Venäjä hyökkää Ukrainaan

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Polttavat ruohoa Kertsissä junaradan vieressä

Onkohan siellä joku hippi käynyt kertomassa, että ruohon polttaminen saattaa auttaa sotaväsymykseen? Ja nämä päättivät kokeilla tuotakin…

Höyryjuna toki voisi olla selitys, mutta tuskin sekään tuota on oikeasti aiheuttanut. Jotain outoa on mitä ilmeisimmin taas tapahtunut, mutta itse en kyllä keksi, että mitä.


HIFK, Buli
ISW:n mukaan Ukraina on jatkanut etenemistä Donetskin ja Zaporizzjan raja-alueella sekä Zaporizzjan alueen länsiosissa. Lisäksi Ukrainan joukot etenivät Novoprokopivkasta koilliseen ja itään sekä Verbovesta länteen läntisellä Zaporizzjan alueella.

ISW:n mukaan Ukrainan yleisesikunta ilmoitti joukkojen saavuttaneen määrittelemätöntä menestystä myös Robotynen kylän eteläpuolella.



Niitä droneja on tippunukki useempi Romanian puolelle
Paljon puhuttu, että missä ja milloin Venäjä haastaa Natoa, niin olisiko sitten tuossa? Eli pommittaessaan Ukrainan viljakuljetuksia Tonavan Ukrainan Izmajilin satamassa, niin eivät välitä riskeistä vaan antavat mennä joukkoon vähän ns. takalaittomia Romanian Plaurun puolelle.


SaiPa ja sen vaarallinen YV, Bratislavan taika
Jos NATO:n alueelle "vahingossa" osuminen ei lopu, niin miksei NATO pitäisi "treenejä" vaikka Kaliningradin, tai Syyrian edustalla lähellä venäläisten Latakian laivastotukikohtaa ja tietysti sitten "vahingossa" lähti pari Tomahawkia lapasesta.

Yyyyps, tsori tsiitä.


SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille
Ukraina ei ole usealle Venäjä myönteiselle korkean tason oligarkille tai poliitikolle asettanu sanktioita, vaikka länsimaat on.

At the same time, the SBU hasn’t initiated sanctions against most of Ukraine’s top pro-Russian politicians: out of at least 32 such politicians, only seven became subject to Ukrainian sanctions. The property of only one of them, Viktor Yanukovych, was confiscated.
Among them are the once highly influential ex-head of Yanukovych's presidential administration, Andriy Klyuyev, and former Deputy Secretary of the NSDC, Volodymyr Sivkovich, against whom the U.S. imposed sanctions back in 2015 and 2022, respectively.

After 2014, the Prosecutor General's Office pointed to Klyuyev, Sivkovich, and ex-Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko as the organizers of the police crackdown on anti-government protesters during the EuroMaidan Revolution. In 2023, the State Bureau of Investigation, in cooperation with the SBU, published evidence that Klyuyev and Sivkovich engaged in subversive activities in Ukraine before Russia’s full-scale invasion. According to the investigation, in cooperation with the FSB, the Russian security service, they created a so-called "political office" to recruit influential Ukrainian politicians, high-ranking officials, and law enforcement officers to work in Russia’s interests in Ukraine.

Another notorious former official under the sanctions of the U.S., but not Ukraine, is Klyuyev's ex-deputy Andriy Portnov, infamous for his open support for Russia, denial of the riot police’s killings of EuroMaidan activists, and conflicts with journalists. In December 2021, the U.S. imposed sanctions against Portnov for corrupting Ukrainian courts under the so-called "Magnitsky Act,” a global law that applies to all citizens who violate human rights and freedoms or are involved in corruption.
When asked by StateWatch whether they had initiated sanctions against Portnov, the SBU declined to comment. The agency also refused to address questions on its reluctance to initiate sanctions against pro-Russian top politicians in Ukraine.

According to a StateWatch source in the government, many notorious pro-Russian figures in Ukraine would have been sanctioned a long time ago if the SBU had shared information about the progress of its own terrorism probes into those individuals during the meetings of the cross-government working group on sanctions. But this is not happening.


HIFK, Buli


SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille
Yhden, sanoista päätellen, jossain määrin hyvän venäläisen ajatuksia

"Russians should capitulate. ( explanation to Russians by Russian ) Surrender? We can't surrender.
Explain to me how we can surrender if we have not been attacked? If there is not a single Ukrainian soldier on Russian territory.
They surrender to the occupiers. And the occupiers, they surrender. I suggest that we capitulate, sign an act of surrender and wait for Ukraine to say, "You guys are owed so many trillions of dollars.
You have caused us so much damage, you have to pay for it and only in this way it will be a century of shame

Putin has destroyed not only 30 years that were before this development but also a good century of our children's lives because we our children and maybe even our grandchildren will pay reparations for what was done by Ukraine we occupied 18 percent of Ukraine we sowed these 18 percent with bombs mines shells, corpses, trenches. We dug it all up. We destroyed their towns and villages. We made eight million men, women, leave them. They all left with moral deep traumas for which we too will have to pay. Refugees from Ukraine are afraid of fireworks. They are afraid of airplanes. They just see an airplane in the sky and they're twitching because they're scared. This is a huge moral trauma that we've inflicted on at least tens of millions of people.

And it's going to cost us a fantastic amount of money. So yes, we are, I'm not suggesting, we are obliged to surrender. We are obliged to surrender, we have no other option, none at all. The longer we continue this stupid pointless war, the more payoffs we condemn our own children to. It's an absolute lose-lose situation. There is nothing we can do in this situation. We don't have the strength to advance 2 kilometers. 18% of the territory of Ukraine, yes, we captured Britskrieg, but out of these 18% of the territory, somewhere half, let's say 10% of these 18% were captured Crimea and Donbass. That is actually this military operation gave us about 10 percent of additional territory of Ukraine. But we will not be able to move a kilometer further, you know? We can't reach Slavyansk for 500 days. This war is lost. I'm not saying that I want us to reach Slavyansk. That's insane. I want us now to just put down all the weapons we have and run away with minimal losses. Now that would be ideal, but there is no other option.

Either we're going to shove people into the furnace of war by the hundreds of thousands every year, or even millions if you seriously look at it that way. Because Putin is scared. If he loses this war, he will be tried, he will be executed, everything will be taken away from his children, and it will be a disgrace. Basically, Putin will be the Hitler of the 21st century as it is now. The same meme that Hitler was in the 20th century. Putin will be the same in the 21st century. He betrayed us, he deceived us. And the best thing we can do now is to silently flee Ukraine as fast as possible. This is the ideal option.

But, unfortunately, there is no person who can organize this whole thing. So yes, I propose to capitulate. It's the option that will save our lives. If you watch this video from 2026, you'll realize how right I was in 2023. It's now you're thinking, ahhh, traitor, he's undermining morality, etc. But when Putin dies, and he will, grandpa is 70 years old by the way. When Putin dies, all this war will fall apart. And we will learn such terrible facts about this war that we will just scream with horror at night. What our soldiers have done there. It's going to be a disaster, what we've done. Just look at Germany, it's exactly the same thing. The people there for decades were just terrified, they were not able to realize what they had done under such a fine leadership. We're going to have the same thing. We've done everything the same. We just mirrored the whole history of Nazi Germany onto ourselves. That's it. Did you get that? If you have any questions, ask."


SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille
Myös venäläiset on kirjotellu mielipiteitään vaalilippuihin

RUSSIANS PROTEST PUTIN'S FAKE ELECTIONS!When russia tries to hold its fake elections in occupied territories, people resist this in many ways - one such way was to write protests on the ballot papers themselves.Now such protests have started appearing in russia!Here are translations of some such protests, written on the ballot papers themselves...
> Russia Wake Up - No War! Putin is a murderer!
> It's not an election. It's all lies. (In russian, the word election is the same as 'choices' - so the sentence is a play on words).
> In one paper, instead of the given choices, the voted added a new choice... 'Independent Bashkortostan (a russian republic)!'
> Election without choice (a play on words, again)! EDRO (Putin's party) to the dustbin. Freedom to all the political prisoners!
> No War. A tribunal for Putin!> Stop the war! (with abuse).
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