Svante kirjoitti:
Region?? What region do you mean? Oulu, Lappland, Finland, the nordic countries, Europe... or?
And who is a star and in what way?
Oh, c'mon, even at the moment there's plenty of Kärppäs in the current World Championships of Hockey and you know it!
You're just bitter towards BitterX because the truth is the chief in your team, the Unholy Pena Matikainen, has always been more interested in fixing his mullet and keeping up appearances than keeping all the quality prospects in your team and you know it!
Kärpät, on the other hand, is led by Juha "Vainio" Junno, and despite letting the current coach "Hooter" Jalonen lead the team more and more towards the colorless, tasteless, fartless way of playing the game (the so-called TPS-hockey), I'm convinced that we will remain on top of the european hockey for centuries to come.
Girls, let me give you an advice. The first one's free. It takes one to know one, so take it from the mouth of a international playboy and a panzergeneral, be careful with Scholl. He seems like a stylish, nice-mannered fella, and likely is like that, but his extreme, competitive personality may lead to a situation where you get too attached to him, and when you have a moment of insecurity he'll dump you for calling him to work to ask what earrings should you wear for the party the same evening, see, he's very absolute with his decisions and makes fast moves and fires workers if they're not bringing him satisfying results in the world of business. That I told you just so you wouldn't get your heart broken.
Therefore you should think of me when you think of someone to invite to visit you, or to meet somewhere around the world, see, I'm a very experienced traveller, not the smartest one of the bunch, but I can lift really heavy things and make you feel safe everywhere we'd go. And yesss, I support Kärpät too.
EDIT: This is in no way a personal attack towards scholl. He's one of the premiere writers of this site, his posts are well-written and his style is unique. However, I have a little conspiracy theory too - maybe all his views in business, women and life in general are just a big bluff, what if he really is a joint-smoking hippie with a SMASHING sense of humour...
WC of
hockey, naturally, my mistake.