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Naurava Sika

Porin Ässät
"joko minä ja tämä tsikari tullaan, tai sittei tuu kumpikaan."

Tämä on "Rentun ruususta". Irwini pisti siinä aikansa kuluksi muutaman taksin kiertelemään toria siksi aikaa että sai poltettua sikarinsa loppuun. Kun kerran kyydissä ei saanut sikaria poltella. Tositarina, väitti faija joskus.


Pimeä Aitio
"I'm looking at your face and I just wanna smash it. I just wanna fucking smash it with a sledgehammer and squeeze it. You're so pretty."

Kokeillaas helpottaa. Kohtauksessa siis nainen ensiksi sanoo miehelle, että kuinka haluaisi näykkiä miehen poskia ja huulia, koska hänen kasvonsa ovat niin komeat. Tästä sitten mies kehuu vastapalloon naisen kauneutta, mutta lievästi yli. Kyseessä hieman erilainen komedia.


JYP ja maajoukkueet

- Who are you?
- I'm The Boss.
- I thought he was The Boss.
- Why? Do we look alike?
Ensimmäinen lainaus tuntui tutulta, mutta en saanut päähäni leffan nimeä. Tämä helpotus tosiaan auttoi. Kyseessä on siis Lucky Number Slevin.


"If you hit a man, in time his wounds will heal. If you steal from a man, you can replace what you've stolen. But always cross in the green, never in between. Because the honorable Elijah Muhammed Ali floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. And always remember my brother, one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, knick knack, paddy whack, give a dog a bone, two thousand, zero, zero, party, oops! Out of time, my bacon smellin' fine."


1: Aw, hell no. They really went and scraped the bottom of the barrel here, didn't they?
2: Guess they did, considering your ass is here. When are you gonna give Martin Luther King his car back?
1: As soon as you give Rick James his jacket back.


1: Alan, you're acting like I'm going to find him sittin' at work, just, "Hey, kiddo, lost track of time."
2: Wouldn't that be something.


Erilliset saarekkeet
-"Reciprocity." That's a clever name for it. Revenge is a very, very, very dangerous motivation.
-Are you able to handle this operation or not? What I'm looking for here is a simple yes or no.
-What you're looking for is a political mess.
-Yes or no?
-Is that what they want? Because that's what this is.
-They want what every first-term administration wants - a second term.

-Hmmmm... transfer Santiago. Yes, I'm sure you're right. I'm sure that's the thing to do. Wait, I've got a better idea. Let's transfer the whole squad off the base. Let's... On second thought, Windward! Let's transfer the whole Windward Division off the base. John, go on out there and get those boys down off the fence, they're packing their bags. Tom!
-Yes, sir!
-Get me the President on the phone. We're surrendering our position in Cuba!
-Yes, sir.
-Wait a minute, Tom, don't get the President just yet. Maybe we should consider this for a second. Dismissed, Tom

-Make no mistake, Senator. We will hunt down the enemy, we will find the enemy, and we will kill the enemy. And no card-carrying member of the ACLU is more dead set against it than I am. Which is why I urge you - I implore you. Do not consider this as an option.


-Hmmmm... transfer Santiago. Yes, I'm sure you're right. I'm sure that's the thing to do. Wait, I've got a better idea. Let's transfer the whole squad off the base. Let's... On second thought, Windward! Let's transfer the whole Windward Division off the base. John, go on out there and get those boys down off the fence, they're packing their bags. Tom!
-Yes, sir!
-Get me the President on the phone. We're surrendering our position in Cuba!
-Yes, sir.
-Wait a minute, Tom, don't get the President just yet. Maybe we should consider this for a second. Dismissed, Tom

En nyt ole varma että oliko nuo kaikki samasta leffasta, mutta ainakin tämä on Jack Nicholson, jonka roolihahmo juttelee Tom Cruisen hahmon kanssa elokuvassa Kunnian miehiä.
Viimeksi muokattu:


JYP ja maajoukkueet
-Hmmmm... transfer Santiago. Yes, I'm sure you're right. I'm sure that's the thing to do. Wait, I've got a better idea. Let's transfer the whole squad off the base. Let's... On second thought, Windward! Let's transfer the whole Windward Division off the base. John, go on out there and get those boys down off the fence, they're packing their bags. Tom!
-Yes, sir!
-Get me the President on the phone. We're surrendering our position in Cuba!
-Yes, sir.
-Wait a minute, Tom, don't get the President just yet. Maybe we should consider this for a second. Dismissed, Tom
Tämä on Kunnian Miehiä (Few Good Men). Santiago paljasti heti.


Erilliset saarekkeet
En nyt ole varma että onko nämä kaikki samasta leffasta, mutta ainakin tuo keskimmäinen on Jack Nicholson, jonka roolihahmo juttelee Tom Cruisen hahmon kanssa elokuvassa Kunnian miehiä.

unohtui tosiaan laittaa noihin numerot, eri elokuvista on siis kyse


-Make no mistake, Senator. We will hunt down the enemy, we will find the enemy, and we will kill the enemy. And no card-carrying member of the ACLU is more dead set against it than I am. Which is why I urge you - I implore you. Do not consider this as an option.

Bruce Willis vetää tämän lainin upseerina jossakin leffassa missä oli myös Denzel Washington. Elokuvassa armeija tulee pitämään järjestystä Yhdysvaltalaisessa kaupungissa, tai jotain vastaavaa. Nimi ei kyllä tule millään mieleen.


JYP ja maajoukkueet
Bruce Willis vetää tämän lainin upseerina jossakin leffassa missä oli myös Denzel Washington. Elokuvassa armeija tulee pitämään järjestystä Yhdysvaltalaisessa kaupungissa, tai jotain vastaavaa. Nimi ei kyllä tule millään mieleen.
No nyt herätti kelloja! Kyseessä on The Siege (Poikkeustila). Olenhan minä tuon nähnyt ja tuon kuvauksen jälkeen soi kellot kyllä kovaa.

Nick Neim

Tulipahan tänään katsottua tylsänä sunnuntaina pari leffaa. Toisesta oli pakko kaivaa tämä esiin, harvinaisen tottahan tuo on:

"A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes. But you gotta do it right. I mean, you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. Otherwise, you're talking about a half-hour to forty-five minutes worth of digging. And who knows who's gonna come along in that time? Pretty soon, you gotta dig a few more holes. You could be there all fuckin' night."

Nick Neim

Eikös tuo ole Martin Scorsesen Casinosta ja Joe Pescin roolihahmon tilitystä. Loistava leffa!

Tämähän se.

Hävettäähän tuo myöntää, mutta tänään tuli vasta ensimmäistä kertaa kyseinen tekele katsottua. Monta kertaa aikaisemmin ollut tarkoitus katsastaa läpi, mutta aina se on jotenkin jäänyt.. Kehujen arvoinen leffa totta tosiaan.


Men in Blue ja muut oikeudenjakajat
J: "I don't believe this. What's next? Somebody going to tell me how to take a crap?"
[walks into the bathroom]
J: "Hey M!"
M: "Yeah, what!"
J: "I need someone to tell me how to take a crap."

"Every day and in every way, I am getting better, and better."


"Every day and in every way, I am getting better, and better."

Eikös tämä ole Herbert Lomin esittämä Dreyfuss Vaaleanpunaisesta Pantterista (en kyllä enää muista mikä niistä), joka on taas laitettu elämänsä kuntoon mielisairaalassa. Ja sitten tuleekin Clouseau morjestamaan...:):)


Helsingin I.F.K (Rikollislauma) , NP#10 DEFC#16
Eikös tämä ole Herbert Lomin esittämä Dreyfuss

Kyllä on. Koska en tuota toista tiedä, vaikka se muistaakseni on joskus aikaisemminkin ollut täällä, niin laitan oman.

The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn.


The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn.

No kun nyt pistit yhden henk.koht. lemppareistani. Leon ja Jean Reno opettamassa nuorta Mathildaa tappamisen saloihin. Gary Oldmanin psykorooli on leffan kohokohta.


Helsingin I.F.K (Rikollislauma) , NP#10 DEFC#16
No kun nyt pistit yhden henk.koht. lemppareistani. Leon ja Jean Reno opettamassa nuorta Mathildaa tappamisen saloihin

Joo, tämä on niitä leffoja joita tosiaankin jaksaa katsoa uudestaan ja uudestaan. Huvittaa itseänikin, kun on tuossa hyllyssä kolme eri versiota elokuvasta ja katsottu vaikka kuinka monta kertaa, niin aina kun tuo tulee televisiosta meikäläinen katsoo sen jos olen kotona.

Gentlemen, congratulations. You're everything we've come to expect from years of government training. Now please step this way, as we provide you with our final test: an eye exam..


JYP ja maajoukkueet
"If you hit a man, in time his wounds will heal. If you steal from a man, you can replace what you've stolen. But always cross in the green, never in between. Because the honorable Elijah Muhammed Ali floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. And always remember my brother, one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, knick knack, paddy whack, give a dog a bone, two thousand, zero, zero, party, oops! Out of time, my bacon smellin' fine."


1: Aw, hell no. They really went and scraped the bottom of the barrel here, didn't they?
2: Guess they did, considering your ass is here. When are you gonna give Martin Luther King his car back?
1: As soon as you give Rick James his jacket back.


1: Alan, you're acting like I'm going to find him sittin' at work, just, "Hey, kiddo, lost track of time."
2: Wouldn't that be something.

Otetaas näihin vinkkejä, kun ette ole näitä vielä tienneet. Jokainen on siis eri leffasta ja samassa järjestyksessä tulee uusia lainauksia...


1: Either they don't know, don't show, or don't care about being a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood. That's what it's all about. That's what it's all about.
2: The fuck is he talking 'bout?


1: Come on, man. Hook a brother up, please?
2: No. And you're not my brother.
1: Brother from another mother. You ever heard that phrase?


1: The Grid. A digital frontier. I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved through the computer. What did they look like? Ships? motorcycles? Were the circuits like freeways? I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see. And then, one day...
2: You got in.
1: That's right, man. I got in.


Haukat, Ässät
1: The Grid. A digital frontier. I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved through the computer. What did they look like? Ships? motorcycles? Were the circuits like freeways? I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see. And then, one day...
2: You got in.
1: That's right, man. I got in.
No perhana. TRON: Legacy tietenkin.
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