How to watch Sopcast on your Xbox.
Submitted by: Emerica On Oct 22 2005
Approved by: Emerica On Oct 22 2005
Trying out Sopcast? Want to watch Sopcast streams on your Xbox? Its pretty simple if you have the right setup. This will take you through the process.
Theres a few things that make this whole process alot simpler and in some cases, possible.
The first is a router, if you dont have a router you, will have to rig 2 network cards in your pc. One for your internet and one for a local network. Get a router, much simpler.
The second need would be a moddified Xbox, or even a MythTv box, or other mms stream capable machine
For this quick guide I'm just going to be sticking to the Xbox, and I'm going to assume you allready have a installation of Xbox Media Center installed. If you don't, a google search for xbmc should get you started.
Creating the playlist
Xbmc needs a playlist to load the sopcast stream from. When you are watching a stream in sopcast you are watching a local stream, which means if other devices on the network can watch them if the ports are not blocked. So we make a playlist which loads the sopcast stream from your computers address.
Create a new blank text file called sopcast.m3u and add the following lines to it.
#EXTINF:- 1,
Make sure to change YOUR_COMPUTER_IP to the ip address of the computer that is running the Sopcast client.
Once you have completed this, upload the file to a directory on the Xbox that is accessable from within Xbmc, there is also a playlist directory made for them.
Start streaming the channel you would like to watch in Sopcast. The client will usually automatically launch a media player, If you do not want to watch the stream on the computer you can close the media player and Sopcast will continue to get the stream.
Head over to your Xbox and locate the playlist within Xbmc and start streaming!