Toby Dammit
- Suosikkijoukkue
- New Jersey Devils
Tuossa kun tuli joku päivä sitten pohdittua, miten draft toteutetaan, niin The Athleticin juttu vastaa aika moneen esittämääni kysymykseen. Esim. se kuulostaa ihan hyvältä, että jokaisen joukkueen strategiahuoneesta pitää käydä ilmi, mistä joukkueesta on kyse (vrt. NFL:n draft, jossa nähtiin mm. valmentajan koira istuskelemassa läppärin ääressä).
Myös tätä tuli pohdittua aiemmin. Olisin tosin toivonut, että siinä olisi puhuttu siitä, miten eurooppalaisjunnut joutuvat päivystämään aamuyön tunteina koneen ääressä.
"On the first night of the draft, 40 of the top prospects will be outfitted with the at-home camera package and be following along as the selections are made. Once a player’s name is called, that camera will be activated to ensure the immediacy of the event isn’t lost. Overall the league’s plan is to have remote access to about 100 of the top draft-eligible players, which would mean that there will be visuals for roughly three of the seven rounds of the draft.
It’s unlikely that each of those top players will be able to immediately don the jersey of the team that selects them. It’s simply going to be a lot easier and frankly a lot cheaper to send a box of 31 hats representing the NHL teams to top prospects than 31 jerseys even though the image of a Jack Hughes or Connor McDavid or Nathan MacKinnon sliding on his new team’s jersey is an iconic one."
Suosittelen The Athleticin lukijoita lukemaan jutun.
Myös tätä tuli pohdittua aiemmin. Olisin tosin toivonut, että siinä olisi puhuttu siitä, miten eurooppalaisjunnut joutuvat päivystämään aamuyön tunteina koneen ääressä.
"On the first night of the draft, 40 of the top prospects will be outfitted with the at-home camera package and be following along as the selections are made. Once a player’s name is called, that camera will be activated to ensure the immediacy of the event isn’t lost. Overall the league’s plan is to have remote access to about 100 of the top draft-eligible players, which would mean that there will be visuals for roughly three of the seven rounds of the draft.
It’s unlikely that each of those top players will be able to immediately don the jersey of the team that selects them. It’s simply going to be a lot easier and frankly a lot cheaper to send a box of 31 hats representing the NHL teams to top prospects than 31 jerseys even though the image of a Jack Hughes or Connor McDavid or Nathan MacKinnon sliding on his new team’s jersey is an iconic one."
Suosittelen The Athleticin lukijoita lukemaan jutun.

Booing Gary Bettman and more – How a virtual NHL Draft will maintain tradition
An event that annually sees all of the hockey world woven together in one city will now be woven together virtually.