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HIFK, Buffalo Sabres
"Olin mäkin kerran metsätöissä.. ..muut sahas ja sahas hikihatussa. Mä heitin vaijerin koivun ympärille ja painoin kaasupoljint - se oli halki poikki pinoon. Pitää vähän käyttää hoksottimia, oonhan mä teillekin näyttäny vaikka kuinka monta kertaa, miten kanto lähtee dynamiitilla, hupsista keikkaa.

Pahat pojat, jokke-pappa eli Vesku Loiri asialla.

Mites nämä legendat:

1) "Now go home and get your fuckin shine box"

2) "Son, this is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass"

3) "No matter how big a guy might be, Nicky would take him on. You beat Nicky with fists, he comes back with a bat. You beat him with a knife, he comes back with a gun. And you beat him with a gun, you better kill him, because he'll keep comin' back and back until one of you is dead."

Maple Leaf

HIFK, Toronto Maple Leafs, Pat Quinn -lahko
1) "They was giving me 10,000 watts a day, and, you know, I'm hot to trot. The next woman takes me out is going to light up like a pinball machine and pay off in silver dollars". — Rinksu tunnisti. Jack Nicholsonin roolihahmohan se siinä kuvailee sähköshokkihoitonsa positiivisia puolia elokuvassa "Yksi lensi yli käenpesän".

2) "Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make." — Kourujärven Ponnistus tiesi, missä maailmassa mennään. Hain legendaarisen Bela Lugosin kommenttia susien ulvonnasta "Draculassa".

Sitten onkin tunnistamatta enää tämä klassikkoelokuvan repliikki:

3) "I've arrived at the age where a platonic friendship can be sustained on the highest moral plane."


1) "Now go home and get your fuckin shine box"

Mafiaveljistä lienee tämä.

Pistetääs tämäkin:
-You know what? If I was you, I'd go down there and give those boys a drink. Can't imagine how happy it makes a man to see a woman like you. Just to look at her. And if one of them should pat your behind, just make believe it's nothing. They earned it.


Tyhmät ihmiset ja epähauskat läpät.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world, there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were all ment to shine, as children do. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear. Our presence automatically liberates others."

Vinkkiä: Samuel L. Jackson näyttelee elokuvassa.


JYP ja maajoukkueet
3) "No matter how big a guy might be, Nicky would take him on. You beat Nicky with fists, he comes back with a bat. You beat him with a knife, he comes back with a gun. And you beat him with a gun, you better kill him, because he'll keep comin' back and back until one of you is dead."
Klassikosta Casino. Oli muuten helppo.

Laitetaan pari lisää:

1) It's judgment day, sinners!

2) This is a good one. We don't go out when it rains, this is a real good one. I hope you appreciate this because my business is going down the fucking toilet. I should be in L.A., instead I'm in the Honeymoon Haven motel in Bumblefuck, Missouri because you won't go out when it rains. Mystifying. Fucking mystifying.

3) You look like a bunch of fifth grade sissies after a cat fight! You got anger, that's good you're gonna need it, you got aggression that's even better you're gonna need that, too. But any little two year old child can throw a fit! Football is about controlling that anger, harnessing that aggression into a team effort to achieve perfection!


TPS, Suomalaiset huippuyksilöt
Mistä pätkästä?

"person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."


Mistä pätkästä?

"person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."

Men In Black. Tuossa Tommy Lee Jones selittää Will Smithille, miksi ihmisten ei pitäisi tietää maan päällä kulkevasta muukalaispopulaatiosta.

*edit* laitanpa itsekin yhden helpon klassikon:

Henkilö 1: Is there someone else there we can talk to?

Henkilö 2: No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.
Viimeksi muokattu:


JYP ja maajoukkueet
*edit* laitanpa itsekin yhden helpon klassikon:

Henkilö 1: Is there someone else there we can talk to?

Henkilö 2: No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.
Olitpa valinnut erinomaisesta elokuvasta pätkän. Kyseessähän on toki Monty Pythonin Holy Grail.


A: I'm Baja.
B: Like Mexico?
A: Like my parents smoke too much weed.
Taas helppo, koska tämän muutama viikko sitten katsoin. Avautumisen voi lukea leffaketjusta. Kyseessä siis Never Back Down, yksi elokuvahistorian surkuhupaisimmista tuotoksista.


Taas helppo, koska tämän muutama viikko sitten katsoin. Avautumisen voi lukea leffaketjusta. Kyseessä siis Never Back Down, yksi elokuvahistorian surkuhupaisimmista tuotoksista.

Ite katsoin kolmisen päivää sitten. Sanotaanko näin että tuo "vitsi" oli suurinpiirtein ainoa mitä jäi koko leffasta mieleen.
Mestaruuden jälkeinen krapula 2022-
Helppoa, helppoa.

"Surely you can't be serious."
"I am serious... and don't call me Shirley."

"You'd better tell the captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital."
"A hospital? What is it?"
"It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now."

Maple Leaf

HIFK, Toronto Maple Leafs, Pat Quinn -lahko
Helppoa, helppoa.

"Surely you can't be serious."
"I am serious... and don't call me Shirley."

"You'd better tell the captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital."
"A hospital? What is it?"
"It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now."

"Hei, me lennetään"?


- Are your parents here?
- Yes.
- Good. You take a look at her. Cause once you step on that bus you aint got your mama no more. You got your brothers on the team and you got your daddy. You know who your daddy is, doncha? Gary, if you want to play on this team, you answer me when I ask you who is your daddy? Who's your daddy, Gary? Who's your daddy?
- You.


HPK, AS Roma
Iisi klassikko

- Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal.

--- What happened?

-Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

--- We're sending a squad up.

- Uh, uh... negative, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Large leak, very dangerous.

---Who is this? What's your operating number?

jne. jne.


HIFK, Buffalo Sabres
- Are your parents here?
- Yes.
- Good. You take a look at her. Cause once you step on that bus you aint got your mama no more. You got your brothers on the team and you got your daddy. You know who your daddy is, doncha? Gary, if you want to play on this team, you answer me when I ask you who is your daddy? Who's your daddy, Gary? Who's your daddy?
- You.

En ole ihan satavarma, mutta Remember The Titansissa oli juuri tämän tyyppistä henkeä.

Omista helpoiksi ajattelemistani pätkistä kaksi tunnistettiin melko nopeasti mutta "Fuck it Dude, let's go bowling" puuttuu yllättäen yhä. Mitä vittua, Jatkis?


En ole ihan satavarma, mutta Remember The Titansissa oli juuri tämän tyyppistä henkeä.

Omista helpoiksi ajattelemistani pätkistä kaksi tunnistettiin melko nopeasti mutta "Fuck it Dude, let's go bowling" puuttuu yllättäen yhä. Mitä vittua, Jatkis?
Oikein. Remember the Titansista tuo on.

Ja tämä on helppo... Big Lebowski.


Mimosanherkät Itkupillit ja Setämiehet
- Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal.

--- What happened?

-Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

--- We're sending a squad up.

- Uh, uh... negative, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Large leak, very dangerous.

---Who is this? What's your operating number?

jne. jne.

Star Wars Episode IV: New Hope


Kärpät, Päätalo, Huovinen, Sympathy For The Devil
Gut Johann, Sehr Gut.
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