Anyone English (or German) speaking here?

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Osmo Rapeli

Kuusijuhla - Sex Festival
Sveitsi kirjoitti:
As we are moving in Juli, Carmen stays in the same city and I'm going to a village which is about 75km away from here, we need indeed some strong men, who can help us. We have both a lot of heavy furnitures, a lot of kitchen things and thousands of books! ;o)

I think I'm in love now. Girls making fun of me means they feel the same, right? I need to get over there ASAP and take some more pseudoephedrine on the way. But can you trust me if I have a swedish car? I better loan a MB then.

Sveitsi kirjoitti:
By the way, where are the other fans? JYP is missing, TPS and Ilves as well. We met no-one who is for SaiPa or Tappara.
Are you to shy? I guess there are fans of those teams, right?

A ja C

Someone here said they don't speak english and they're hillbillies, well, they're partly right, especially on JYP-fans. Some of them do talk english like our rally-drivers, but they don't write into threads like this, they're so often busy milking the cows and being envious towards the better teams, opening angry threads here and fighting people from other towns in back of their local farm market.

People from Turku prefer chatting with each other, usually about their latest shopping on Hennes & Mauritz and about the size of Jasmin Mäntylä's (a famous finnish singer) eyes and which gay guy has she married now.

People from Tampere are usually friendly, but are more interested in mullets, leather vests, beer and Popeda (a very ugly band).

People from Lappeenranta are disappearing as the factories they work at are being moved to China all the time. Better start packing, pal.

I think this was everything you need to know about those towns and teams in the finnish league.


Oulun Kärpät
Golden AWe kirjoitti:
But can you trust me if I have a swedish car? I better loan a MB then.

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih, swedish! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Stay we're you are. We're moving alone, even if we break our back because of the heavy furniture.
Our cars are trimmed to finnish cars and a swedish car is an insult to us and our cars!


Sveitsi kirjoitti:
Hey guys

By the way, where are the other fans? JYP is missing, TPS and Ilves as well. We met no-one who is for SaiPa or Tappara.
Are you to shy? I guess there are fans of those teams, right?

A ja C

I think most of Jyp fans have already girlfriend. There isn't any reindeers in Jyväskylä so most of us took girl instead reindeer.


This is just so hilarious! Two girls from Switzerland asked some information of Finnish hockey clubs and still people manage to "fight" here. I don't say it is wrong, for me it is very good entertaiment. I must apologize that I can't give any information for you guys who live in Switzerland, but I also want to thank you for giving me such good time. As you can see, people in finland are true fans. Good luck for you guys, you are doing fantastic job over there.


Hämeenlinnan Pallokerho
sopuli kirjoitti:
So, you don't believe that girls from Switzerland would write to a Finnish hockey forum?
It's not at all unusual to call girls 'guys', at least in the US.

Osmo Rapeli

Kuusijuhla - Sex Festival
Sveitsi kirjoitti:
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih, swedish! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Stay we're you are. We're moving alone, even if we break our back because of the heavy furniture.
Our cars are trimmed to finnish cars and a swedish car is an insult to us and our cars!

That settles it then. Don't worry, I'm looking for a new car and I was offered a nice Volvo V40 yesterday but now I'll be backing up from the negotiations.

For her pleasure. And her too.

Armoton kirjoitti:
I think most of Jyp fans have already girlfriend. There isn't any reindeers in Jyväskylä so most of us took girl instead reindeer.

That's not a very polite suggestion towards a fan of Kärpät!

Not that I really have anything against beastiality, though.


sopuli kirjoitti:
So, you don't believe that girls from Switzerland would write to a Finnish hockey forum?

I have no reason to think otherwise, I say girls for now on, excuse me my poor english. I have just so used to say guys even when we are talking about girls. These girls idea is fantastic, I'm sure that they're not the only one in Switzerland who likes the way how the finns play hockey.


HPK, Buffalo Bills
Seems like two HPK fans popped in just to have a discussion about linguistics. Shows you that in Hämeenlinna folks have their stomachs full for this season. Having the cup and all.

By the way, did you know that many hockey fans in Finland call the championship trophy "Poika" (=boy)? I find it perverted, I just talk about "Kannu".

palle fontän

morningstar kirjoitti:
By the way, did you know that many hockey fans in Finland call the championship trophy "Poika" (=boy)?

The girls also said that they have trimmed their vehicles. Can you translate this "trimmanneet vehkeitään"? Over and out.

Osmo Rapeli

Kuusijuhla - Sex Festival
morningstar kirjoitti:
By the way, did you know that many hockey fans in Finland call the championship trophy "Poika" (=boy)? I find it perverted, I just talk about "Kannu".

It does sound perverted, as players drink from "the boy", sounds like a golden shower to me.

(Not that there's really anything wrong with that, eh Michael Jackson?)

Master Chief

Jokerit, Manchester United, Denny Crane
Now ladies, if Golden AWe ever makes his way over there, you'll recognize him as the guy who keeps staring at your breasts all the time. He might also wear a raincoat.
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Osmo Rapeli

Kuusijuhla - Sex Festival
Master Chief kirjoitti:
Now ladies, if Golden AWe ever makes his way over there, you'll recognize him as the guy who keeps staring at your breasts all the time. He might also wear a raincoat.

I don't know about the weather but I do love breasts!

Uhm...I mean chicken breasts, cooked in curry on sweet and sour.

("CALL THE POLICE...there's a hairy, naked man behind our window...looks like he's trying to tell us something...")


TPS, Manchester United, Montreal Canadiens
Sveitsi kirjoitti:
By the way, where are the other fans? JYP is missing, TPS and Ilves as well. We met no-one who is for SaiPa or Tappara.
Are you to shy? I guess there are fans of those teams, right?

Hmm indeed it seems there is no TPS fans present here. Maybe the current good state of the club has made them all relaxed and they are enjoying the beautiful sunny Finnish spring ^o) Anyway the shortage was just waiting for banishment. So I'm all yours in any hockey related issue with big pleasure.


HPK, FC Wacker, Punaportin vapaakaupunki
Sveitsi kirjoitti:
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih, swedish! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Typical Swiss anti-tolerating attitude.

Tell you what:

- Swedish cars are the safest in the world and absolutely the best in Nordic conditions.

- I love it, if Finland beats Sweden in hockey (and I would love it if they could beat Sweden in soccer), but I have absolutely nothing against it, if Sweden is succesful. Exactly other way around, the Finns have much to learn from Swedes: for example, about how to be succesful in team-sports.

- Austria is beautiful. Try it once.

- Switzerland is also beautiful. I've tried it.

- Without the great work of Kloten Flyers, Swiss hockey would not in the niveau, it's now - but way below.

- I'm a Finn and tolerate even your untolerating attitude!



Oulun Kärpät
BitterX kirjoitti:
Typical Swiss anti-tolerating attitude.
Belive us, we are not intolerant. What happend to us in Swiss Hockey Stadions, just because we were talking English together. Andrea once had to go to the doctor because she got hurt!

BitterX kirjoitti:
- Swedish cars are the safest in the world and absolutely the best in Nordic conditions.
But they are not the most beautiful. We prefere Nissan like Carmen's Blue or Opel like Andrea's Pikku!

BitterX kirjoitti:
- I love it, if Finland beats Sweden in hockey (and I would love it if they could beat Sweden in soccer), but I have absolutely nothing against it, if Sweden is succesful. Exactly other way around, the Finns have much to learn from Swedes: for example, about how to be succesful in team-sports.
Sorry, we prefer the Finns to win!

BitterX kirjoitti:
- Austria is beautiful. Try it once.

- Switzerland is also beautiful. I've tried it.
They are both beautiful, that's right. But if we had the choice between Switzerland/Austria or Finland. Where do you thing would we live? Yes, Finland!

BitterX kirjoitti:
- Without the great work of Kloten Flyers, Swiss hockey would not in the niveau, it's now - but way below.
We don't say anything to that.

BitterX kirjoitti:
- I'm a Finn and tolerate even your untolerating attitude!
Are you shure, you are a Finn? ;o)

Again, we're not searching a boyfriend. Even not one with reindeers! :D

@Golden AWe
We are good cooks!

Who ever see our cars knows exactly for which country we are.

@all with the "guys"-discussion
We don't have a problem when you call us guys. Our best friends does it all the time. And she knows, that we are women.

We think it's ok to call the trophy pokka. Because our trophy is so uggly that everyone calls it only Schirmständer (=umbrella stand).
You can watch it on: It's the blue one.

Greets from two Swiss-girls


Jokerit - Schalke 04
scholl kirjoitti:
In der Schweiz sollte man eigentlich SM-liiga vergessen und sich nur auf HIFK konzentrieren. IFK ist wie FC Bayern (FC Hollywood). Alle reden nur um IFK. Wenn mann FC Bayern - Stern des Südens -Lied guckt, merkt man, dass es sehr viel gibt, die genauso bei IFK ist. Zum Beispiel:

Sowie die toten Hosen singen:

Was für Eltern muss man haben
Um so verdorben zu sein,
Einen Vertrag zu unterschreiben
Bei diesem Scheißverein??


HPK, FC Wacker, Punaportin vapaakaupunki
Sveitsi kirjoitti:
Belive us, we are not intolerant. What happend to us in Swiss Hockey Stadions, just because we were talking English together. Andrea once had to go to the doctor because she got hurt!

Oh... Are you sure you weren't in Pori? Just joking, even in Pori the most of the fans are quite okay.

Sveitsi kirjoitti:
But they are not the most beautiful. We prefere Nissan like Carmen's Blue or Opel like Andrea's Pikku!

Andrean pikkuinen. Or you can say Andrean pikku-Opel.

Sveitsi kirjoitti:
Sorry, we prefer the Finns to win!

Me too. We would just have something to learn from our dear neighbors from west - so that we could win more often. Well, now we won the Eurovision contest. That was not supposed to be possible before the hell freezes. It's almost as impossible as Finland would once make it to the Football World Cup... buahahahahahah.

Sveitsi kirjoitti:
They are both beautiful, that's right. But if we had the choice between Switzerland/Austria or Finland. Where do you thing would we live? Yes, Finland!

As Finland fans you may know that our ancestors wandered from Siberia to Fenno-Scandinavia. It remains a mystery, why in the hell they stopped there. I have a couple of theories: they arrived on the coasts of Baltic Sea in summer on that only warm day of the year. Or maybe they thought, as they came from Siberia, that it cannot get any nicer and warmer, when it was only -30. On the other hand, our relatives, the Hungarians wandered into the Central Europe: were they the smart ones, and we the dumb ones?

Seriously, because we are the Finns, we like winter. Even in a some freaky way I like it, when the temperature drops below -30.

Sveitsi kirjoitti:
Again, we're not searching a boyfriend. Even not one with reindeers! :D

Why not? Some of them have more money than Swiss cow farmers...

Sveitsi kirjoitti:
@Golden AWe
We are good cooks!

I've heard rumors that GoldenAWe cooks excellent veripalttu and läskisoosi. Are you ready to face it?

Sveitsi kirjoitti:
We think it's ok to call the trophy pokka. Because our trophy is so uggly that everyone calls it only Schirmständer (=umbrella stand).
You can watch it on: It's the blue one.

I think it looks more like IKEA flower vase. Another Swedish quality product.

Osmo Rapeli

Kuusijuhla - Sex Festival
Sveitsi kirjoitti:
Again, we're not searching a boyfriend. Even not one with reindeers! :D

Uhm...I didn't have any secret intentions towards two attractive-sounding girls like you, my intentions are pure, I'm interested of you as persons, as hockey fans, you believe me, right?

I didn't think of you as two Heidis in white stockings and short national Swiss skirt...UFFF!

Sveitsi kirjoitti:
@Golden AWe
We are good cooks!

But can you handle a piece of polar bear?

Sveitsi kirjoitti:
We think it's ok to call the trophy pokka. Because our trophy is so uggly that everyone calls it only Schirmständer (=umbrella stand).

Ha, it's "poika"..."pokka" means "a poker face"...

Hello viewers!


Oulun Kärpät
Hello everybody

We recived today a message from a disappointed member. He wrote, he is disappointed because we didn't use the infos he gave us.

To avoid other "angry" mails, here the explanations to all of you.

1. We are very thankful for all your help!
2. We will use everything which is interesting for us on our website, don't worry.
3. The Homepage we're having now is a free Webpage. The space and number of sites is limited. This is not enough for us and we are writing our own Page (with a Homepage-programm). This new page will be hosted by a friend of us.
4. Today each of us was working around 8 hours at this new homepage. It will be online with beginning of preparation-season, but latest when the new season starts.
5. We're both working and Andrea is also studying at an econmy shool, so our time is limited as well.
6. One of our best friends is going to marry and asked us for help to organize everything.
7. Carmen is hurt and will have an operation at the beginning of June.
8. We are both moving and searching new appartments at the moment. And of course, the movement should also be prepared.

As you can see we have a lot of other (some people say, more important) things to do. But we give our best for the new homepage.
We hope, you understand this and that you will still help us.

Again thank to all of you for your help and support.
Andrea and Carmen

PS: On the new website, we will also have pictures of us. ;o)


Oulun Kärpät
BitterX kirjoitti:
Oh... Are you sure you weren't in Pori? Just joking, even in Pori the most of the fans are quite okay.
Yes, we are shure. We have been to Kreuzlingen and saw Switzerland against Team Canada.

BitterX kirjoitti:
Andrean pikkuinen. Or you can say Andrean pikku-Opel.
My car is named Pikku.

BitterX kirjoitti:
Me too. We would just have something to learn from our dear neighbors from west - so that we could win more often. Well, now we won the Eurovision contest. That was not supposed to be possible before the hell freezes. It's almost as impossible as Finland would once make it to the Football World Cup... buahahahahahah.
I don't think, the Swedens are better then you. But it's like the Swiss. You're getting to nervous when you have to play againt "big nations" and this is why you're loosing.

BitterX kirjoitti:
Seriously, because we are the Finns, we like winter. Even in a some freaky way I like it, when the temperature drops below -30.
-30? Lovely! This nice and warm and "kuschelig". :o)

BitterX kirjoitti:
Why not? Some of them have more money than Swiss cow farmers...
Money is not everything.

BitterX kirjoitti:
I've heard rumors that GoldenAWe cooks excellent veripalttu and läskisoosi. Are you ready to face it?
We are ready to face everything!

BitterX kirjoitti:
I think it looks more like IKEA flower vase. Another Swedish quality product.
That's is a good joke!

Viimeksi muokattu:


Oulun Kärpät
Golden AWe kirjoitti:
Uhm...I didn't have any secret intentions towards two attractive-sounding girls like you, my intentions are pure, I'm interested of you as persons, as hockey fans, you believe me, right?
Good joke! :D

Golden AWe kirjoitti:
I didn't think of you as two Heidis in white stockings and short national Swiss skirt...UFFF!
Uuhm, yeah. Thank god our names are not Heidi. But one of our friends is called Heidi and she would never wear white stockings and short national Swiss skirt. Sorry for you!

Golden AWe kirjoitti:
But can you handle a piece of polar bear?
We never had but we can handle everything.

Golden AWe kirjoitti:
Ha, it's "poika"..."pokka" means "a poker face"...
Uuups, sorry. Our mistake. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase, forgive us!

Greetings from Switzerland
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