Tuohon Hong Kongin juttuun liittyen, tällainen tieto oli CNN:n sivuilla:
All three cases of the Omicron variant of coronavirus in Hong Kong have been imported cases, Hong Kong’s Centre for Health Protection (CHP) announced in a statement on Monday.
The first, Case 12388, is a 36-year-old male who arrived in Hong Kong from South Africa on Nov. 11. He is asymptomatic and had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine.
The second, Case 12404, is a 62-year-old male who traveled from Canada to Hong Kong on Nov. 10. The onset of his illness began on Nov. 17 and he had received two doses of the vaccine.
The third, Case 12432, is a 37-year-old male who had transited through Ethiopia and arrived in Hong Kong on Nov. 24. He is asymptomatic and had received two doses of the vaccine.
Eli tuo 62-vuotias on ainoa jolla on oireita. Kaikki kolme on rokotettu kahdesti ja kaksi näistä (36- ja 37-vuotias mies) ovat oireettomia. Australiassa myös kaksi matkustajaa, joilla oli positiivinen testitulos, oli kahdesti rokotettuja ja oireettomia.