The Referee shall announce the reason for the assessed “Penalty Shot” and shall have the Player selected by the Team entitled
to take the “Penalty Shot” announced over the Public Address System.
The Referee shall then place the puck on the Center Face-off Spot and the Player taking the “Penalty Shot” will, on the instruction
of the Referee, by blowing their whistle, play the puck from there and shall attempt to score on the Goalkeeper.
The puck must be kept in motion towards the opponent’s Goal Line and once it is shot, the play shall be considered complete.
No goal can be scored on a rebound of any kind (an exception being the puck off the Goal Post or crossbar, then the Goalkeeper
and then directly into the goal), and any time the puck crosses the Goal Line or comes to a complete stop, the “Penalty Shot” shall
be considered complete.
The “lacrosse-like move” whereby the puck is picked up on the blade of the stick and “whipped” into the net shall be permitted pro-
vided the puck is not raised above the height of the shoulders at any time and when released, is not carried higher than the crossbar." (2021-2022 IIHF OFFICIAL RULE BOOK artikla 24.2.)
Liigan säännöissä viitataan IIHF:n sääntökirjaan tässä kohtaa ja lainauksessa alleviivasin kohdan jossa mainitaan että kiekon on oltava kokoajan liikkeessä maaliviivaa kohti. Muita mainintoja asiasta en sääntökirjasta löydä, viisaammat korjatkoon minua.