Tämmöinen teksti tuli vastaan:
Forget a gracious acceptance of the will of the electorate. I reckon we're in for a rocky ride over the next 11 weeks until Joe Biden will, in all likelihood, be sworn in as the 46th president.
My certainty that Trump will continue to strike out as his presidency enters its death throes is rooted in his own words to me over the past three decades, in his speeches and especially in his book, Think Big, in which he declares that his life philosophy is a single word: revenge.
Over 16 pages, Trump describes his desire to commit violence against those who challenge him.
He writes that what gives him pleasure is destroying the life of anyone who refuses his demands.
He focuses on one Trump Organisation executive who, for ethical reasons, declined to place a telephone call. He describes her firing, her divorce, business failure and eviction from her home and his increasing pleasure at each stage of her worsening misery.
'If you don't get even you are just a schmuck!' Trump wrote. 'I really mean it, too.'
Kukakohan laittaa Donaldin väkivaltafantasiat täytäntöön? Kenraali Donald itse, jolla ei ole mitään ymmärrystä asiasta? Tämän Trumpin kauden ajan yksiä positiivisia mainintoja on ollut se, ettei hän ole sotia aloittanut. No, vielä ehtii muuttaa tätä.