apathy I have to face
And when I can't feel you
I struggle to feel at all
Does it ever get easier
To try manage my rainfall
Well if the ocean calls me
Then don't try to catch me
Cos I could be in too deep
For your echo to find me
And if I sink to the floor
I guess I'll just stay there
Being lost is better than
The sinking feeling when
I can't find you anywhere
So please don't mind me
As my mind falls even lower
My heart feels like Titanic
So can you wake me up when
This losing battle is over
My anchors hit the ground
I think I have finally drowned
As I take my one last breath
I stutter "Where are you now?"
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