Since the Pope continues to make very strange statements regarding Ukraine and Ukrainians, I have decided to take the initiative and humbly offer the Holy See a few ideas for statements that would be far more appropriate for the head of the Catholic Church during the deadliest war in Europe since World War II: 1. Russia and Russians must immediately stop this slaughter against innocent Ukrainians, renounce war, and repent for their numerous crimes. 2. The war to annihilate Ukraine is monstrous, criminal, and senseless. There is no justification for this madness, no matter how much deceitful preachers of hatred and savage cruelty try to excuse it. This war not only sends an unimaginable number of Russians to die for nothing, but it also forces Ukrainians—who are defending their land with weapons in hand and who also want to live and find joy in life—to sacrifice their lives. 3. Killing Ukrainians for blood money from a mad dictator is the gravest sin. God sees everything—the destruction of entire cities, mass graves, beheadings, torture, the endless flood of lies, and the executions of prisoners. Blood money from this inhumane and criminal war will bring neither happiness nor prosperity—it will end in death and damnation. 4. Russians must no longer be the spineless slaves of their czar, who has completely lost both conscience and reason in his wretched thirst for power and is committing unimaginable crimes against the world and, in particular, against Russia itself. He revels in bloodshed and violence, takes pleasure in suffering and destruction, sends thousands to meaningless deaths every day to feed his wounded ego, and exudes decay, animalistic hatred, pathological deceit, and malice. Russia has suffered a terrifying moral degradation under the rule of this madman. Russians must finally wake up, be horrified by the crimes committed against their Ukrainian neighbors, and save their own country and themselves, rather than demanding that Ukrainians meekly perish in an execution pit and allow everything they love in this world to be destroyed. I don’t seem to see such messages from the Holy See and the Vicar of Christ on Earth very often, but I certainly wish I did.