Jos ei tämä viestistäsi kaikille selvinnyt, niin mainittakoon, että "points" tarkoittaa nimenomaan prosenttiyksiköitä. Älä kuitenkaan "tietämättömäksi toimittajaksi" Drumia nimittele. Näin ansiokkaasti hän analysoi Hillaryn tappion syitä:
I realize we're all supposed to move on from this, but I blame Bernie Sanders. He started out fine, but after his campaign took off and he realized he could actually win this thing, he turned harshly negative. Over and over, his audience of passionate millennials heard him trash Clinton as a corrupt, warmongering, corporate shill. After he lost, he endorsed Clinton only slowly and grudgingly, and by the time he started campaigning for her with any enthusiasm, it was too late. I understand that Bernie fans want to deny this obvious reality, but honestly, is it any wonder that Clinton lost a big chunk of the millennial vote?