janes.com ja globalsecurity.org - joilta kummaltakin tulee sähköposteja ja linkkejä minulle - eivät vielä ole käsitelleet Malaysian Airlinesin lentoa MH17 kuin hyvin vähän, janes.com oikeastaan hyvin mitättömästi ja olettaisin syynä olevan sen, että halutaan välttyä liiallisilta spekuloinneilta.
globalsecurity.org on muutamin kirjoituksin käsitellyt tapahtunutta mutta lähinnä nämäkin kirjoitukset ovat olleet eri tahojen lausuntojen käsittelyä ja esille tuomista esim. Obaman lausunnot asian tiimoilta, Ukrainan presidentti Poroshenkon lausunto ja sitten viranomaisten lausunnot tapahtuneesta eli niissä ei periaatteessa ole mitään sellaista, jota ei julkisuudessa jossain muotoa ole käsitelty. Poimitaan kuitenkin pari havaintoa globalsecurity.org:n kautta:
"Social media postings on Twitter and the Russian site VKontakte that were attributed to Igor Strelkov, a Russian citizen who is a top insurgent leader, claimed that insurgents had shot down the An-26 at around the same time that the Malaysian airliner went down.
The VKontakte posting, which also included video showing smoke rising purportedly from the fields outside the village of Torez, was posted at 5:50 p.m. Moscow time, and read:
'In the vicinity of Torez, an An-26 was just shot down, falling somewhere in the vicinity of the Progress coal mine. We warned them about this: Don't fly over 'our skies.' And here is video confirmation of the latest 'bird strike.' The bird fell near the slagheap, the residential district was not struck. No civilians suffered. There's also information about a second downed plane, apparently a [Sukhoi].'
The posting was later removed from the VKontakte page."" (globalsecurity.org).
Paikallisten lausuntoja:
"'I was working in the field on my tractor when I heard the sound of a plane and then a bang and shots. Then I saw the plane hit the ground and break in two. There was thick black smoke,' one witness, who gave his name only as Vladimir, was quoted as saying.
A separatist rebel from the nearby village of Krasnyi Luch who gave his name only as Sergei said: 'From my balcony I saw a plane begin to descend from a great height and then heard two explosions." (globalsecurity.org).
Venäläisten separatisteille antamaan apuun liittyen kontra-amiraali John Kirby:
"Although it's unclear who is helping separatists fighting in Ukraine and how much help is being provided, there are no indications that Russia has stopped its support, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said today.
During a Pentagon news conference, Kirby discussed the need for Russia to de-escalate tensions in Ukraine and its potential involvement in yesterday's crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.
"We see no hint that Russian support for the separatists has ceased," he said. "In fact, we believe that Russia continues to provide them with heavy weapons and other military equipment -- financing as well," the admiral said. "They continue to allow these Russian fighters to enter Ukraine freely." Some tanks and personnel vehicles have made their way across the border, he added.
"It has been a steady, concerted campaign by Russia's military to continue to support, resource [and] advise these separatists," he said." (globalsecurity.org).
Lausunnon päiväys on 18. heinäkuuta ja tuolloin Pentagonissa arvellaan, että tuki jatkuu edelleen ja se pitää sisällään myös raskasta kalustoa ja muuta varustusta.
MH17:n alas ampumisesta kontra-amiraali John Kirby lausuu seuraavaa samaisena päivänä (18.7.2014):
"Kirby noted while there isn't specific evidence that an SA-11 surface-to-air missile crossed the border into Ukraine, "we're not ruling anything in or out at this point."
"The missile itself, the SA-11, which is the one we believe was used to down Flight 17, is a sophisticated piece of technology," he said. "It strains credulity to think that [the separatists] could do this without some measure of Russian support and assistance."
The admiral said "we want to let investigators do their work" to discern whether assistance includes Russian troops going across the border to act side by side with separatists to train and advise them." (globalsecurity.org).
Venäläisjoukkojen asemista rajaseudulla kontra-amiraali John Kirby (18.7.2014):
"Kirby also said he was unaware of any major changes to Russian military presence in the region.
"It's roughly still about 10,000 to 12,000," he said. "And it fluctuates a little bit from week to week, but the point is that it has been, over time, a steady increase of these combined arms tactical battalions across the border on the Russian side, but to the southeast of Ukraine.
"And they are close to the border -- in many cases, closer than those forces who were more aligned right on the east," he added. Tens of thousands were along the eastern border with Ukraine, he said, but not as close as these units appear to be.
The Russian military presence is further escalating tension, he said, and while it's difficult to know what the intent is, the numbers growing week by week." (globalsecurity.org).
Eli nyt venäläisjoukot olisi sijoitettu lähelle rajaa kaakkois-Ukrainan vastaiselle rajalle, määrän ollessa max. 12 000 sotilasta ja määrä kasvaa viikko viikolta.
Tässä nyt lähinnä MH17 liittyvää tietoa (havaintoja) sekä kontra-amiraali John Kirbyn lausuntoja tapahtuneesta sekä venäläisjoukkojen asemasta maiden vastaisella rajaseudulla ja juuri tällä hetkellä "avainpisteissä" eli Ukrainan kaakkoiskulman kohdilla, vasten aluetta joka on vielä separatistien hallinnassa.