3. -I don't know but I been told...
-No, just down the street the Celinto Catayente Towers. It's quite a fine example, in fact. I recommend that next time you're up that way that you drop in and take a gander at it yourself.
2. -Ten years ago, I was in this bar in Alabama when two dudes started hassling me. That was their first mistake. They pulled knives. That was their second mistake. They didn't know how to use them. That was the last mistake they ever made. I got two 99-year sentences, back to back.
-Seems like you could've pleaded self-defense.
-The dudes were white, man. Just like you..
Oisko toi kakkonen Con Air? En ole varma. Tuttua puhetta vaan.
2. -Ten years ago, I was in this bar in Alabama when two dudes started hassling me.
Aikamoisella varmuudella kyseessä on Pako Alcatrazista. Ainakin sisällöltään aivan samanlainen keskustelu siinä käydään.
What did you just do to me?
- I helped it. Didn't I help it? I just took it back, is all. Awful tired now, boss. Dog tired.
Vihreä Maili?
Man: "Well look who joined the party!!!! Did you have fun?"
Dildo: "Oh, yes I did ! Oh, yes I did !"
Man: "So I guess old Hanky-panky wasn't enough for you, huh ?"
Woman: "It wasn't for me."
B: I'm dying! I'm dying!
J1: Should I call an ambulance?
B: No, not now! No, not tonight, I mean eventually!
M: I live in Manhattan with two men who I love in a very happy ménage à trois.
J2: A what?
M: We all sleep together. A ménage à trois.
J2: I knew wo should never trust the goddamn French.
B: If it wasn't for sexual inadequacy the National Rifle Association would go broke!
B: See? I'm the only one that sees the whole picture. That's what they mean by genius.
A: Oh yeah, well, maybe if we had a billionaire benefactor like Lance Hunt, then we could afford some advertising.
B: I think that's because Lance Hunt is Captain Amazing.
C: Oh, here we go.
A: Oh, don't start that again! Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing doesn't wear glasses.
B: He takes them off when he transforms.
A: That doesn't make any sense. He wouldn't be able to see!
Kokeillaanpa tämänkaltaista vuoropuhelua:
Ettei vaan olisi se Mystery Men jota juuri Leffakerhossa kehuit?
Oikein meni. Ehkä ei olisi pitänyt ensin kehua jotain leffaa Leffaketjussa ja sitten postata siitä lainauksia, taisi olla liian helppo. Leffasta kyllä riittäisi sitaatteja melkoisella syötöllä, sitä voi lainata lähes joka kohtauksesta.
Me kaksi ja Irene ??
Laitan vielä yhden.
- Te olette loistava taktikko, nuori mies!
- Olen vai?
Sepä se. Läh C2 F5. Puolustusvoimain komentaja (Helge Herala) pelasi kansainvälistä kirjeshakkia komentaja Bulgarovia vastaan.Uuno Turhapuro armeijassa. Se joku eversti vai mikä lie pelaa kirjeshakkia ja Uuno löytää taskustaan oman pelinsä vastustajan siirron ja lukee sen. Tämän jälkeen Uunosta ylennetään majuri.
Olisko tämä Labyrinth. Jennifer Connellyn esittämä Sarah älyttää pienen peikko vartijan. Ogle (tjms) peikko, joka kulkee Sarahin matkassa toisteli tuota "Ei oo reilua mantraa melkein koko leffan ajan. Tämä siis ulkomuistista, mutta muutaman kerran olen tuonkin leffan nähnyt.Uskallan kyllä väittää, että olisin tuon ilmankin tunnistanut, vaikka leffan näkemisestä hetki aikaa olikin.
Pistetään uuttakin arvuuteltavaa:
- Okay, let's handle this thing logically. What exactly have you sworn?
- I have sworn with my life's blood, none shall pass this way without my permission!
- Well... May we have your permission?
- Well I, uh... I... that is, uh... hm... Yes?
- That's not fair!
- You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is?
Samasta klassikkoleffasta molemmat.