Kysyn edelleen, että miksi? Ja nyt kysyn ihan vilpittömästi. Mikä tekee koronatehopotilaasta niin vaikean potilaan, verrattuna esimerkiksi nyt muihin keuhkovammapotilaisiin, että potilaan hoito vaatii noin älyttömän määrän hoitajia? Ja voiko koronatehohoitaja hoitaa saman vuoron aikana muita potilaita?
Koronan tiedetään vahingoittavan keuhkojen lisäksi sydäntä, maksaa, munuaisia sekä aivoja, ruumiinavauksien mukaan.
Kenties tämän takia laitteita ja hoitajia tarvitaan enemmän kuin esimerkiksi kroonisen keuhkokuumeen takia?
Tällaisen kuvauksen löysin:
Phase 3: Vital organs break down
The virus is doing deep damage to the lungs but with the rest of the body beginning to be deprived of oxygen other organs are also starting to deteriorate. The liver, heart, kidneys and intestines are particularly vulnerable.
As they begin to malfunction, their vital role in multiple life-sustaining functions is disrupted.
Many patients experience bouts of diarrhoea as the virus enters the cells of the intestinal tract causing inflammation and a leaky gut lining that can allow intestinal pathogens to escape into the abdominal cavity and reproduce.
The body is poisoning itself.
Phase 4: The final struggle
The immune system increases its response in a desperate attempt to crush the virus.
In a cruel twist this extra effort creates what is known as a cytokine storm when the immune system starts striking out at anything in desperation, attacking healthy tissue as well as the virus it's aiming to defeat.
This can cause blood pressure to plummet and blood vessels to "leak". Blood clots can form alongside a high fever. Acidity of the blood increases, more fluid builds up in the lungs and makes lack of oxygen even worse.
During this phase COVID-19 patients are often diagnosed with brain inflammation causing confusion, seizures and strokes. Similar inflammation is seen in the heart leading to increased incidence of blood clots and heart attack.
At this stage of the disease organs begin to break down leading to catastrophic organ failure. This is how people die."
Eli kyse ei ole hengitystieinfektiosta, vaan koko elimistöön vaikuttavasta infektiosta.