-Madagascar 3 tuottaa tuohta kunnolla: "Currently the highest-grossing DreamWorks Animation title of all time internationally is Shrek Forever After, which racked up $513.9M. With holidays in the UK, Germany, and other markets continuing to perform well with Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted, the title is well on its way to become the highest-grossing DreamWorks Animation title of all time internationally. Madagascar 3 crossed the $500 million overseas box office mark on Tuesday, bringing its international cume to $500.5M, which passed Kung Fu Panda 2 to become the 2nd highest-grossing DreamWorks Animation title of all time internationally."
-The Late Show With David Letterman vedettiin maanantaina ja tiistaina läpi ilman yleisöä.
-Gleen Grant Austin nähdään useassa jaksossa 90210-sarjan viidennellä kaudella, myös Ryan Lochte (!), Nelly Furtado, Carly Rae Jepsen ja Taio Cruz vierailevat tällä kaudella kyseisessä sarjassa.
-Jeopardy ja Wheel of Fortune (Onnenpyörä) jatkuvat ainakin vuoteen 2016 asti.
-NBC:n Communityn neljäs kausi alkaa helmikuun seitsemäntenä päivänä, kauden piti alunperin alkaa jo lokakuun 19 mutta NBC päätti toisin viime hetkillä. The Biggest Loserin uusi kausi alkaa kaksiosaisena tammikuuden 6. ja 7. päivä.
-Smashin toinen kausi alkaa helmikuun viidentenä päivänä, jenkkien julkkis-diili alkaa puolestaan maaliskuun kolmantena päivänä.
-Star Wars elokuvia nähdään tulevaisuudessa lisää: "Disney has just confirmed that it has agreed to acquire George Lucas‘ Lucasfilm Ltd, and that includes rights to the Star Wars franchise that will now continue on. The companies have targeted a 2015 release for Star Wars: Episode 7, with Episode 8 and Episode 9 to follow as the the long-term plan is to release a new feature every two or three years. The last Star Wars movie release was 2005’s Revenge Of The Sith – and we believe there’s substantial pent-up demand, Disney said. The deal also includes rights to the Indiana Jones franchise."
-AMC on tilannut Hell on Wheelsin kolmannen, kymmenen-osaisen kauden.
-Mitt Romney kertoi TV Guide Magazinelle tv ja elokuva tottumuksistaan;
TV Guide Magazine: What are your favorite current TV shows?
Romney: My favorite shows are Modern Family, Justified, 30 Rock and NCIS. And although it recently ended, I've really enjoyed Friday Night Lights.
TV Guide Magazine: And Ann Romney's favorite?
Romney: Ann loves Modern Family too — it's our favorite show to watch together.
TV Guide Magazine: What is your favorite feature film?
Romney: My favorite movie is O Brother, Where Art Thou?
TV Guide Magazine: Do you remember the first film you and Ann watched together?
Romney: Our very first date was back in 1965, when we went to a small movie theater in Birmingham, Michigan, to watch The Sound of Music.
TV Guide Magazine: What classic TV series do you have the fondest childhood memories of watching?
Romney: Growing up, I loved TV shows about the Old West, like Gunsmoke, Have Gun, Will Travel, and The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp.