Jahas, löytyi se halpa stuntti vuodeksi siis viimein. Ei ehkä ihan sille pelipaikalle kuin toivoin, mutta löytyypä kerrankin leveyttä edes yhdellä osa-alueella.
Suomessa Biron on jo paikoin ehditty manata tukkeeksi Koskisen NHL-uralle, vaikka Koskinen ei todennäköisesti olisi pelannut yhtään enempää ylhäällä ilman Martyakaan. Aiemmin hankittua Munroeta olisi varmasti pidetty kakkosena ennen Koskista, jonka voi odottaa aikaisintaan vuoden päästä taistelevan tasaväkisesti NHL-paikasta. Nyt tosin tulee tunkua jo Bridgeportinkin maalille, joten sitä kautta Koskisen taival hieman kiharoituu.
Gallof kirjoittaa syistä Bironin hankinnan takana seuraavaa:
"Rick DiPietro is not retiring. He is not being traded. He has not eloped with his wife, and gone to a deserted island to live out his life as a wild man. He is not out next year. He is not even out for half a year.
HOWEVER, there are strong messages to be taken.
Per a source: Garth Snow WAS NOT happy with The Rick last season when he told him that he was fine at the start, and as he sat as backup for games. Instead, he was carrying an injury.
The message is now loud and clear. Be truthful. Because the Isles paid dearly as Rick was not ready and was shut down for the rest of the season come winter.
So as Mr. Fine says he's fine, despite the 2nd surgery in March, Garth is not taking any chances this time. His responsibility is to the team. Something Rick seemed for forget, since he is the member of one as well, despite his ridiculous punchline of a contract.
Let us hope he has learned from the purported mistakes.
The result of last year seems to be that despite Ricky's words that he'll be ready at camp, nobody is buying that bravado. BUT, they are expecting him to play next season, get back to form. At least that is their hope.
Per the source: They also do not expect Rick to even start the season. Perhaps one preseason game, and then eased in depending on how he does and feels. "
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