Nyt kun Laihosta ei ole pariin kuukauteen enää aktiivisesti kirjoiteltu mediassa, satuin vilkaisemaan tuolta hautahaku.fi sivustolta oliskiko mies jo saatu laskettua haudan lepoon. Mutta ainakaan tuolta sivulta ei Laihon nimeä löytynyt.
En tiedä millaisella viiveellä nimet tuonne päivittyy, mutta kyllä on surullista jos miestä ei vieläkään ole saatu haudattua :(
Tätä olin tulossa kyselemään itsekin. Asia tuli mieleen, kun käväisin viime viikolla Malmin hautausmaalla (käsittääkseni sinne Laiho piti haudata) ja itsekään en löytänyt mistään tietoa hautaamisesta. Eli ilmeisesti tämä riita on edelleen kesken?
Laihon siskon tuoreen tiedotteen mukaan asiat ovat edelleen ennallaan. Veljeä ei ole vieläkään saatu multiin. Vanhemmat eivät jaksa lähteä oikeuteen. Sovittelua yritetään ja aikaisintaan loppusyksystä voisi hautaus onnistua jos Kim suostuu perheen esittämiin ehtoihin. (Copy paste mukaan jos tulkinnassa virheitä:
Anna Laiho and the family thought it best to explain where we’re at in Alexi’s burial situation.
*This is not private information so fill in and share with people who’ve been asking what’s up if you like.
"It has been 9 months since my beloved brother passed away and the situation regarding his burial is still unresolved
My brother´s biggest mistake from his past (everyone knows who I am talking about) is still actively preventing the burial. She is also actively trying to take Aleksi’s belongings from the death estate (goods that Aleksi bequeathed to our parents). It is important to remember my brother’s legal will states she is to be excluded from his inheritance. Everyday she is causing pain and suffering
to our family. Unfortunately, Finnish law of burial (hautaustoimilaki) allows this person to act like she does; the law is quite simple and certainly
doesn't cover obnoxious and sick scenarios like we're living in.
Last week I was contacted by Finnish parish, authority which is currently holding Aleksi´s urn. They said that if our family wants to bury his ashes honorably, we should take legal actions against the counterparty. But the problem is, that our grieving parents just DO NOT have enough strength to go to court! She has given no consideration, care or empathy that she’s continually forcing grieving elderly parents to fight for their dead child´s ashes!
Furthermore, until today my parents have spent over 10 000 euros on legal counselling after this person from the past showed up with her several
outrageous demands. Our family has tried to settle this with attorneys, so far the results have been zero. Whilst she was in Finland earlier this year for 2 months, we offered her numerous times to visit the urn and have her own memorial with 5 guests of her choosing privately, so we could book a funeral date but … she refused.
Our latest suggestion to this person is that the family burial takes place during September 2021 on an agreed date and then she can spend time with the urn prior to the family funeral.
Once again, We are still waiting for an answer."