Tässä muuten vielä mielenkiintoista tarinaa AC Milanin omistajasta. Tekstin löysin alunperin FutisForumilta, mutta linkataan samat asiat.
So I'm going to come at this #ESL thing w/ a slightly different tilt bc of one of the players involved. That man is Paul Singer and he and Elliot Management are the new owners of AC Milan. If you think this isn't right out of his playbook, you don't know Paul.
Argentina defaulted on its sovereign debt.
Elliott bought Arg bonds for pennies on the dollar.
Singer refuses to accept a buy out and sues a country that can't feed his people to pay the full value of the bonds (plus atty costs/fees) which is over $2B USD.
Singer sues Arg and wins in US and UK courts.
Singer starts claiming Arg property.
The reason Singer knew this would work is bc he'd already done the same thing to Peru and won something like 400% profit from his original investment.
Then he won again vs Argentina, and then he moved over to the African continent (so you know this only gets more insidious)
Singer picks up some defaulted debt from Rep of Congo for @ $10M and sued for $400M+ (ended up w/ $127M).
So these countries are jumping through hoops and austerity measures req'd by World Bank and IMF to get debt relief and Singer rides in and essentially nicks $$ meant for pesky things like schools and roads.