You know what continues to fascinate me? No, not that
#Russia is now jailing dedushkas who bullshitted and fantasised. I'm fascinated by how many of us bought the idea that
#Russia is capable of creating smth that no one else has. At least in the USSR, there was some sort of ideology, Khruschev didn't have villas in Monaco or apartments in Chelsea and that money was indeed spent on smth of value. Modern day
#Russia is a kleptocratic state where each general has to -- shall I say maintain -- Masha, Dasha, Sasha and many others. Masha, Dasha, Sasha each need at least two Alma bags which means that the general must have at least 30K to get access to their precious roses. What science, what technology, what are we even talking about? Masha, Dasha, Sasha need to go Buddha Bar in Monte Carlo. And I haven't even mentioned the wife, the children, the relatives, and all the other whor#s that he keeps secret in order to avoid the Masha, Dasha, Sasha's competitive wrath. It's costly, you know.I'm surprised that those
#Kinzhal missiles even exist.
#Russia is one big comedy with elements of evil on steroids. Let's eliminate the evil elements and it'll remain comedic only.